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Nobody should ever have to sacrifice their truth for another person or group, but they can make the effort to expand, broaden, and deepen their truth by sympathetically entering into the viewpoints of others, in order to work through their differences, remove their biases, refine their reasoning skills, and gain critical insights that may help them to grow as individuals. ~Nathan & Aline
The consequences of our logic always catches up with us; meaning that our effects always catch up to our causes; ’cause and effect’ is all that the sanskrit word “Karma” means. When people are “aware and conscious” individuals, it implies that they are more conscious of the causal link between the effects in their life, and their internal root causes. This enables conscious individuals to correct their core causes, so that they can experience more supportive and expansive effects, rather than entropic and destructive effects. Whereas a disempowered person who has been enabled blames the causes on external people and circumstances, an empowered individual takes responsibility for and owns their causes, and makes course corrections as a result. When karma (cause and effect) catches up with people, as our logical consequences always do, it can be a life affirming experience that prompts growth, or a destructive experience that deteriorates into further madness. ~Nathan & Aline
Do not mistake my openness to your viewpoint as evidence that I’m open to being dominated by your viewpoint, or that I require you to think for me. It is my ability to be fair-minded that allows me to consider your viewpoint without needing to believe it as true, or discard it as false. I will hold your viewpoints to the same objective standard of scrutiny that I use to evaluate my own viewpoints, so that we might discover the truth together, rather than just reinforce our biases. ~Nathan Martin
It is not merely good enough to be “awakened” to the ills of our society, and the predatory machinations going on around us—that is only the beginning of our journey inwards. We must fully liberate our mental, emotional, and physical aspects of Self, and be able to live and interact with our family and society as a sovereign individual differentiated from the collective herd’s morality. If our awakening does not lead us to individual liberties and rights, then it is highly probable that it is a purposefully engineered awakening taking us towards something else entirely—the loss of our individual liberties and rights. ~Nathan & Aline
Since our mind often uses deductive reasoning to process the premises we’ve unconsciously received from our biology and society, it’s fair to conclude that “those who control the premises we take in, controls our beliefs, feelings, and behaviors.” The media, entertainment industry, music industry, public school systems, religions, and governments have a monopoly on the information (premises) that shapes our belief structures, and thus are capable of directing our feelings and behaviors. This is why it’s so important to to take ownership of our thinking and psychologically differentiate ourselves from the collective unconscious, through applying intellectual standards to our thinking, and processing our emotional upsets when they occur. This allows us to remove the false premises given to us from this predatory monopoly, and thus take back ownership of our beliefs, feelings, and behaviors.
Example of a deductive argument:
Premise #1: All people are mortal.
Premise #2: I am a person.
Conclusion: Therefore, I am mortal.If premise #1 and #2 are true, then the conclusion is also true, but if the conclusion is not true, then either premise #1 or #2 is in error, and must be re-examined. We can preemptively scrutinize our premises, to improve the quality of our reasoning, and thus our conclusions, by applying intellectual standards to our thinking, and processing our emotional upsets.
~Nathan & Aline
I feel that most interactions would be a lot more healthy if everyone was trained in Socratic debate rather than sophistic (sophistry) debate, which is weak sense critical thinking. Whereas sophistry seeks to confirm biases, and force our viewpoints onto others, the Socratic Method is able to remove biases, expand our viewpoints, and discover the actual truth. For me, I’ve had to really struggle to remain in a Socratic mindset when emotionally charged, because that’s when I’m most prone to using my viewpoint to dominate another, rather than asking the right questions that will illuminate the situation. I’ve had to step back at such times, and use the Socratic Method to understand why I’m so upset, so that I can be emotionally neutral enough to interact objectively with those who had initially upset me. ~Nathan Martin
When people say “let’s open up the discussion about topic such and such”, or “there needs to be a public discourse about such and such”, what they are really saying is “you need to be focussing on the issue, and eventually get on board with everyone else and be like the cool kids”. This is not a discussion that produces insight, but it is rather a manipulation and sophistry to affect uniformity and conformity within the thought patterns of people. A true discussion is not a competitive debate of viewpoints, but rather the examining a viewpoint or methodology, so that it can be questioned and scrutinized until the truth is discovered. The first type of “conversation” promotes and encourages bias, while the second type of conversation actually shatters biases. ~Nathan & Aline
If you’re unable to clarify your viewpoints when asked for it, it’s reasonable to assume that you’re not clear about them either. ~Nathan & Aline
We do not engage with everyone who wants to discuss their viewpoints with us, and we will often ignore some people’s comments altogether.
But “isn’t that unreasonable, shouldn’t we always listen to what people have to say, and remain open minded? ”
We’re not shutting down opposing points of view, as entering into multiple viewpoints and frames of reference is a great way to broaden our own perspectives, but we aren’t going to engage with those who are attempting to use manipulative techniques and emotionally charged rhetoric as a means of drawing us into a power struggle. In psychology and parenting, this is called having “healthy boundaries”. We’re always up for engaging in a healthy dialogue with those who wish to progress their thinking with us, but we’re not up for placing ourselves in unhealthy situations with toxic individuals who are prone to using shame, guilt, ad hominems, and sophistry to make their points.
~Nathan & Aline
Divide and conquer. It’s all an inversion. Sexism against men in the name of feminism and equality. Inciting racism on both sides in the name of equality. Equality of outcome in the name of equality of opportunity. The destruction of human rights in the name of human rights. The destruction of individual liberty in the name of liberalism. The destruction of actual justice in the name of social justice. Similar words used but with inverted meanings, with the intent to confuse the masses and cause them to war against superficial differences such as gender, skin tone, age, class, and sexual preference, all in the name of making the world a better place. Highlighting superficial differences between people is a classic means of keeping the slave class fighting amongst themselves, rather than against their cruel and psychopathic taskmasters. ~Nathan & Aline
As a mature adult, I realize that all of the times where I was supposedly victimized throughout my teenage and adult years, that I always made a series of careless choices, and placed myself in the position to be physically harmed, defrauded, or taken advantage of. I’ve never been a hapless victim of random happenstance, rather, I was always the victim of my own poor attitudes, emotional attachments, and decision making. However, since I am a mature adult, I have learned from my difficult times through examining the circumstances and attitudes that led to my poor decisions, and corrected the thought patterns, emotional attachments, and faulty reasoning underlying them. This is how an empowered individual takes ownership and deals with their problems, which is the complete opposite of how a disempowered person stuck in groupthink, victimhood, and entitlement deals with their problems.
Stop being such a victim; be responsible and go within to change yourself—you have what it takes to learn from your mistakes and grow from them. Your well-being is nobody else’s responsibility but your own.
~Nathan & Aline
Liberty and morality go hand in hand, and any liberty that is immoral, or that causes immorality, is a false version of liberty. Freedom absolutely requires a moral foundation. ~Nathan Martin
True free will occurs when reason shapes our identity and worldview, and we play within the safe confines of its rules, while the illusion of freewill occurs when our identity and worldview dictates our reasoning, and we play outside the safe confines of logic. In the illusion of free will, we get to make up the rules of logic as we go, and we don’t have to feel enslaved by its pesky rules, or feel enslaved by the truth when we’re presented with it. In this illusion, we let our feelings dictate the truth, rather than allowing our feelings to point out our errors in logic, so that we can correct them, and further align with reason. The illusion of freewill always ends up with people eating a reality sandwich though, as you cannot skirt around logic (causality) forever, for as they say “karma (Sanskrit for causality) is a bitch”. As Jesus also stated, you cannot expect a house built on a sandy beach to last, it must be built on a solid foundation. Logic, reason, and empathy, which produces understanding, is the only foundation worth building our identities and worldviews upon—everything else will ultimately perish. ~Nathan & Aline
The ACLU is the inversion of liberty; it takes the name and packaging of liberty, but distorts and inverts its meaning to achieve its own immoral ends. ~Nathan & Aline
“I am for Socialism, disarmament and, ultimately for abolishing the State itself… I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and sole control of those who produce wealth. COMMUNISM IS THE GOAL.” ~Roger Baldwin, founder of the ACLU
“We want to, also, look like patriots in everything we do. We want to get a good lot of flags, talk a good deal about the Constitution and what our forefathers wanted to make out of this country and to show that we are the fellows that really stand up for the spirit of our institutions.” ~Roger Baldwin
It is nearly impossible to have civil discussion with leftists and progressives, which are those who desire social justice, equity, socialism, and even communism, as we’ve found that their emotional capacity was never able to progress past that of young children. The only thing that works when dealing with emotionally petulant children is setting and enforcing firm psychological boundaries; otherwise we’ll end up in energy draining power struggles. It is important that we do not let their physical appearances deceive us, for a grown up body does not automatically imply a grown up psyche.
Children are not capable of rational discourse, especially when they are emotionally charged, and/or attempting to start and win power struggles with us. Therefore, setting healthy boundaries in our dealings with them, while maintaining empathy for their misguided plight, allows them to experience the natural consequences of their attitudes and behaviors. Children who are allowed to suffer the natural consequences of their behaviors with empathy, are able to see themselves as the source of their problems, figure out the reasoning as a result of the natural consequences, while at the same time protecting us from unhealthy, energy draining conflicts.
Once they are reflective enough, emotionally balanced enough, mature enough, and respecting our boundaries, we’re always happy to engage with them in a rational discussion, but only after our minimum standards are met. When our minimum standards are not met, we disengage and allow our boundaries and loving demeanor do the rest.
~Nathan & Aline
I’m all for 50/50 creative partnerships between men and women, for women behaving as women, for men behaving as men, for women having their unique interests, for men having their unique interests, and for exceptions that add to the overall whole. Attacking men and the so-called “patriarchy” is not the answer, nor is polarizing in response to the travesty by counter-attacking women. Humanity is being subverted, and thus gamed, by Elite power brokers with deep bank accounts, to hate each other—and it’s working.
We must become immune to the Elite’s divisive tactics, and process our emotional upsets when they arise with critical thinking, otherwise we’ll continue to be emotionally played by them, and we’ll do so in a self-deceived manner thinking that we have righteousness and moral superiority on our side. We do not need to be powerful at the expense of our counterparts, as we are truly powerful when we are able to stand side by side with our counterparts!
