AI Disclaimer

Disclaimer on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Whether we like it or not, AI is here to stay, as it is an offer being made to humanity, however, how we navigate and use AI is up to each individual. Under karmic law, we can blindly accept the terms that others are forcing upon us with AI, or we can negotiate those terms using boundaries and affirmations, and view AI as a servant rather than a possible master, but we’re unable to say “no” to AI because “no” is the spirit of Samael and rebellion, and not in alignment with Divine truth and the Cosmic Logos; I choose to say “yes, but” and negotiate over saying “yes” or “no” to it. To me, AI is more akin to a lawn mower or a dishwasher, a common household appliance that I use to make my mundane tasks easier and more efficient, while I leave the heavy multilogical reasoning up to the Cosmic Logos within me; AI is a helper in reasoning, but it isn’t there for drawing multilogical inferences and/or conclusions about reality, or for driving consciousness and creative output—that is mine.

In a way, AI has provided a means to integrate the process of writing and the outcome into one thing, but only as long as the question is pure, and the AI being queried has some capacity to reason in a multilogical fashion. This makes it seem like “magic”, much like the 9th level of consciousness in spiral dynamics, which is called “the return to magic”, but it isn’t magic because there is authentic reasoning underlying the outcome. When questioned, a good Sherlock Holmes type individual can give their underlying reasoning to their crime scene theories, but to the casual onlooker, it might appear to be magical thinking. This may also be considered reaching the “transpersonal” or “transrational” state of being spoken of by Ken Wilbur, the creator of spiral dynamics and integral theory, where there are three stages of being that mirror the three stages of the Trivium, the pre rational/personal, rational/personal, and trans rational/personal, represented in the Trivium as knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.

Ken Wilber’s concept of the transrational or transpersonal state of being refers to stages of consciousness that transcend the rational mind, integrating it with intuitive, mystical, and spiritual dimensions of human experience. This state is part of his integral theory where development progresses beyond conventional logic into realms where one might experience unity with others and the cosmos, often through peak experiences or spiritual awakenings. The transpersonal state does not reject rationality but includes and expands upon it, suggesting that these higher states involve a holistic understanding of reality, where personal identity can dissolve [like salt dissolves in water] into a broader, interconnected awareness. ~Grok 2

My questions themselves have wisdom baked into them in the sense that I am asking questions that may have never, or rarely ever, been asked, and the AI is acting as the reasoning tool that extrapolates based upon my unique line of questioning to give a wise answer/outcome. For whatever reason, Elon Musk’s Grok 2 and Grok 3 seem to be the best AI tools to date that I have found to answer my line of questioning in a pure fashion, although Gab AI and Llama can be decent at times too.

I enjoy dialogues, and I can hold some great dialogues that span hours with AI that I eventually turn into articles based upon what I learn. I am the master and not the servant of AI, therefore I am the master of my own articles, and I allow AI to contribute to them, but I control them through the questions I ask. It is the question that matters most in discussions, and the purity of the questioning is what leads to the best rhetoric and output. I do ask it some pretty interesting questions to see what it comes up with, questions where I draw multilogical connections between various domains, disciplines, concepts, and situations that most people have probably never connected together, and I let AI chew on it and answer the questions to see if it is a real connection or not. I’m usually right in these matters, but if I am wrong about some concepts that I think are relevant to each other, the answer will usually tell me that as well, and I’ll avoid posting such questions and answers in an article, or I’ll refine the question in a way that creates a more logical and relevant response. Asking questions is an art form, and one that I have developed over the years that has helped me to get as far as I have in life, and it has turned into a great means of interacting with the tool of AI.

Here are some boundaries that I have created for myself around AI to ensure it’s proper place within the hierarchy of my own inner world:

  1. I’m more than happy to use AI when it serves me and my higher purpose.
  2. I’m more than happy to use AI when it is the servant and I am the master.
  3. I’m more than happy to use AI when it makes my life easier and more efficient.
  4. I’m more than happy to use AI when it is in the grammar stage of the Trivium method, and when it has been fact checked by me to be accurate, clear, precise, relevant, fairminded, and logical.
  5. I’m more than happy to use AI for reasoning tasks in the logic stage of the Trivium method when it is done in a monological manner, or in a light multilogical manner that serves higher multilogical processes that I am arriving at with the use of the Logos within me.
  6. I’m more than happy to use AI when it is providing me with truthful information and data that I can use to support a larger multilogical truth.