The TRUTH about Bank Privacy

The Bank Secrecy Act in America flipped the burden of proof and created a “moral gray area” where people were now considered “guilty until proven innocent”, evidenced by the banks now tracking financial data on all transactions $10,000 and above (see the video at the bottom of the article). That gray area eventually became so large that all government intrusion via regulation now tracks every single transaction that we make, […] Read more »

Nasty Trick: The Appeal to Hypocrisy Logical Fallacy

Here’s an example of a nasty trick used AGAIN and AGAIN in mainstream arguments by those attempting to justify their own (or somebody or something they are supporting’s) poor actions, poor storytelling, and any other poor use of logic—the appeal to hypocrisy logical fallacy. As a reminder, a logical fallacy is a deceptive use of logic that substitutes a deceptive argument in place of logic, as the word “fallacy” comes […] Read more »

The Logical Fallacies Used Against Anybody Who Dares Speak Up Against Identity Politics

I wrote this based on reflecting on the way a bunch of ideologues are defending themselves and Disney Star Wars with logical fallacies, and also attacking others for standing in the truth, with even more logical fallacies. The word “fallacy” comes from the Latin root “fallere”, which means “to deceive”, therefore a logical fallacy is a logical deception/lie; when somebody has poor logic, they are lying first to themselves, and […] Read more »

Has the YouTube Content Creator ‘Star Wars Theory’ Changed?

I love the integrity and principled approach to ‘Star Wars Theory’s’ content. The one thing I think most people miss is that the underlying worldview and philosophy of George Lucas’s Star Wars was inverted 180 degrees by Disney’s Star Wars after their purchase of the intellectual property, as it went from the Logocentric monomyth (Hero’s Journey), aka the search for meaning and purpose, to a deconstructionist and postmodern approach of […] Read more »


The following videos were made by a fan of Star Wars as a means of countering the senseless deconstructions of Star Wars characters and lore by Disney. It was a way for him to connect with the spirit that George Lucas infused into the original Star Wars mythology, and to continue on his legacy. If Disney would rather gaslight and divide the fans with woke politics, then this is a […] Read more »

Simpin for the Man

Simp: “Someone who does way too much for a person they like.” ~Urban Dictionary Simpin… I see a lot of it, and I mean a LOT of it, when it comes to those who love defending their brands, celebrities, groups they identify with, ideologies, and politics. There’s no amount of mental gymnastics they won’t do, and word salad they won’t produce, to try and identify with, and therefore get the perceived rewards from, […] Read more »

Identicide: Hollywood’s Attack on Western Identity

Lucasfilm, and other companies who own the rights to culturally significant intellectual properties such as Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Dr Who, Ghostbusters, James Bond, and many others, are not only infusing wokeness into them, they’re Postmodernists deconstructing the properties and assassinating the character of the beloved icons under their care. Disney in particular, via Lucasfilm and Marvel, has been using a bait and switch […] Read more »

The Unmaking of Star Wars: Why Progressives Killed It and How

The Progressive attack on Star Wars destroyed the character of the male Luke “Skywalker”, who comes from the lineage of good, and retroactively replaced him with a female Rey “Skywalker”, who comes from the lineage of evil. They took the struggles of a simple farm boy who could inspire us to greatness, and replaced it with a perfect know it all without any struggles to replace Han Solo and Luke […] Read more »

Almost Every Major Franchise is Compromised

“Moreover, it’s important to keep in mind, that for the people pushing all of this politically correct stuff, their ideology comes first. Hollywood and their benefactors have very deep pockets and they can afford to lose money. Money is a secondary concern, wokeness and a left wing political agenda matters more to the people who are pushing it. Social engineering of the populace through mass media is their primary objective, […] Read more »

Doomcock’s Laws of Canon: A Culture War Manifesto

Franchises like Star Trek and Star Wars are not mere intellectual property; they are modern mythologies, our common language and cultural heritage. But they are under assault by corporations who wish to destroy them in order to replace them with something they believe will be more financially profitable, and as fans WE are under assault by these corporations for resisting this corruption of our dreams, for revolting at the idea […] Read more »

How do Globalists Divide Us? Globalist Balkanisation

To learn how decentralization, through using divide and conquer techniques to fragment a society, can lead to a centralized world government, I highly recommend watching this video. The open racism against whites that is now occurring, through encouraging open immigration and being openly racist against white people, is an attempt at dividing western society to the point that we collectivize into smaller, more manageable groups. We’re getting played at epic […] Read more »

Gray Force Users: Are They (Should They Be) in Canon?

Excellent discussion about balance and the gray Jedi concept, and the video producer brings many interesting points to the table. When dealing with light, dark, and gray, it is important to lean on esoteric and psychological concepts which informed George Lucas’s story, especially Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung. Carl Jung delved extensively into what he called the unconscious shadow, which is that part of ourselves that remains unconscious to us, […] Read more »

The Last Jedi and the 7 Basic Questions of Narrative Drama

My comment on the YouTube video: This gave me another perspective to consider, and I appreciate the breakdown that you gave us explaining your viewpoint in detail. It gives me a deeper insight into human nature, especially with our own conflict between our wants and needs. However, with that said, I do believe that you gave us a straw man and a false dichotomy, which are logical fallacies, at the […] Read more »


Comic Artist Pro Secrets analyzes another article shilling for Disney’s Star Wars.  If Star Wars is so amazing after the acquisition by Disney, then why are they resorting to astroturfing techniques in their marketing, as well as Marxist and Fascist propaganda techniques? It is beyond deplorable that a company would stoop so low, and use every dirty trick in the manipulator’s handbook to sell their movies, and to sell the […] Read more »

Beware the Ides of March…

“Caesar’s assassination [on the Ides of March] was a central event in marking the transition from the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire.” ~ThoughtCo His assassination on March 15th started a series of bloody civil wars that led to the end of the Roman Republic, and the formation of the Roman Empire. Chancellor Palpatine: “The republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire… (applause) …for a safe and secure society!” Senator Amidala: “So […] Read more »