~Nathan Martin
If gender and sexual orientation is no longer biological, but only a social construct, that means that homosexual men and women are not born that way, but can choose their sexual orientation. What a can of worms that opens up, when compared to the previous claims from those who have struggled with gender dysphoria and/or their sexual orientation. Think about it for a moment, either they’re born that way and can’t help it, or it’s just a social construct and they can help it. The cognitive dissonance inducing contradictions are starting to pile up on the Social Justice front. ~Nathan & Aline
From our observation, it has become apparent that minds of the people have been purposefully subverted over a long period of time, and their thinking processes hijacked, by forces that detest Western culture, and our deeply ingrained classical liberal values. Subversion is a key aspect in propaganda, and is much cheaper and more effective than firing actual bullets in a war. ~Nathan & Aline
Here is a fairly accurate definition of subversion from Wikipedia:
“Subversion (Latin subvertere: overthrow) refers to a process by which the values and principles of a system in place are contradicted or reversed, an attempt to transform the established social order and its structures of power, authority, hierarchy, and norm (social). Subversion can be described as an attack on the public morale and, “the will to resist intervention are the products of combined political and social or class loyalties which are usually attached to national symbols. Following penetration, and parallel with the forced disintegration of political and social institutions of the state, these loyalties may be detached and transferred to the political or ideological cause of the aggressor”. Subversion is used as a tool to achieve political goals because it generally carries less risk, cost, and difficulty as opposed to open belligerency. Furthermore, it is a relatively cheap form of warfare that does not require large amounts of training.” ~Wikipedia
Philosophy uses critical thinking and reasoned judgments to determine the truth of a matter, while sophistry bypasses critical thought and only uses the art of rhetoric to convince others that they are correct. Philosophy and sophistry have two very different end goals, and thus two very different standards with which to weigh an argument. In short: Philosophers seek the truth regardless of who is correct, while sophists seek to win regardless of what is true. ~Nathan & Aline
People are controlling when they lack boundaries, but when they have healthy boundaries, there is no need to control. Setting boundaries is much easier, and uses less energy to enforce, than controlling people, because boundaries are set from trust, while controlling stems from fear. ~Nathan & Aline
I think we need to clarify the difference between feminism and third wave feminism, as third wave feminism took the equal rights that feminism earned, and used them as a stepping stone to make women superior to men; in order to marginalize and displace men’s roles in society. Third wave feminism gave women an excuse to attack masculinity, via their carefully crafted strawman called “the patriarchy”. It’s sexism against males in the name of equality, which is an inversion of equal rights. The ultimate goal is the end of the strong family unit, which requires strong co-creative male and female partners–which the etymology of patriarchy actually bears out. Modern feminism is accomplishing it’s goals through the feminizing of males and the subjugation of masculinity to women, via mass media, the entertainment industry, the New Age movement, harmful hormone altering pesticides in our food and water supplies, synthetic hormones released in plastic water bottles and food containers, and centrally coordinated political initiatives worldwide. ~Nathan & Aline
We live in a mental universe, and within the Divine Mind; I’d rather refine my thinking, and align it with the holarchy of life, then silence my mind—as so many so wrongly teach. Achieving alignment within the holarchy of life requires that we engage in emotional process work, that we tenaciously observe our thinking in order to pick it apart, become better thinkers using the tools of critical thinking, and seek to refine our character by integrating the eight intellectual character traits. ~Nathan & Aline
The catholic church appropriated the words ‘patriarchy’ and ‘patriarch’ for their own use, as “pater” is Latin for father, but patriarchy is a greek conjunction, and ‘patria’ is a feminine noun meaning family, tribe, and lineage. The magicians like to use the spelling of words to cast spells, and they write their magical rights out to invert the meanings of the words we use to trick us with new meanings. “Liberal” is one such distorted word, and so is “unity”; all to turn the meanings of important words upside down into oppositional meanings; the sorcerer’s love the language of inversion. Why do we call children “kids”, and why did we switch from “thee” and “thou” to “you”? Because a “ewe” is a sheep, and a “kid” is a goat; the casting of spells to cause us to identify with passive sheep. You hate the patriarchy, and think you’re attacking the evil blight of male dominance, but in your blindness, you’re a sheep that’s been herded into attacking the patria; the family unit and tribe.
The patriarchy, as most people have come to know it, is a fictional strawman of male dominance meant to create division between the masculine and feminine principles, and to take down their true target, the family unit. Without the family unit, and their strong tribal foundations, people are much easier to treat as “sheep”, and are easier to herd around. We see the deception, the attack on masculinity, and the attack on the family unit, and we firmly support the patriarchy, as we support the concepts of family, marriage, and the co-creative union between man and woman.
~Nathan & Aline
Most people’s definition of empathy is our definition of sympathy, as it is connecting through a shared experience, and often a shared wound, while empathy does not connect through a shared experience, and uses “why questions” to understand oneself and others. Empathy and logic both produce understanding, and both ask “why questions” to gain that understanding; empathy is therefore the emotional component of logic. Sympathy does not ask why questions, but assumes a why answer and bypasses past understanding to stay in the realm of behaviors, experiences, and conclusions.
Empathy is also an intellectual character trait, as it is a key component of multilogical (multidimensional logic, as opposed to linear logic) critical thinking, as it seeks out various viewpoints in order to create a more robust and full understanding of oneself, and the surrounding world. Humanity would do well if they stopped sympathizing, which causes them to act in enabling ways that are often detrimental, and instead learned how to slow down, ask why questions, and process their emotional states in an empathetic manner.
~Nathan & Aline
“Intellectual Empathy: Understanding the need to imaginatively put oneself in the place of others to genuinely understand them. We must recognize our egocentric tendency to identify truth with our immediate perceptions or longstanding beliefs. Intellectual empathy correlates with the ability to accurately reconstruct the viewpoints and reasoning of others and to reason from premises, assumptions, and ideas other than our own. This trait also requires that we remember occasions when we were wrong, despite an intense conviction that we were right, and consider that we might be similarly deceived in a case at hand.” ~CriticalThinking.org
Our core culture, the culture of liberty, is under attack.
Liberty is a state of mind, and the process a person uses to think. This is why the liberals of Greece were trained in the Seven Liberal Arts, which was befitting a ‘free man’. It was forbidden to teach the Seven Liberal Arts to the slaves, and was punishable by death. Today, the slaves still do not know how to think, but only those who have trained themselves to think, or who were lucky enough to be trained in the liberal arts by their family in some manner, are actually free. Unfortunately, we are not all the same here, even though most people have equal access to the tools necessary to liberate their minds, and have an equal opportunity to be liberated and free—few actually choose it for themselves. LIberty starts in the mind, and only those who have liberated their thinking are able to protect liberty in the real world. Free thinkers are free in body, but enslaved thinkers are enslaved in body. In order to become a truly free society, countless millions will need to be taught the basic principles of thinking, which are the basic tenets of liberty—in order to break free from the distorted thought process that support their slavery.
These values, “liberal values”, are the culture that we must protect and nurture, and neither the State, nor our society, are in the business of protecting such values. Are you up to the challenge of becoming a true liberal and free individual?
~Nathan & Aline
To exercise intellectual empathy implies that we examine a topic via a ‘dialogue or extended exchange between different points of view or frames of reference’, but it does not imply that we give equal weight or validity to each ‘point of view or frame of reference’. For instance, when a child gives us their viewpoint, we can examine it in a way that considers their psychological state, their age, their intellectual capacity, the circumstances surrounding their viewpoint, therelevance and depth of their understanding in regards to the topic, the inner motivations supporting their viewpoints, as well as the details about how they’ve been parented up to this point. However, we are in no way bound to give a child’s opinion equal weight as to ‘why they should be allowed to eat more candy’, or ‘why we should buy them a toy today’.
In short, intellectual empathy is not just listening to another opinion or reasoned judgment, it is also examining the person and who they are, examining their background and depth of understanding of the topic, discovering their inner motivations, and uncovering the reasons why they hold their opinions or reasoned judgments in the first place. Understanding the psychological and intellectual makeup of the people voicing their opinions and reasoned judgments, as well as their inner motivations for having them, is more important than just listening to their opinions and reasoned judgments, because it gives us a fuller picture of what they are actually saying; as who they are supports what they believe, and by extension, it supports what they say. So while we should exercise intellectual empathy and listen to various viewpoints, we should do so while weighing and discerning the competence and inner motivations of those speaking them. Often, who they are is far more revealing, and gives us what we need to know, about the validity of their opinions.
To understand the hidden motivations of the world we interact with, it is helpful that we get to know and discover our own hidden motivations, often called our “shadow side”. The more we get to know and understand ourselves, the more we will get to know and understand the world around us; we must begin with exercising empathy in our own lives, which will by extension allow us to get to know and understand others. Beginning with ourselves allows us to act with intellectual integrity and honesty in our dealings, otherwise we may get hung up arguing in circles with people that we really shouldn’t be engaging in conversations with, or end up arguing to support our biases.
~Nathan & Aline
Being argumentative is not the same thing as presenting an argument, as a person can offer a valid critique based on an actual objective standard, and provide arguments that offer relevant feedback about the subject material, or they can be critical based on a person’s subjective emotional states, and attack a person or thing from their emotional angst. Learning how to formulate a reasoned argument is a skill of critical thought, and demonstrates both intellectual capacity and self-reflectiveness, while being argumentative is evidence of a lack of critical thought, and demonstrates their lack of both intellectual capacity and self-reflectiveness. There is nothing wrong with feeling an emotional aversion to something, as that lets us know that something is misaligned within ourselves and/or the world we live in, but does the emotional pull cause us to reflect and think about the core reasons behind our emotional upsets, and prompt us to create something new and more aligned, or does it cause us to attack and tear down the people and things that we perceive are the problem as our way to find simple pain relief? ~Nathan & Aline
While practicing intellectual empathy is an important tool meant to broaden our breadth, depth, and scope of critical insight and understanding, through engaging in a dialogue with a diversity of viewpoints and ideas, it should be clarified that this does not include our giving consideration to manipulative reasoning that attempts to violate our boundaries.
Should we consider and seriously engage with the viewpoints of a child who has indulged, or wishes to indulge, in too much candy? Should we then try to prove to them that we are good parents in comparison to the other parents who do allow their children to indulge? No, it is a waste of our time, energy, and sanity to consider their viewpoints, especially when we have a well formulated reasoned judgment on the situation, based on knowledge and understanding—nor are we obligated to engage in a dialogue with them to explain our reasoning, as such engagements are manipulative attempts only meant to draw us into an emotionally draining power struggle.
In the same way, there are some linear, one dimensional, and emotionally motivated viewpoints out there that are solely meant to manipulate us into enabling poor behaviors, and they use guilt in an attempt to draw us into a power struggle with them. The mere act of engaging in a power struggle demonstrates our own lack of healthy boundaries, and is a clear indicator that the manipulator has already succeeded with their dirty tactics. Such opinions do not need to be considered, as they are childish, manipulative, and emotionally draining. Therefore, it is imperative that we learn the difference between exercising intellectual empathy, which is a virtue, and giving consideration to tactics that seek to alter and manipulate our viewpoints for selfish gain.
~Nathan & Aline
So you claim to be a multidimensional being, yet your thinking and reasoning are typically one dimensional and linear, and heavily biased by emotional attachments that you’re not even aware that you have. What’s up with that? We can see right through your black and white, linear mindset. Do you want to be more spiritual and multidimensional bro/sis? Become more aware of your mind’s current limitations and biases, work to improve your thinking and mental capacity by processing your emotional attachments and limiting patterns of relating, and then we can talk about how multidimensional we all are. Until then, you’re just an adult child playing house, and pretending to be things that you aren’t. ~Nathan & Aline
While it has been said that “the only real choice we have is between fear and love, therefore choose love”, it must be expanded upon to fully understand what fear and love actually are in relationship to each other in this saying.
