Request a Session with Nathan

NATHAN:  I have acquired and integrated a breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding in psychology, critical thinking, the Trivium (the first three of the liberal arts), Hermeticism, philosophy, and natural law. I’m able to help clients solve difficult situations that originate within their unconscious and subconscious mental patterns through the use of Socratic dialogue and other relevant tools to both accurately diagnose and remedy the root causes of their problems. If other coaches are a hammer or screwdriver, you could consider me a mental surgeon capable of using my expertise like a scalpel to precisely and accurately help you to cut through and clean out the wounds that have been limiting you from reaching your full potential. The work I do is therefore nuanced, precise, and detailed, incorporating various domains and disciplines into each session.

THE UNITY PROCESS:  I’ve created an integrative methodology called the Unity Process, which combines natural law, metaphysics, the Trivium method, Socratic questioning, Jungian shadow work, and meridian tapping—into an easy to use system that allows people to process their emotional upsets, work through trauma, correct poor thinking, discover meaning, set healthy boundaries, and refine their viewpoints.

MY VISION is to empower my clients to process their emotional upsets, so that they can understand why they are creating their life as they are, in order to transform their thought patterns and grow into powerful, co-creative beings.  I feel that it is necessary to turn one’s thinking inwards upon itself in self-reflection, in order to deepen their self-knowledge and understanding of themselves, which changes how they interact in all of their relationships, personal and professional.

IDEAL CLIENTS: The Unity Process works best with clients when they already have a process oriented focus (as opposed to an outcome oriented focus), since in sessions we’re consistently keeping our attention on the next logical step in the process and not getting ahead of ourselves and missing key steps that could then in turn produce more true, reasonable, and sustainable outcomes. When people focus too heavily on outcomes, it’s probable that they’re emotionally attached to a particular result, likely working backwards from their desired outcome using rationalizations, and will therefore miss out on the key causes, steps, nuances, and details that could permanently resolve their problem. An outcome oriented focus tends to lead to short term gains that give the appearance of results but lack long term sustainability, while a process oriented focus tends to lead to long term gains that aren’t only sustainable, but can be built upon with future growth.

SESSIONS: My session packages use Telegram video calls, and I am able to work through a wide range of varying topics, where I work the Unity Process with you, to discover and alter your core limiting beliefs and relationship patterns. While working with you, I deal with many of the issues that are holding you back and causing you pain, such as childhood trauma, sexual abuse, rape, emotional abuse, self-sabotage, relationship troubles, finding a partner, connecting to yourself, shadow work, improved critical thinking, business problems, and anima/animus work (the cooperation between the masculine and feminine aspects within you). In our sessions together, we’ll be able to discover and understand the underlying messages and needs communicated by your situation, to discover the limiting thought patterns responsible for your current life experiences, so that you can resolve and correct them, and experience new results in your life.

PRICING: Each session costs 200 EUR, with a minimum of five sessions to begin working with me, with individual sessions purchased from there on out. There is a 75 EUR discount for a five session package (925 EUR) and a 200 EUR discount for a ten session package (1800 EUR). You can pay with a credit or bank card via PayPal, or pay via cryptocurrency HERE.

*Please note, all sales are final, I do not give refunds. Please make sure that you are fully committed to this process and are ready to invest the money, time, and emotional vulnerability into a session package prior to entering into an agreement with me, which is consummated by your paying for my services.

Please fill out the contact form below to schedule a free 20 minute consultation.

