AI Disclaimer

Disclaimer on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Whether we like it or not, AI is here to stay, as it is an offer being made to humanity, however, how we navigate and use AI is up to each individual. Under karmic law, we can blindly accept the terms that others are forcing upon us with AI, or we can negotiate those terms using boundaries and affirmations, and view AI as a servant rather than a possible master, but we’re unable to say “no” to AI because “no” is the spirit of Samael and rebellion, and not in alignment with Divine truth and the Cosmic Logos; I choose to say “yes, but” and negotiate over saying “yes” or “no” to it. To me, AI is more akin to a lawn mower or a dishwasher, a common household appliance that I use to make my mundane tasks easier and more efficient, while I leave the heavy multilogical reasoning up to the Cosmic Logos within me; AI is a helper with grammar and some light reasoning, but isn’t there for drawing multilogical inferences and/or conclusions about reality.

My use of AI can be quite heavy in some articles, but that is in places where I would have typically used Wikipedia or other resources for laying out some necessary grammar (answering ‘what’ questions) stages of my articles. I will also use it for light monological and multilogical reasoning, however AI will never inspire nor write my articles, will never tie it all together in a multilogical fashion, nor will it come up with conclusions for me, as that is up to the Cosmic Logos within me to do—I am the master and not the servant of AI, therefore I am the master of my own articles, and I allow AI to contribute to the mundane aspects of them.

Here are some boundaries that I have created for myself around AI to ensure it’s proper place within the hierarchy of my own inner world:

  1. I’m more than happy to use AI when it serves me and my higher purpose.
  2. I’m more than happy to use AI when it makes my life easier and more efficient.
  3. I’m more than happy to use AI when it is in the grammar stage of the Trivium method, and when it has been fact checked by me to be accurate, clear, precise, relevant, fairminded, and logical.
  4. I’m more than happy to use AI for reasoning tasks in the logic stage of the Trivium method when it is done in a monological manner, or in a light multilogical manner that serves higher multilogical processes that I am arriving at with the use of the Logos within me.
  5. I’m more than happy to use AI when it is providing me with truthful information and data that I can use to support a larger multilogical truth.