Our fear often tricks us into thinking that we’re being loving when we’re actually being motivated by fear, and this self-deception is the foundation for a myriad of spiritual teachings and ideologies. Our ultimate fear is the fear of loss, especially the fear of losing our illusion that we are loved back by those we care about the most. It is this fear that causes us to pretend that we’re loving when we give those we care about what they want, even when it’s not necessarily healthy nor reasonable; the illusion that we are loved trumps the truth about the situations we find ourselves entangled in. If we could get over our fear of loss, and come to terms with the idea that we very well may lose them, and that it is better to lose them than “giving a child a loaded gun to play with”, we actually empower them to rise up in a responsible manner. Therefore it is empowering love that has the capacity to say “no”, while it is enabling love that says “yes” from fear, and once proper boundaries are established and reaffirmed, a whole new level of “yes” comes into our lives to experience.
So now when we say that “the only real choice we have is between fear and love, therefore choose love”, we’re actually saying “the only real choice we have is between lacking healthy boundaries from fear, and exercising healthy boundaries from love, therefore choose to exercise healthy boundaries.”
~Nathan & Aline
We cannot experience the potential found in those we love while still enabling their poor attitudes and behaviors. Breaking up with the bad aspects will give those we love the opportunity to rise up above their demons; this is impossible for them to accomplish while they’re still being enabled in their poor attitudes and habits. Breaking up with the bad is the empowering act that frees them to rise up to their full potential. As it has already been eloquently stated, “we don’t lose our demons, we [simply] rise above them.” ~Nathan & Aline
We’re very comfortable with the dark, especially our own, however, we often use the term “dark occultist” as a label for a very specific breed of mystic hell bent on keeping the externalized game going. We consider ourselves neutrals, and connect with those with both a light and dark disposition quite well, but only when they’re internalized. Instead, rather than seeing duality as light vs dark, we see the real duality as internal vs external. To clarify, internalized is a direction of causal flow from the inside to the outside, while externalized would then be the direction of causal flow from the outside to the inside (in psychology called internal locus of identity and external locus of identity). ~Nathan & Aline
Whatever love actually is, it is boundaried and not enabling.
Enabling love is fear based, as it’s based in the fear of loss, and sympathizes as a means of connecting with the object of one’s love. For example, I see the sadness in the object of my love, and it resonates with my own sadness, and since I want someone to relieve my sadness, I enable as a means of relieving their sadness, and this is what is commonly termed “love”. The best love relationships today co-enable the lack of each other, in a “deal with the devil” format.
Conversely, boundaried love sees the lack in the other, and rather than sympathizing with it, and then enabling it, instead let’s them take responsibility for it, without becoming responsible, or allowing it to affect them. This empowers the object of one’s love to learn how to meet the need from within, so that they can choose to engage in an equally responsible manner. While this form of love realizes that loss is a real possibility, it would rather be alone than take responsibility for another person’s issues. For the most part, those loved in this manner will take responsibility, and the relationship will thrive, deepen, and grow.
~Nathan & Aline
One of the first arguments a Statist usually makes against privatization and anarchy is “the roads”, but that’s understandable, because they defend the State in the same emotionally charged manner as a religious zealot will defend their religious beliefs. It’s difficult to challenge our long standing beliefs, but I promise you, we’ll find a way to build and maintain your roads without State intervention. ~Nathan & Aline
I appreciate the intentions of those that think they are well meaning with their desire to back the various agendas they view in the media and online. However, well meaning does not automatically insinuate that they hold an informed or educated opinion about what’s really going on, or that their backing is actually helpful to humanity. There is a spiderweb of layers of nasty things going on with the various elite political agendas, and remaining uneducated about them, and being opinionated and fearful about those who do not support the party line’s viewpoints, is just plane shortsighted and harmful to MILLIONS, and maybe even BILLIONS of people. The problem is not the parasitic people pushing the various harmful agendas upon unsuspecting populations, but the uneducated sheep mentality of those who willingly obey the agendas, and even attack and shame those who actually can think critically for themselves. Well meaning people are still culpable and responsible for the damage that their ignorance (ignoring the evidence) brings to humanity, and in my opinion, more so than those who plan and scheme to profit at the ignorant’s expense. ~Nathan & Aline
We see imposter channeling ALL the time. If people do not have discernment when speaking to others in this realm, they will not have discernment in who they speak with in other realms. Fortunately, as we refine our discernment here, our discernment also improves there. Many people value having their ears tickled with clever deceptions more than they value the truth, as truth can be quite destructive at times. Thus, they will seek out those that will tell them exactly what they want to hear, in this realm and all other realms as well, rather than seeking out those that will tell them what they need to hear.
Just because a being claims to be somebody or something, does not make what they say the truth; discernment is able to weigh and judge what is being conveyed, in any realm where communication occurs. Having the intent and desire to know the truth regardless of what it means about us and our identity, is the foundation for connecting to beneficial people here, and beneficial beings in other realms; those that will assist and empower us for our betterment, and for the greater good of all.
~Nathan & Martin
Good relationships compromise, but great relationships are aligned. ~Nathan & Aline
It’s difficult to integrate the aspects of our identities that are stuck when we’re too afraid of the shame and guilt we might feel as a result of going into the experiences that would provide us with the feedback we need to integrate our disparate aspects. We must allow ourselves the freedom to make mistakes, especially if we have the tools we need to work through our experiences when difficulties arise. ~Nathan & Aline
Rituals are okay at certain developmental levels of consciousness, as they may be necessary for our progression as a unique person. However, they are not the be all and end all of the development of consciousness, but just a possible step or tool to utilize along the way that can assist us in our progression. A ritual is simply where we focus our intention on a specific quality and/or outcome, feel the emotions that coincide with our intentions, and where we then ground our intentions through actions that align with them.
As with all things, when we continue to focus on something that is no longer necessary, it becomes a hindrance, and it no longer assists us in our progression. The key is to integrate our intentions so thoroughly into ourselves that their associated rituals are no longer necessary, so that we can progress beyond their use. The rituals that are the most useful, are those that generally assist us in the integration process of most or all of our intentions, as they arise.
The ultimate goal of our daily habits and rituals should be the development of our unique Self psychologically differentiated from out of the collective herd, through the integration of our fragmented and disparate aspects, into one cohesive whole. To progress into integral consciousness, our rituals must evolve along with us, otherwise they may stagnate us as an individual, or worse yet, cause us to devolve, as we continually focus on intentions associated with lesser states of consciousness as an ideal state of being.
Do your rituals limit or progress you? Do your rituals grow with you, or stay the same?
~Nathan & Aline
Different people show us different beneficial qualities, and we sometimes get hung up and think that the quality and the person are the same thing, and then we try to possess the person, and we strangle out the quality. However, if we can just remain grateful for the person, and the quality that they helped us to rediscover, we can integrate it into our experience, and we can therefore create more of it in our life — either through that person, or through other avenues as well. The diversity of life is meant to show us a diversity of qualities, and one person cannot be all of them to us, at least not until they also integrate those qualities into their experience. We are able to bring various qualities that we discover in the world back to our central relationships, through our being made aware of them, learning more about them through observation and experience, integrating them into ourselves, and then sharing them with our loved ones so that they can have direct experiences with them as well. This allows our central relationships to also rediscover the qualities for themselves, and to therefore integrate them into their lives as they become more conscious of their desire for them. ~Nathan & Aline
Transcendence implies the inclusion of previous states of being; previous states are not lost, bypassed, or left behind, but included. To transcend ego it must be fully integrated into the Self, to transcend rationality it must be fully integrated into wisdom, and to transcend your human form you must fully embody into it. Transcendence is not a “get out of jail free” card, but the result of fully mastering where you are currently at, by allowing yourself to consciously move through each experience as they arise. ~Nathan & Aline
We’ve come to the conclusion, based on careful reflection and years of experience, that wealthy and successful people value respect more than love, and that the common folk values love over respect. So we’ve decided to balance it out and now say “I love and respect you” instead of “I love you”. It doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, but meh, we think the world will be a vastly better place when we all say this magic spell to each other on a regular basis. Our words matter, so let’s make an intentional change, in order to send out just as much respect as we send out love. ~Nathan & Aline
Respect can be internally generated by the words we tell ourselves about ourselves, or externally generated through our actions that attempt to earn respect from other people. When we try to earn respect from others, or worse yet demand it, we place ourselves at risk of feeling disrespected when they resist us, or when they want something from us that violates our values. It’s much more difficult and fleeting to go outside to others to gain respect from them, and dangerous as well, when all we really need to do is generate it from within ourselves. When we regularly give respect to ourselves, by reinforcing it with the respectful words we use in our inner dialogue, we won’t become dependent on others opinions of us, they’ll be unable to withhold it from us, and they will be unable to demand it from us. Self-respect is not how we respond to another in the face of disrespectful behaviors, although that may be an effect of our having self-respect, as it’s completely about how we address ourselves, and thus the beliefs we hold about ourselves. ~Nathan & Aline
We do not care whether or not people agree or disagree with our viewpoints, but we do desire that they honestly reflect on, consider, and weigh them. Our job is not to force their agreement with us, but to provoke their thinking so that they might develop more rounded, holistic viewpoints. ~Nathan & Aline
The promised land is not somewhere you go, nor a place that you’re delivered into, but a reality that you consciously choose to create. ~Nathan & Aline
We cannot change the external world by attempting to control it with our opinions, rhetoric, and superficial solutions; we can only change the external world when we work on and change ourselves as individuals. When enough individuals make meaningful changes to their beliefs and values, through intense self-reflection and emotional processing, then the external world will reflect those changes. ~Nathan & Aline
I think most people misunderstand the difference between positive thinking and a positive focus. Positive thinking is a subset of a negative focus because it keeps its focus on the negative while pretending it’s not there. It explains it away and makes excuses for the negativity, essentially enabling it in a codependent manner. However, a positive focus acknowledges the negative feelings and experiences, and uses them as an opportunity to clarify and refine our desires and what we do want, and pivots to focus on the newly clarified desires. We create that which we focus on, thus positive thinking still creates more negative experiences, the kind that keeps a person perpetually running in a hamster wheel. We can’t fix our negative experiences, nor the people that provides them for us, but we can out-create our negativity when we use our dark experiences to clarify and fuel our heart’s desires. ~Nathan & Aline
Politicians on the left and right are a part of a manipulative game called the Hegelian Dialectic, and anybody who understands critical thinking knows how dialectical thinking, which is a beneficial tool, can be weaponized to play people against each other using manufactured false dilemmas. Politicians, and their puppet masters above them, provide the masses with false dilemmas in order to pivot to a third option by giving you two opposing choices, and knowing that you will accept a compromise solution to relieve your emotional agitation that the dissonance brought up within you. It’s not just divide and conquer, it’s divide, pivot, and steer to a goal, and the oppositional left/right dichotomy is only there to prompt you to demand the compromise that they planned up long before you were even presented with the dilemma.
If you actually buy into the political theater you’re shown on your Facebook newsfeed, and in the media, you might as well have fun and enjoy the game, because you’re getting played, used, and steered to a place that you definitely will not enjoy in the long run.
