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So it finally happened. I have been permanently banned from Facebook for violating their ever evolving “community standards”, so you can no longer find me or my pages there. My partner and I were both banned at the same time, and to even dispute the ban, they required us to submit personal details needed for opening a bank account or a crypto trading account called “KYC” (know your customer). This was not the reason for the ban, but alas, I am not going to give them my personal information and government ID just for the possibility to stay on a rigged social media site, especially since I only use it for sharing an occasional blog post, managing a few groups on the side, and on occasion sharing my philosophical musings. I have definitely been shadow banned for a long while now, since at least 2016, but I’ve never been put in Facebook jail before, so this came out of left field for me. I definitely do not tow the party line of leftist politics, but I’m also not a MAGA man, nor do I consider myself a political conservative, but alas, anybody right of the far far left, or anybody that isn’t far far left for that matter, is considered a terrorist these days, eh? I mostly just advocated for being left the hell alone, critical thinking, psychological health, some light mysticism, and Gray Jedi Realism in a fairly healthy sized Star Wars group I had been running on Facebook.
If you’d like to continue to follow my work, there are a few options left for you still. I will not go completely underground, but I’m not going to keep trying to force a round peg into a square hole anymore either. I am just going to move further and further into anonymous ways of living my life, while still keeping a presence on this blog and a few alternative social media sites I am still on. You can find a list of my remaining venues HERE, although I’m not actively making videos for the video content part, and don’t see myself making more video content anytime soon. I also just started a Telegram group for those interested, which can be found HERE. Please feel free to subscribe to my blog if you’d like to receive my newest blog posts in your email box, and I’d also be grateful if you shared any posts you like with your close friends or family members who are into this type of thing. If you feel like I’m offering you any tangible value, and if you’d like to support me and my work, please consider making a donation via PayPal or your preferred cryptocurrency HERE—I’d greatly appreciate it. You can also schedule a chat with me to decide whether or not you’re interested in my philosophically and psychologically informed coaching skills, which you can learn more about HERE.
Well [Facebook] friends, it’s been one hell of a ride, but for me it has finally come to an end. Be well.
Hi Nathan. I left FB in 2012 already, so this is my 10th anniversary of bieng FB-free, although it wasn’t easy at the time since everyone was encouraging everyone to joing and I was frequently told that if I’m not on it, I’m simply not relevant. Nowadays all the people who are truly relevant have been kicked off it, so you are in good company!
Keep up the good work!
Hello J.J., I love your blog! That’s amazing that you’ve been off of it for that long. I had been using it sparingly for about the last two years due to privacy concerns (aka I uninstalled all apps and only used the web), but since I had made so many great spiritually, philosophically, and metaphysically minded friends on there, and had a few thriving groups, I persisted on in a limited fashion. I used FB prior to that to hone my intellectual self-defense skills, and work through a lot of various philosophical positions through engaging in challenging conversations over complex topics, so it was very much a proving ground for me, for which I am grateful. It had been very difficult for me to even have an argument on there due to all of the energetic boundaries I had set for myself over the years, so I hadn’t been experiencing the polarized cesspool of drama that many still experience daily on the platform. I’m fairly certain that my partner and I were banned for my “Liberty Room” group that discussed the principles of natural law and self-ownership, of which she was an admin (hence our simultaneous banning). Maybe if I was a polarized nut I’d still be on FB, but since I’m more of a calm voice of reason, they needed me gone. Anyway, thanks for the kind comment, and for your regular readership too!
Wonder where you went. Good to follow you on Telegram.
I’m glad you found me again Barry. I tried to get the word out, but it was difficult.