~Nathan & Aline
Hey third wave feminists, if you sincerely believe that men and the family unit (aka the patriarchy) are the problem with Western culture, that’s all you’ll create, and thus get, from life—men and a society that does everything they can to meet your low expectations of them. I see more, I desire more, and I expect more from life, and that’s what I actually get, and will continue to get, as I move forward. ~Nathan Martin
Some people may think that I am hyper logical, and that I do not express my feelings, but in all reality, I am quite adept at feeling everything that comes my way, and allowing each emotion to move through me in a responsible fashion. With the exception of interacting with my inner circle, my feelings rarely bleed over onto others, or motivate my logic or actions, as I’m slow to act and fast to reflect, which prevents me from harming myself, those I love, and the world around me.
While many people see feelings as illogical, I see them as quite reasonable when they’re treated with care, by observing and and processing them as they arise; such practices makes a person stable and stoic. Instead, I see the suppression of emotions, as well as the reckless expression of emotions, as illogical, since both methods of dealing with feelings ultimately becomes a burden for those around them. Both unfeeling individuals who suppress their emotions, as well as those who are over emotional, require people around them to overcompensate for their over or under emotionalism, by carrying their emotional burden for them.
Therefore, just because one does not recklessly spew their emotions, and unload them onto heroes to deal with by behaving as a victim or villain, does not automatically mean that they are suppressing them—a third option is available—owning them. How much care and value do you place on owning your emotional states of being? Do you emotionally overcompensate for people as their hero? Do they overcompensate for yours as your hero?
~Nathan Martin
Unfortunately, it is difficult to have discussions that benefit everyone who engages in them, because students have been trained to be combative and definitive in their thinking, which means they’re taught to argue from a bias, and to be monological (one-sided) in their logic. In such situations, gaining further insight and discussing the possibilities doesn’t matter, but being right does. Critical thinking isn’t meant to be argumentative though, but integrative, and the whole point of a Classical Liberal education is to promote the various modes of integrative thinking such as dialectical, dialogical, and multilogical thinking.
This doesn’t imply that we become a doormat to other concepts and ideologies, since one dimensional, static viewpoints are difficult to integrate into a multifaceted worldview, as they mix together much like oil and water, but it does imply that we seek to nurture life giving discussions that challenge us, and produce growth and insight. Integrative thinking is expansive, and develops our consciousness and the awareness of ourselves and the world we live in. However, static, one-sided thinking is entropic, and contracts our thinking more and more over time, until we are rendered emotional simpletons and animalistic automatons. The only growth that monological thinking offers is through assimilating converts into the “One” correct answer, even if it is simple minded and illogical, but the growth that multilogical thinking offers is made through integrating a diversity of multifaceted ideas into a robust holistic perspective.
Rather than listening and thinking to argue and win, maybe we could instead learn how to listen to understand and integrate?
~Nathan & Aline
Being in the “present moment” is not avoiding our thinking by just being in our five senses, as it is a state of being where we continually process life as it happens, including the need to express, feel, and work through any negativity that might also be present—and discovering the core reasons that underlie them. If you’re not processing life as it happens, where processing is the function of logic, then you’re not actually present, but detached. ~Nathan & Aline
“We have found that forgiveness is something you cannot do until you FULLY understand why the situation happened in the first place. Understanding of how and why you created the situation in your life helps to transform the pattern so that it doesn’t happen to you anymore. From that moment forward you can forgive, because you’re no longer a hapless victim of a repeating pattern happening to you, but an empowered creator who’s taken responsibility for it from within.” ~Aline Van Meer
We often think that consent stems from a verbal or written agreement between two or more parties, but once it gets to the manifested realm of effects where it is spoken or written, the agreement was already well in place before the terms were finalized. This is because agreements occur in the realms of causality, and it results from a signal that is broadcast from our state of being, and how it relates to our desires, and the questions that motivated our desires. There are two forms of agreements in the realms of causality, where there are the low vibrating desires that result from Karpman’s drama triangle of victim, villain, and hero, which stems from a negative focus, or there are the higher vibrating desires where we set intent to create an experience by focusing on our desires born from the negative experiences; and this is known as a positive focus. ~Nathan & Aline
Not all opinions are equal, as some opinions have more insight, depth, and rationality than others. It is the capacity, reflectiveness, and self-knowledge of those thinking up the ideas that determines the quality and merit of the opinions that are shared. Those who possess the intellectual character trait of humility are more able to recognize the limitations of their own ideas and opinions when presented with ideas that surpass their own. Rather than causing envy, which is quite common when people are presented with ideas that challenge their beliefs, those with intellectual humility and courage will allow well formulated and reasonable ideas to challenge them to achieve greater heights in their own thinking, state of being, and the opinions they formulate. ~Nathan & Aline
Children are by their very nature egocentric and narcissistic, and it is our job as parents and educators to nurture their development away from this level of “me” consciousness, and into an “us” consciousness. We do this by modelling intellectual empathy, and by encouraging them to do the same; and this sometimes requires that we employ tough love to remind them that they’re not the only ones in the room. This absolutely requires that we learn how to set healthy limits, and to stand by our limits without caving, while also supplying adequate amounts of empathy and understanding when we enforce them. ~Nathan & Aline
A popular term for “confirmation bias” is “echo chamber”, as people look to support their preconceived notions about themselves and the world they live in, and will gather and collect what they perceive as facts, opinions, and people that confirms (or echoes and reflects) their desired beliefs back to them. They do not have a love for the truth, rather, they have a love for their unconsciously held beliefs that define the rigid and limiting identities that they have constructed for themselves. They think that they are safe and free within their echo chambers, but all they have done is erected the walls to their own prison. ~Nathan & Aline
People often ask themselves “why am I not feeling good right now about such and such situation”? Their answer is invariably external, as well as a “how” solution, such as “because they are not DOING such and such like I deserve to be treated”, therefore “I should leave that situation, and/or demand a better situation”. Unfortunately, we cannot answer a “why” question with a “how” solution, and the problem is not “out there”, but within our own thinking. One way to know if it is a problem in our own thinking is our attempt to answer our “why” questions with actions, which are “how” solutions. “Why” answers are the only answers that resolve “why” questions — anything else will lead to feelings of frustration and powerlessness. ~Nathan & Aline
While most people segregate themselves from, and/or gather themselves together with, those that think similar things as they do, I’ve learned over the years that that’s way too superficial for me. Rather than worrying about what they think, and letting that be the dividing line, I choose to only interact with those who think in a similar manner as I do. How they think, the processes they use in their thinking, and the standards they do or do not place on their thinking, is my dividing line. At the very least, they must be willing to improve how they think, and at the most, they must have already invested significant time into their thinking. Maintaining minimum standards in our thinking, as well as in who we choose to associate with, is the fertile ground in which we can grow harmonious, peaceful, and joyful relationships. ~Nathan & Aline
Every once in a while I’ll put a comment on a post, on a topic that I know enough about to write competently on, just to see how a person thinks and interacts. I don’t necessarily care about what they think about the topic, as it’s more about taking a peek into their mind to see if they are reasonable, intellectually fair minded, empathetic, humble, reflective, and most importantly, if they have intellectual integrity. I’m not too interested in what people think, as that’s a fool’s game to care about such things, but I’m definitely curious about how they think and interact with others, because that lets me know if they’re worth investing my time, energy, and creativity into meaningful discussions. While I enjoy thought provoking conversations, I do not enjoy giving away my value to argumentative, biased, illogical, and/or intellectually dishonest people. ~Nathan & Aline
Ego = conscious mind. The conscious mind is not aware of the unconscious or subconscious, unless our observer aspect is able to integrate the three into one through emotional process work, and the result of such a process is what Carl Jung called “individuation” and “Selfhood”. Those who are so-called transcending their ego without doing the necessary emotional process work to make the unconscious-conscious (aka they’re making the pre/trans fallacy) are giving all control of their being and choices to their unconscious and subconscious aspects, and no longer being responsible with their conscious aspect; this is devolution. The actual transcended egoic state is when the conscious aspect has become fully aware of the contents of both the unconscious and subconscious aspects, and has become an integrated and whole Self. The amount of spiritual bypassing going on in many spiritual communities is absolutely astounding to us, as they are enabling this irresponsible attitude while calling it “enlightened”. ~Nathan & Aline
Is it possible to actually transcend something, without first fully mastering it? Can we transcend ego without fully integrating ego? Can we transcend logic without fully developing it? Does transcending something imply that we leave it behind, or does it imply the integration of such a thing into our overall cohesive Self? We must be careful, as the underdeveloped ego enjoys masquerading itself as an enlightened being, which is sometimes called “the enlightened ego” and “spiritual bypassing”. (Incidentally, Satan is the archetype of the undeveloped ego gone wild, Lucifer is the archetype of the ego masquerading as an enlightened being, and Jesus is the archetype of the ego having been fully integrated into the overall Self, called “Selfhood”. We must remain mindful, as both Lucifer and Jesus look awfully similar when observed in a superficial manner, but they are very, very different at their core.) ~Nathan & Aline
People have a little knowledge, and then bypass around understanding (logic / process / empathy / awareness), and pretend to be wise (compassionate / successful / transcendent). News flash, if a person lacks understanding, their wisdom is worthless, and thus foolish and potentially destructive. The trans-rational state of wisdom is only achieved as the result of building a bridge from knowledge to wisdom with understanding. This bypass around understanding is known as the pre/trans fallacy, which was coined by Ken Wilbur, where people elevate the pre state to the trans state, because they appear similar, or reduce the trans state to the pre state for the very same reason. It can therefore be said that the trans-rational state of wisdom is the fullness of both knowledge and understanding, whereas foolishness only incorporates knowledge, and lacks rationality. ~Nathan & Aline
When we start to advance in our spiritual practice, we feel the Divine “leave us” a bit, but it hasn’t actually gone anywhere, as it’s giving us the space to grow into mature adults. There is a mirror of this in our own lives, as when the circumstances warrant it, we are able to embody deeply, but when it’s not necessary, a higher aspect of us may pull back out of our body. This is to give our lower aspect opportunities to grow, and learn lessons needed to allow our higher aspect back in in a more mutual manner, and not in a parent/child relationship. In this instance, it can be said that the “Divine” being spoken of is our “inner being”, also known as our “higher self”, and this game of “hide and seek” between our inner being and our lower aspect is the psychological differentiation process known to the mystics as the “Dark Night of the Soul”, and leads us to our ultimate reunion and “Divine Marriage” (Divine Union / Alchemical Marriage) between the lower and higher, between the outer and inner, and between our Feminine and Masculine.
For reference, the five psychological stages of the Divine Marriage are:
1. Purgative (“infant unity” with the mother and her womb)
2. Dark Night of the Senses (separating physically from the womb-like state)
3. Illumination (enlightenment – an initial sense of individuality)
4. Dark Night of the Soul (separating intellectually and emotionally from the parental Divine)
5. Divine Marriage (reuniting with the Divine / Inner Being as a spouse and partner, and no longer as a child — “mature unity”).
~Nathan & Aline
Many people believe that freedom comes from having a lot of choices, and the freedom to pick as many as possible, as often as one would like. However, this leads to a psychological condition known as the “tyranny of choice”, where satisfaction and happiness diminishes as more options are provided. We feel that true freedom is found in the depths that we are able to go in our relationships, whether it is our relationship to our Self, romantic partners, or with our friends and family. True freedom and happiness comes from depth, and not from an abundance of superficial choices. ~Nathan & Aline
Out of the ashes of contrast, desires are born. While we can’t fix those who give us contrasting experiences, we can pivot, focus on the desires that are born from them, and choose to create a better life for ourselves. ~Nathan & Aline
Aline and I went to the Breendonk concentration camp here in Belgium several years ago, in order to consciously invite in the dark energies there to amplify the shadows still in our being, especially those related to cruelty and dominance. What we experienced for the next few days between us can only be explained as horrific, as we played out the various experiences that relate to such a dark place. We discovered our own inner psychopath, as well as the victim who suffers at their hands; and we came out of the experience (through processing our emotions as they arose) knowing ourselves even more, as we knew what we were capable of in extreme circumstances. Such self-knowledge does not reinforce these patterns, but actually heals and resolves them. Carl Jung called this reclaiming our projections through becoming conscious of our shadow. ~Nathan & Aline
“If you imagine someone who is brave enough to withdraw all his projections, then you get an individual who is conscious of a pretty thick shadow. Such a man has saddled himself with new problems and conflicts. He has become a serious problem to himself, as he is now unable to say that they do this or that, they are wrong, and they must be fought against… Such a man knows that whatever is wrong in the world is in himself, and if he only learns to deal with his own shadow he has done something real for the world. He has succeeded in shouldering at least an infinitesimal part of the gigantic, unsolved social problems of our day.” ~Carl Jung, “Psychology and Religion” (1938). In CW 11: Psychology and Religion: West and East. P.140
We cannot know Jesus without self-knowledge, because that is the direction where Jesus is found; inside and not outside. Discover and know yourself deeply, and you will discover and know Jesus deeply as an effect. Obedience to an external law of moral values will not save you, even if it is done because of a love for God and not from fear, because such love is co-dependent and enmeshing, and does not foster the individuation from the Divine into a moral and mature adult. We must stop viewing God as our parent to be obeyed, and instead move into an intimate relationship of co-responsibility. This is why the mystical paths teach the concept of the Divine Marriage between Spirit and Matter, and between the Divine and the Individual, while the religious paths foster childish obedience and forfeiture of responsibility to the militant and angry father god, or to the hovering, do it for us smother-loving mother god. ~Nathan & Aline
“Compassion” is the new political and spiritual buzzword that means “I’m no longer questioning reality, you’re a horrible person because you do question reality, and I have an unearned sense of moral superiority over you because of it”. ~Nathan & Aline
I am not a racist just because I disagree with a viewpoint you hold about race. I am not a homophobe just because I disagree with a viewpoint you hold about sexuality. I am not a transphobe because I disagree with a viewpoint you hold about transgenderism. I am not misogynist just because I disagree with a viewpoint you hold about gender. I am not a fascist just because I disagree with a viewpoint you hold about the government. I am somebody who is capable of empathetically entering into the viewpoints of others, and I thoroughly analyze their merits and quality in order to discover if they are worthy and sound—in short, I am discerning. Your inability to think is not my concern, but your desire to coercively push the conclusions that you gained from your emotionally charged and baseless thinking has become my problem.
While you are free to be as dumb, ignorant, and emotionally imbalanced as you desire, if you attempt to use coercion to force your opinions and viewpoints onto me or society in general, then I will embarrass you, and make an example out of you in front of others. I will not do this to convince you of the error of your ways, because your thinking is so poor and emotional, and your identity so fragile, that you will be unable to understand me, and unable to change your mind anyway. No, I will only do this to demonstrate just how poor your thinking is, and just how childish your viewpoints are, to those who you attempt to bully with your emotionally charged rhetoric. While I will never initiate the use of force, if I perceive that you are attempting to cross my boundaries, whether individually or collectively, I will respond in kind and hold you accountable.
~Nathan Martin
The idea of “taking responsibility” for our lives, and more specifically for our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, can feel quite overwhelming and send us into bouts of anger and depression. This is because we’re so busy taking responsibility for the lives of those around us, that we have very little in the tank leftover for ourselves. We’re so externalized in our responsibility, that we wonder “when will it be our turn to be taken care of? If I take care of you, when is it your turn to take care of me?” The only problem is, that the pattern is usually stuck in specific roles of victim, villain, and hero, and it’s very difficult to jump roles. Those who we see as victims of abuse are actually stuck in the hero role, acting as an energetic scapegoat taking on the sins (responsibilities / effects / karma) of victims. In this, the victim they’re saving is usually their villainous abuser who’s projecting their shame onto them through continuous abuse. It’s a confusing mess, so the thought of “taking responsibility” is quite angering and overwhelming to the scapegoated hero, who desperately wants a hero to come in and rescue them for once.
This is why actually taking responsibility for our lives necessitates that we first let go of the reasons why we take responsibility for others, or why we want them to take responsibility for us. The problem is, when we stop taking responsibility for others while attempting to take responsibility for ourselves, we’re no longer viewed as compassionate individuals, and we may be seen as cold, callous, and unfeeling villains. The process of taking responsibility of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors often leads to a self-imposed exile and time of isolation, until which time adequate boundaries and understanding are gained to venture back out into the world. While taking responsibility for only ourselves is difficult, it is the path of true liberation, sovereignty, and creativity.
~Nathan & Aline
Did you know that when you give too many choices to a person, especially to a child, that they will feel unsafe, and their ability to experience satisfaction will be limited? In psychology, this is called the “tyranny of choice”, and it’s being crammed down our collective throats in our media, schools, marketplaces, and pop culture. The more unsatisfied we feel, the more we’ll stray into excess indulgences in an attempt to quench our rampant dissatisfaction; this is called lust. Lust is created and perpetuated by too many choices, especially when many of our choices have been given to us too soon, prior to an age where we’re able to handle them responsibly. While sharing control with children is essential to their development into responsible human beings, giving them too many choices, and/or choices that are beyond their ability to comprehend the long term consequences of, is detrimental to their development. The tyranny of choice has made much of humanity incapable of being satisfied, and susceptible to being manipulated with their lusts by unscrupulous bankers, politicians, and business owners. On the other side, it’s made many people feel unsafe to make choices at all, and many people settle into learned helplessness as a result, and thus require assistance in making choices from others. We’re not advocating less freedom, but we must learn to be reasonable and responsible with our freedom, and know how to avoid drowning ourselves and our children in too many inappropriate choices. ~Nathan & Aline
The Elite and so-called 1% are in power over humanity because they have a connection to the “why”, and the common people do not. Why is the only true source of power, but to connect to it, people would need to devote themselves to observing their own thinking, and dismantling it thought by thought until their thinking was pure, emotionally balanced, and logical.
Why = causality = understanding = power.
Until humanity chooses to reclaim their personal power, by reconnecting to their “why” and using it to know and understand themselves better, they will continue to be ruled by others, and they may even let themselves be enslaved further.
~Nathan & Aline
“Beneath our poised appearance, the truth is we are completely out of control. Causality. There is no escaping it. We are forever slaves to it. Our only hope, our only peace is to understand it, to understand the why. Why is what separates us from them, you from me. Why is the only real source of power, without it you are powerless. And this is how you come to me: without why, without power, another link in the chain.” ~The Merovingian, The Matrix Reloaded
Our nephew enjoys dressing up like Spiderman and is obsessed with acting like him. Does this mean he’s Spiderman in a Belgian boy’s body, or rather that he’s been influenced by what he has seen on television and YouTube, and by other children, and thus mimics what he’s seen? Do you see the correlation between Spiderman, and how children could be influenced by external factors and agendas into varying gender and sexual identities? We need to be a little bit more careful when coming to conclusions about our children’s choices in play, and realize that there’s more influencing their behaviors and choices than just nature. Just because a child dresses like the opposite sex, or expresses interest in something too masculine or feminine for their natural gender, does not make them “born gay, lesbian, or the wrong gender”. Making such conclusions without taking into consideration the various environmental and other factors that contribute to their choices is lazy and simplistic thinking, and is the hasty generalization fallacy too. ~Nathan & Aline
Eckhart Tolle said, “What a liberation to realize that the “voice in my head” is not who I am. Who am I then? The one who sees that.” But we say, the voice in our head speaks thoughts that show us who we are, as a reflection. When we listen to that voice, and discover “why” we’re thinking the thoughts we’re thinking, we can change who we are, and thus change the quality of the thoughts that the voice is speaking. It is better to understand ourselves, and alchemically transform who we are, than to just notice ourselves, and pretend that our thoughts are not connected to who we are. Who we are, and our thoughts, are connected and unified by the law of cause and effect; to see them as separate is to be in separation, to be powerless to change who we are, and to be powerless to change the quality of our thoughts. ~Nathan & Aline
Logic and empathy both ask “why” questions and are intimately connected to one another. Therefore, if you’re logical and not empathetic, are you actually logical, or are you self-deceived? If you’re empathetic and not logical, are you actually empathetic, or are you self-deceived? This is why the best way to refine our logic is to work through our own emotional baggage, especially our childhood traumas and experiences, as this brings our logic and empathy back together into unity, and ends our self-deceived thinking. How much priority have you placed on refining your thinking, and on working through your emotional baggage? Why? ~Nathan & Aline
Both the forces of Heaven and of Hell have their own form of unity consciousness; Heaven has an individuated unity (esoteric), while Hell has an enmeshed unity (exoteric). Are you able to differentiate between the two? ~Nathan & Aline
I am fully convinced that if any one individual were to feel the full scope of their separation from Source (God), as well as from their other co-creative half (masculine or feminine counterpart), that they would instantly become insane. Instead, we get a persistent dull ache in our heart and experiences that remind us of our separation, such as a death of a loved one, or a painful marriage that ends in divorce. Thankfully, we also get little reminders of the possibility of (re)union, with life events such as marriage, and the birth of a child. To “wake up”, and to become more “aware” and “conscious”, is to become a little bit more in tune with the dull ache of separation, and to acutely experience a little bit more of what it means to be separated. The more we wake up to our separation, the more we will long for our (re)union with the Divine, and with our other co-creative half. Near the end of our path towards (re)union, the persistent pain of separation will most definitely be heightened in proportion to our own level of self-awareness, and rather than driving us into insanity, it will actually provide the contrast necessary to fuel our final push into unity and (re)union with our One and the Divine. As our angels and guides have consistently reminded us, there is no right or wrong on this path, but only (re)union; therefore whatever experiences are necessary to remind us of our lack, are there to further wake us up to our separation, and to push, pick, and prod us back into (re)union. ~Nathan Martin
It’s impossible to maintain minimum standards of relating when equity and equal outcomes are held as an ideal. This is because equity caters to the lowest common denominator in any given interaction, especially those where there are conflicting opinions held by individuals who identify as victims, while minimum standards are employed by empowered individuals who do not identify as victims, and thus provides an adequate framework for mature conflict resolution and a broadening of understanding. Equity caters to Karpman’s drama triangle of victim, villain, and hero, while minimum standards transcend the drama triangle, and has the capacity to pull people up to a higher state of being. Whereas equity lowers all standards below the minimums of healthy, empowered interactions, and thus “lowers all boats” within the interaction, minimum standards of relating acts as a “rising tide that raises all boats”, as it empowers individuals to only interact in a mature fashion with certain standards in place as a bare minimum. Minimum standards empower everyone involved to grow their understanding of each other, themselves, and of life, which helps bridge the gap between the various viewpoints and personalities.
Minimum standards include:
1. Multilogical critical thinking
2. Intellectual empathy
3. Accountability
4. Honesty
5. Desire for truth above all else
6. Ability to work and process through differences in a logical manner
7. Respect of each individual’s right to self-care and personal space~Nathan & Aline
Most people think that a man protects his woman and family in the context of providing safety, shelter, and other provisions, and this usually translates to financial support in modern times, however this is a denser view on the topic, and not how a man who is able to fully stand in his power takes care of his family. An empowered man protects his family through maintaining minimum standards of relating, and by staying above power struggles and lower conflicts. Such a man provides safety specifically by his unwillingness to enter into lower dynamic power games, and instead is able to assist his family to work through the reasons behind their issues and conflicts, and inspires them to come to their own solutions, without interfering in their lives.
An empowered man is adept at advising his family, and at letting them experience the natural consequences of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a managed environment, specifically because he knows how to empower them to be their greatest selves. In this form of provision and protection, there is no physical fighting off of villainous bandits, nor rescuing his family from ultimate ruin, but a trust so strong that he knows that no matter what, love will always bring them back together in one form or another. Such empowered love provides a stable and nurturing environment in which to make mistakes, learn from them, and to grow into mature individuals. These qualities of minimum standards, empowerment, and trust is what voluntary relating and relationships are all about. (*Note: the same can be said for empowered women too, as well as empowered couples and parents; just with slightly different details.)
~Nathan & Aline
Maintaining minimum standards of relating can tend to isolate us from interacting with the wrong people, and they may at times seem to isolate us from the right people too, but in the long run they will empower our interactions with our actual “right people”. Maintaining minimum standards of relating provides the necessary foundation to allow our regular interactions to transcend the need for survival responses by providing a set of minimum standards necessary for mature interactions, which will empower all such relationships to thrive instead. This means that our maintaining of personal boundaries will pull through and encourage the best in those who are earnestly seeking to connect with us and our work in some way. ~Nathan & Aline
Voluntaryism and voluntary relationships requires that individuals adhere to minimum standards of relating, otherwise all interactions will cater to the lowest common denominator of poor thinking, poor emotional intelligence, and poor behaviors. Maintaining minimum standards ensures the ability to stand in one’s power without lowering oneself to another person’s level in order to engage in an interaction. Even one individual standing in their power and choosing to only interact with people when they meet these minimum standards, can empower meaningful dialogue, interactions, commerce, and personal growth.
Minimum standards include:
1. Multilogical critical thinking
2. Intellectual empathy
3. Accountability
4. Honesty
5. Desire for truth above all else
6. Ability to work and process through differences in a logical manner
7. Respect of each individual’s right to self-care and personal space~Nathan & Aline
There is the illusion of being One, with all of its fluff and distorted pretenses, and then there’s the state of being in absolute connectedness that comes from knowing, and being known, at the deepest layers of our innermost being. Don’t give up on the truth and exchange it for the lie, even though the pretense of unity is so seductive and appears easy to attain. Although it requires more work, vulnerability, pain, and tears, true Oneness and connectedness to self and others is beyond comprehension; it really is the one need that underlies all other needs. ~Nathan & Aline
What we often think we want isn’t necessarily what we truly want deep down; this is the purpose of going through contrasting experiences in our lives. Contrast gives us the opportunity to clarify, and ultimately—to remember and reunite with—our heart’s deepest desires. ~Nathan & Aline
Truth is gained from the process of engaging in a dialogue with a diversity of ideas and perspectives, and even those viewpoints that are emotionally motivated and/or irrational can offer us important learning opportunities—albeit, not necessarily in the manner or context that those expressing such viewpoints will appreciate. ~Nathan & Aline
Aline and I are free spirits who have taken Nietzsche’s “experimentalism” and used it to challenge our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to an extreme degree. Much of our insights and growth has come through experimenting with new ideas, while challenging our older ideas—older ideas which stem from past traumas, societal norms, biological factors, and childhood experiences. Being able to continually challenge and work through our old beliefs while remaining flexible enough to upgrade our new beliefs is the essence of truth seeking; it is a lifelong process and not a final destination. We highly encourage others to also employ experimentalism in their own lives, and to liberate their spirit and mind—to become free spirits. ~Nathan & Aline
We contend that the difference between the true and false light is their recognition or denial of the mirrors principle. The mirrors principle calls us to be authentic, vulnerable, and accountable for our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and responsible creators and co-creators. Conversely, the denial of this principle gives people a license to avoid accountability, blame others, and splinter their Self into an illusionary and fragmented reality. In order to become whole, and to further grow, we must put the pieces of the mirror back together, and not shatter it further. ~Nathan & Aline
Equity strangles relationships of all sorts, whether they are romantic, parental, or collective in nature, as what is fair for the self-perceived victim is not necessarily fair for the responsible party that’s being told to give up their assets in the name of fairness. Equity seeks to build up the victim by flipping the script and turning the responsible party into a victim — and this is done by labeling the responsible party a villain to justify the theft. This is nothing more than enabling envious attitudes though, and is anything but fair, as it drops all parties down to the lowest common denominator, rather than raising them up to that which is good, true, and responsible. ~Nathan & Aline
While superficial discrimination based on another person’s skin color, class, gender, age, appearance, and sexuality is usually evidence of a bigoted attitude, bigotry is not synonymous with the word discrimination. In fact, where superficial discrimination usually uses broad generalizations to formulate one-dimensional conclusions, the beneficial use of discrimination helps us to clarify and make distinctions between ideas, concepts, reasoning, character traits, behaviors, and the definitions of words—words such as discrimination—on an individual, case by case basis. So just because we like to actively use discrimination, it does not mean that we are bigoted, but that we’re willing to do our homework, that we’re not afraid to clarify our understanding of something or someone, and that we’re willing to make distinctions between what is and is not acceptable to us. ~Nathan & Aline
True education uses methods that empower individuality, and not those that coerce group uniformity and conformity. ~Nathan & Aline
Processing our emotional upsets and working through our traumas helps us to proactively respond to injustice, rather than negatively react to it. If we’re emotionally reactive, we can’t build new systems in place of the old one’s, because we’re too focused on reacting to the old and fighting it. Such focus makes it difficult to calmly navigate the storms of life. ~Nathan &. Aline
Each time we speak or write our truth, we ground a little piece of our inner being into the material world, while we also learn to better articulate, clarify, refine, and hone our beliefs about ourselves and the world we live in. What we write and say is a peek into our soul, and a peek into the quality of our thinking, as who we are is comprised of our thoughts, logic, feelings, and beliefs, while how we behave is just a reflection of who we are. Therefore writing and speaking our truth, and taking in all of the feedback and processing it, helps us to grow and refine who we are, and ground a little bit more of ourselves here. This is why free speech is so important to our growth as individuals and as a species, and why it is the most important human right we possess. ~Nathan & Aline
Calling out poor behavior and attempts to transgress our personal boundaries is not judgmental, especially since most attempts at coercion are themselves judgmental. Standing our ground is not a violation of the nonaggression principle, but the initial attempt against us is. There is nothing open minded about seriously considering their perspective in such situations, since it is an attempt to manipulate and coerce us for their own selfish reasons, and not for our mutual benefit. ~Nathan & Aline
“You should go on a date with me, otherwise you’re being closed minded!” This is very similar to “you should listen to my great ideas, otherwise you’re being closed minded!”
“You dressed provocatively, you’re a tease if you don’t give me sex!” This is very similar to “you wrote a thought provoking article, you’re a tease if you don’t engage me in an emotionally charged discussion!”
The attraction is either there or it’s not; let’s not force it if it’s not there, and let’s not coerce and be judgmental in the name of open-mindedness. Be a person worth engaging, and you’ll find people engaging with you. While speech should always be free, engagement should stay voluntary. Healthy boundaries, and voluntary participation with like minded individuals, are a beautiful thing.
~Nathan & Aline
If we can interact with our friends, loved ones, and romantic partners in a voluntary manner, without the use of manipulation or coercion, then we will be able to do it in society as well. Attempting to have a stateless society without first changing our own mindset and relationship patterns will be a chaotic disaster. Voluntaryism starts within our own hearts and minds, spreads to our intimate relationships, and only then filters into the greater whole of society. ~Nathan & Aline
“Respect for the dead” is a thought terminating cliche meant to end meaningful dialogue, the kind of dialogue that can actually bring justice, respect, and meaning to any actual victim’s suffering and/or death. When did being quiet and turning a blind eye to injustice become synonymous with respect anyway? ~Nathan & Aline
When a claim is made that will effect millions, if not billions of people, skepticism is healthy to have. Skepticism in such cases just means that we doubt the official story, because we understand the nature and depths of critical thinking, human psychology, propaganda, governmental abuse of power, philosophy, science, and more. It is unfortunate but understandable that skeptics with such a rich background would be marginalized and written off as “conspiracy nuts” who lack compassion for the so-called victims of these grandiose and unsubstantiated claims. It’s a tragedy since we are motivated by our love for the truth, and detest the massive carnage and death that deceit brings to our world.
While the masses feel compassion for a few [possibly] fictional casualties on television, we feel compassion for a world ravaged by secrecy, lies, and all of the untold suffering and deaths that believing in the authenticity of the myriad of false pretenses causes. The limited sense of compassion of the masses is the most detestable and destructive form of compassion available, as it is only a hollow facade, and not the real thing. It is precisely because we are empathetic and compassionate that we are skeptical and challenge the official narratives given to us by government and media sources.
~Nathan & Aline
Processing our emotional upsets and working through our traumas helps us to proactively respond to injustice, rather than negatively react to it. If we’re emotionally reactive, we can’t build new systems in place of the old one’s, because we’re too focused on reacting to the old and fighting it. Such focus makes it difficult to calmly navigate the storms of life. ~Nathan &. Aline
We need a positive focus and not positive thinking, which is thinking that focuses on the net rather than the debt. Positive thinking puts a positive spin on the debt (negative focus), but positive focus is fully aware of the debt while maintaining a focus on the net [gains] that one is striving towards. ~Nathan & Aline
There is a very big difference in how people use their logic, and it has to do with where an individual perceives their locus of identity, as either outside or inside of themselves. Is their identity and worth dependent on the external world to validate and prove, or is it solely based on one’s own psychological development and sense of self? You can tell a lot about where one’s locus of identity resides by observing their use of logic, and the direction it’s pointing; one of the key things many of the empirical rational types do is they continually point their logic outside of themselves, and use it as an attack dog whenever their identity feels threatened, rather than pointing it inwards to help them process their emotional upsets and renew their mind.
The direction an individual points their logic is really the biggest difference between a mystic and a rationalist; as it is used either to self-reflect or to attack and project. I think the reason behind this comes down to where a person seeks to find their self-worth, through defeating external foes to protect their low self-worth, and to secure more self-worth by proving oneself important in the eyes of others, or conversely, by going within and finding one’s intrinsic self-worth based on their connection to the ALL (God, Source, Divine Mind, etc.), by developing their sense of Self. When we externalize our self-worth, we have to work really hard to secure it and then defend it, and it usually comes at the expense of those around us. However, if we find our self-worth from within, we can connect with all life in a harmonious and beneficial way — one that empowers and uplifts the world around us.
~Nathan & Aline
“When someone with great knowledge is unkind, I know immediately that they have not applied that knowledge to their lives, as applied knowledge naturally leads to compassion and empathy.” ~Vito Mucci
This is the whole problem with the hyper rationalists who are divorced from empathy, as their logic is pointing outwards towards the external world, rather than inwards towards knowing themselves. What most people do not understand is that empathy is the emotional component of logic, as it is the part of us that is able to “understand” ourselves and others (both empathy and logic ask “why” questions, and therefore both grant us understanding). ~Nathan & Aline
Words are magic, this is why when we spell a word, we cast a spell, and why when we write, we are performing magical rites. Our basic human rights either come from our Source from within us (inside-out / internal locus of control), as inalienable, or we abdicate our internal rights and they are instead granted to us by the sorcerers out there, who wish to control us (outside-in / external locus of control). ~Nathan & Aline
The solutions to the world’s problems will not be found by directing our logic outwards to solve them, but by directing our logic inwards to solve ourselves. ~Nathan & Aline
In order to navigate our world as sovereign individuals, we must first align our feelings with our logic; the unification between our emotions and logic is what is known in mysticism as “the Logos” — understanding applied to self-knowledge. Without logic, our emotions will motivate us to make all kinds of unhealthy and irrational choices, and without emotions, our logic will be cold, empty, and lifeless. It’s not that our emotions and logic must become one thing, but they must align and work together in a harmonious union; then we will be discerning and motivated to make wise choices that benefit both ourselves and the world we live in.
This is the benefit of learning how to process our emotions, as we turn our thinking inwards upon itself and work through our emotional upsets with our logic, to gain understanding. The solutions to the world’s problems will not be found by directing our logic outwards to solve them, but by directing our logic inwards to solve ourselves. Logic is not the problem, but externalized logic is. Feelings are not the problem, but feelings abandoned and shamed by logic are. If our feelings and logic are unable work together in our own lives, how can we expect to create a harmonious world where we are able to work with others in a peaceful, loving, creative, and productive manner? Let’s bring them back together by going within, shall we?
~Nathan & Aline
Ironically, when social justice demands equity, it must violate the non-aggression principle to achieve it. There is no way to enforce the concept of equity without the use of coercion and the threat of force against an individual or their property. Thus equality of outcome as a social ideal is an immoral ideology. ~Nathan & Aline
What many people have come to understand about the concept of truth, might be better called “perception”. While truth level one is our subjective perception (and understanding) of reality, truth level two is the totality of our objective reality that we can open our eyes up to perceive. We each have our own perception, and we are able to improve our subjective sight, so that we can see what’s “truly” there, and not just what we think should be there, or have deceived ourselves into believing is there. It is said that “pride blinds” our perception, but what does it blind us to? Our perception of “the objective truth”. While our subjective truth can be quite blind, the objective truth is always there waiting, should we decide to let go of our self-deceived thinking and open ourselves up to its presence. The more we improve our subjective ability to view our objective reality, the more we become aligned with the truth. There is a mystical concept called the “Alchemical Marriage”, which is the union between our subjective perceptions and the objective truth of reality; this state of absolute union is known as “unity consciousness”. Monogamous marriage in a pair bonded union is the metaphor that best represents this mystical concept, and points us to our potential as human beings. ~Nathan & Aline
“Agreeing to disagree” is a thought terminating cliche aimed at avoiding the deeper issues that block our personal progress, and more than likely results from a lack of intellectual skills. Agreeing to disagree prevents the possibility of achieving true intellectual and emotional conflict resolution that stems from a union of diverse ideas. Rather than avoiding conflict in the name of tolerance, we should instead learn how to process multiple perspectives and viewpoints through dialogical and dialectical discussions. Progressiveness does not tolerate diverse ideas, rather it is able to synthesize and integrate diverse ideas.
(*Note: Sometimes it is better to avoid attempting conflict resolution when one of the sides lacks the tools or capacity to resolve the conflict, or if the setting or timing is inappropriate for a mutually beneficial dialogue. In such cases, it may be better to reflect on it alone or with a partner who is capable, so that a deeper understanding and a synthesis of ideas can still occur.)
~Nathan & Aline
Here is the paradox of equity: the state must treat individuals unequally in order to enforce equality of outcome. However, with equality of opportunity, each individual is granted an equal opportunity to pursue their own unequal outcomes. Historically speaking, equal opportunity results in the liberty of the individual, while equal outcomes results in tyranny, genocide, and the enslavement of the individual. ~Nathan & Aline
Hate speech laws criminalizes people’s right to open dialogue on sensitive issues, which not only violates our right to free speech, it also cultivates fringe hate groups, while removing our ability to learn how to stand up for our personal values as mature human beings. We absolutely need free speech and the ability to offend others, so that we can encourage dialogue about difficult and emotionally charged topics. Such dialogues help us to empathetically enter into the viewpoints of others, which produces understanding, and helps us to further evolve our thinking and ability to formulate higher reasoned judgments. Hate speech laws based on subjective ideologies hurt everyone, and not just those on the right; for when free thought and speech dies, tyranny is finally able to fully act upon its hidden intentions — and the first to suffer are usually those who were used to subvert free speech in the first place. ~Nathan & Aline
We must be careful to look at information in an impartial fashion, and not give extra weight to those things that agree with our preconceived beliefs, while also not ignoring well made points that may challenge our beliefs. Truth results from a dialogue between multiple logical perspectives, but this implies that multiple logical perspectives be allowed the freedom to be expressed, and then weighed and considered. ~Nathan & Aline
It’s impossible to transcend anything without first growing in it, and then mastering it. The bridge must be built from here (knowledge) to there (wisdom), which is the function of logic (understanding); otherwise it is magical, pie in the sky thinking, and an impossible fairy tale. Logic, and its emotional component empathy, must be learned, refined, and mastered to get to where each individual desires to go, and to where humanity desires to go. ~Nathan & Aline
Faith is connected to logic, as it is the confidence we have from following our ideas to their logical conclusions, and knowing that what we believe will indeed occur. Our faith is the result of our sound premises, tested assumptions, breadth, depth, clarity, and logic, because we’ve questioned them all thoroughly. We see that our logical conclusions must happen because they are an effect of the causes that we’ve already set into motion. Unfortunately, most people’s faith is blind and disconnected from logic, since they’re hoping for particular outcomes while lacking awareness of their core emotional attachments and biases, and they support their hopefulness with magical, pie in the sky thinking. Does sound logic support or refute your faith? Is your faith sound or blind? Is your confidence in how your endeavors will turn out founded or unfounded? ~Nathan & Aline
In order to remove our conscious consent from war, we must first understand and be conscious of the reasons why we continue to be susceptible to war. While peace can be our ideal, it is nothing more than a fictional destination if we remain unconscious of our susceptibilities to fear and conflict. As long as we are conflicted and at war within, war will upset us, and hold power over us, “out there”. A true pacifist has calmed their inner conflict, otherwise it’s just paying lip service to an unattainable and nebulous concept. Both the problems and solutions to the world’s issues lie within each individual being — within you. ~Nathan & Aline
The main difference between positive thinking and a positive focus? Positive thinking tries to find the brighter side of a bad situation, or tries to pretend the situation didn’t happen while hoping for a different result the next time. However, with positive focus, a person finds the desired positives in the current situation here and now, even if it was only five percent of the total experience, and stays focused on the positives. They do this while still being mindful of the negatives that also occurred, so that they might make course corrections as necessary. Positive thinking is a sort of physiological dissociation from the reality found within any given situation, made necessary because of a focus on the negative, while positive focus stays tuned into the reality of any given situation, and focuses on the results that aligned with their desired outcome. ~Nathan & Aline
We can connect with others via a shared (and possibly manufactured) problem, criticism, and pain, especially at the expense of a so-called common villain, or we can connect with others via a genuine desire to know and understand them. The first is done from fear, and does not develop long term roots or intimacy, while the second is able to deepen and sustain itself long term. Have you ever connected with people from a shared wound, or at the expense of a common villain? Have you ever had people try to connect with you in that way? How did that work out long term for you? ~Nathan & Aline
To the degree that we understand the reasons why we experienced pain and suffering, is the degree in which we are able to forgive; forgiveness is the effect of understanding. When we forgive without understanding, we suppress our feelings and enable poor behaviors. ~Nathan & Aline
The intelligent have the ability to consider and integrate the perspectives of others intro their own, and to add other connected layers, reasoning, and data points that are relevant to the discussion. They then seek to remove the contradictions between the viewpoints, reasoning, and data as best they can without bias or magical thinking, where they are able to create a logical synthesis of the various viewpoints into a holistic objective truth. Many of the ideologies offered to us by groups and movements are seductive in that they offer us simple, one dimensional solutions to solve all of our problems, but beware of simple solutions, because they usually hide themselves within a complex predatory web of manipulation and deceit. Life is not simple but complicated, therefore our thinking, and the solutions we come up with, should also match the intricacy of life. Our solutions need not be complicated as a means of confusing and manipulating others, but it must be multilayered and capable of solving the complex issues of our day. Simple behavioral based solutions will not resolve our pain and suffering, but learning to think and effectively process life definitely can. ~Nathan & Aline
Unconditional love occurs AFTER setting healthy boundaries, otherwise it is unconditional servitude. Loving without limits is the depths, heights, and widths we are able to go as a result of FIRST having healthy boundaries that clearly identify what is and is not our responsibility in relationship to ourselves and those around us. A healthy boundary is enforceable without needing to control another person or being, as it is not possible to set limits on another person’s behavior, but it is possible to set limits on how we will respond to their behaviors, and what we are and are not willing to be responsible for in our relationship to them. We set limits and then love within those limits, rather than love and try to set limits after the fact. ~Nathan & Aline
We often attempt to discover how things are, and the way they work, so that we can fit ourselves into the system and succeed within it. If we would just take it one step further, and ask why it is the way it is, we could understand the root causes, to instead transform it. Why fit into and succeed within the current system, when you could instead choose to understand and transform the system, to build something new upon it? ~Nathan & Aline
Reality generation goes “thoughts (perceptions), feelings, and actions”, and then feeds back to our thoughts. This mirrors the Trivium method of critical thinking, of “what, why, and how”, otherwise known as “knowledge, understanding, and wisdom”. It is important to see this as a causal chain, where our perceptions cause our feelings, and our feelings motivates our actions and gives fuel to them. The feedback from the experience is not cause of our thoughts, no more than the information on a dashboard of a car that gives feedback to the driver is cause, but it can allow the driver of the car who is cause (perceptions/thoughts) to adjust cause as necessary. Some people think that their feelings and emotions are the cause of their reality, because they are unaware of the power of their thoughts, and they have allowed outside influences to program their perceptions, such as their family, society, schooling, television, media, etc. The outside world is cause, and their cause starts with their feelings, but they could reclaim their thoughts and be cause if they wanted to, through working through their emotional triggers and incorrect thinking responsible for their emotional upsets. ~Nathan & Aline
It is what it is? Yes, it is, and we must build upon what is, rather than avoid or fight what is, to create a better world. ~Nathan & Aline
To love without limits does not mean to love without healthy boundaries, but that there are no limits to the depths, breadth, and heights that love will take you when you protect your relationships with healthy boundaries. ~Nathan & Aline
What most people experience as love is really nothing more than co-enabling of each other’s addictions; generally it’s men to sex and other freedom escapes, and women to the relationship and the security it can provide. After some time, the weight of enabling the addictive demands of the other becomes burdensome, and the benefit of being enabled is outweighed by the cost of enabling. This is the point where the couple falls “out of love”, and will find themselves in conflict over the fair distribution of addictive hits, which may lead to a long term imbalance, a need to tolerate the other for failing to provide their fair share of addictive hits, or even ending the relationship to seek out greener pastures. Enabling another person with the hope of being enabled is probably the most prevalent way of experiencing a relationship in the west, and leads to all kinds of problems. The alternative is to learn how to have healthy boundaries, and how to respect the boundaries of others, but to also learn how to be empowered as an individual and within a relationship, and how to empower others as well. ~Nathan & Aline
A person can be a really great arguer and a really poor thinker. To learn why this might be true, research “confirmation bias” and “motivated reasoning”. ~Nathan & Aline
Control is the essence of the mental pattern of “doing to be”. For example, when I attempt to control my environment through my actions as a means of being safe, I am attempting to perform actions to be safe. It is the error in logic known as “reversed cause”, where we view cause as our [controlling] actions and our state of being as effect, rather than our state of being safe as cause and our actions resulting from our safety. Ironically, when we are controlling and attempting to “do to be”, we are still actually “doing from being”, as we are doing controlling actions from our state of being unsafe and in fear. Our perception of “doing to be” is a negative feedback loop keeping us in our perpetual state of insecurity, we merely need to unlearn all of our reasons for believing that we can “do to be”, so that we can remember how to “do from being”. Unlearning them will help us to follow the breadcrumbs back home to a perpetual state of being safe and secure, where we are able to consciously “do from being” in our everyday actions. ~Nathan & Aline
We see a coming split in society over the next few decades, where the technocrats and those of a group oriented mind will go the direction of Communitarianism and ultimately Transhumanism, and those who are more into developing their individuality and personal sovereignty will create a voluntaryist form of society. Both paths will claim mysticism as their guiding light (of knowledge), but the collectivist oriented path will master nature through a technological means and bypassing their emotions, while the individualists will master nature through an inner alignment by integrating their emotions and correcting their root thought patterns. Think of it as “Batman vs Superman” in the two ways that nature will be mastered, by walking on water with technology vs walking on water through self-mastery. Humans will be extinct as two new versions of humanity emerges.
(**Side note: with the NSA, CIA, and other world governments having a backdoor to all technology, smartphones, televisions, computers, etc., do you really think that once we connect our consciousness into a computer and join with an AI, that they will not have a backdoor to spy on and control our consciousness?)
~Nathan & Aline
Herd morality and mentality; the herd envies individuality and empowerment, and will lash out and attack those that remind them of their personal failures and inability to feel empowered. While the herd sees nothing wrong with violence, whether it is emotional or physical, they will often turn to the state to both create and enforce rules mandating their version of equality upon the object of their envy. Equality to them means bringing those who are unique, empowered, and confident back down to their level — not all versions of equality are equal. ~Nathan & Aline
Have you ever heard the phrase “don’t bite the hand that feeds you?” That saying is an excellent example of an emotional attachment to our source of income, where we may process information in a biased manner if/when we’re presented with negative or contradictory information about them. In what other ways can we be biased? Can you think of any other sayings that illustrate an emotional attachment that skews our thinking? ~Nathan & Aline
Ending a relationship is not setting boundaries, it’s evidence of a lack of clear boundaries. ~Nathan & Aline
I am a “progressive liberal” in the etymological sense, and not the current re-branded use which is defined as a left leaning socialist who is forward thinking about their political ideals. My etymological use of “progressive liberal” just means that I am an individual who uses my ability to think to progress my mindset into ever greater states of mental freedom. Slavery does not start as a physical experience and end in the mind, but rather starts within the mind and results in a physical experience. This is why in ancient Greece and Rome, slaves were prohibited from learning the “liberal arts”, nor were they allowed to learn how to read or go to a “library” (liberal, liberated, and library come from the Latin root “liber”, which means “free person”). It wasn’t allowed because learning the liberal arts and knowing how to read books would free their mind, and therefore liberate them from their enslaved condition. Throughout history, the enslaved herd is usually discouraged from thinking freely, and all thought they are encouraged to have is directed at furthering their master’s security, wealth, and power over them. While their dominion over you can end, it will only happen one mind at a time, and only if you choose to become an etymologically “progressive liberal”. ~Nathan Martin
Herd morality almost always co-opts and runs away with powerful esoteric concepts, and makes them into broad, generalized trends. Learning to fine tune our receivers to isolate the signal hidden within the static, or even refine the generalized concepts into pure gold, is our individual task. ~Nathan & Aline
A group and community is meant to be an effect of the individual’s development as a unique and whole being, and not a cause over them. Herd morality and mentality views the group as a cause, and not an effect, and typically seeks to impose their group’s morals upon other groups and individuals. Voluntaryism is a collection of individuals who voluntarily work together, naturally attracting to those with similar intellectual and moral values. However, most of the other “isms”, especially those that believe in the moral powers of the State, uses the group to pressure individual compliance through some form of external force, whether through conditioning, propaganda, peer pressure, or threat of violence. ~Nathan & Aline
Acceptance is the effect of understanding, otherwise our desire to be accepted by others is actually seeking to be enabled, and our self-acceptance is actually self-avoidance. Understanding causes connection and acceptance, while acceptance without understanding keeps us in separation. Hence, we only accept those things that we understand, otherwise we reject them, and rightly so; acceptance without logic is therefore a delusion. ~Nathan & Aline
Boundaries are our external container, the boundless is found within. ~Nathan & Aline
“Resources are not a problem, but an engineered lack of resourcefulness as a mindset is a problem. We don’t need more resources, we need a mindset shift that emphasizes and nurtures human resourcefulness.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Boundaries identify what is and is not our responsibility in relationship to others; they protect our relationships, and keep us safe. Freedom is everything we can now do, and everywhere we can now go, because we are able to clearly identify, set, and enforce our boundaries.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Boundaries do not tell others what to do, they only communicate what we are and are not willing to do. Telling people what to do is controlling, and ironically, crossing their boundaries.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Do you feel intellectually, emotionally, and physically met? Your soulmate is not meant to complete you, but to meet you.” ~Nathan & Aline
“An action is unable to transform or shift the quality of our lives, although we are able to observe ourselves while acting, and gain feedback from it. Feedback from our actions allows us to isolate the limiting patterns within our thinking, which will transform and shift our experiences. New actions are the result of our new thinking, as actions are merely an effect, and not a cause. One might say that they learn how to perform new actions, or teach others to perform new actions, by understanding/explaining the benefit of the actions, but this is not transformative in itself. A transformation must first occur within a person’s thought patterns that aligns them with the new actions, otherwise it is still placing the cart before the horse, which is reversing cause and effect.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Unconditional love is the freedom we experience within the safe confines of healthy boundaries, otherwise it’s unconditional servitude.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Those who are unable to find their power from within themselves, and who are envious of those who are able to find it within, are more naturally inclined to seek out or form groups to develop a group morality and identity. Such herd morality and identity makes them feel powerful, helps them to avoid their inner bankruptcy, and gives them a voice to lash out at the object of their envy — the internally empowered. This is in stark contrast to the teachings of Jesus, who taught individual morality and identity, and spoke out against the herd morality of his day. It is ironic that his teachings on how to develop individual morality and identity would be distorted in such a way as to form a new flavor of herd morality; one that would dominate western culture for more than two millennia.
Are you more inclined to developing your own inner voice, identity, and mortality, or to finding it within a specific culture, label, or group? Which makes you feel more powerful? Why?”
~Nathan & Aline
“Your actions merely reflect who you are, changing what you’re doing without changing who you are doesn’t change a thing.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Our biggest blind spots do not come from what we’ve been led to believe, but in how we’ve come to believe it. Indoctrination and conditioning the mind has not just told us what facts to believe, but actually conditioned in a specific way of thinking that’s limited and one dimensional. To break free from our mental slavery, we must not only learn what is actually happening around us and within us, or why it happened, we must also discover new patterns of thinking and relating, as how we think is infinitely more important than what we think. If what we think equates to the fish in the sea, then how we think is how we go about catching fish. Let’s learn how to fish, shall we?” ~Nathan & Aline
How much importance have you placed on correcting your poor thinking? Do you try to avoid your poor thinking, or correct your poor thinking? Why?” ~Nathan & Aline
“A righteous judge does not argue points with another, nor do they shame or guilt them, as they are able to see their underlying motivations that promote their skewed reasoning, and directly address those. Beneath the facade of reason, whether it appears emotionally charged or not, is an actual pain point that they are unaware of, or hiding from the world, and it motivates their behaviors — speak to it, and you’ll get past their ego and speak to the real them. Their ego will only surrender and crumble when the underlying perception and/or pattern is laid bare, otherwise it will blindly defend them until the bitter end. Attacking the ego to gain access to this hidden motivation is sometimes necessary, and while it may appear harsh to outsiders, it’s often the only way to gain access to the real person who’s crying out for our help. Becoming aware of hidden motivations and reasons for behavior, and calling out poor thinking, is a useful skill to develop, and it first starts within ourselves, as we call out our own poor behaviors, and pinpoint the limiting beliefs that cause them. Other forms of judgment, those that only speak to the argument or behavior itself, fail to go deeper into the heart of the individual, and are thus judgmental.” ~Nathan & Aline
“There is something about a proud, boastful, and arrogant person that will leave even the most ardent, fair-minded truth seeker doubting themselves and their sanity. Having the strength of will to exercise self-care in the face of such intellectual and emotional shadow projection is a virtue. I encourage you not to let their gaslighting get to you, and to keep standing up for your love of the truth — it’s worth it.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Somebody saying that they only value objective truth and not subjective truth, or subjective truth and not objective truth, is the equivalent of saying that they only value north and not south, or positive and not negative. Objective and subjective truths are a polarity pair, just as north and south, positive and negative, and questions and answers are polarity pairs. This means that there is a pattern of flow and attractive quality implied within their pairing, as south attracts north and feeds back to north, negative attracts positive and feeds back to positive, questions attract answers and feeds back to answers, and the subjective attracts the objective and feeds back to the objective. In all of these pairings, it is the active polarity motivating the flow, as south, negative, questions, and the subjective motivate the process and keep it flowing.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Simple thinking promotes a complex, burdensome lifestyle, while complex thinking promotes a simple, carefree lifestyle. Why do you think this is? How much attention do you give to improving your ability to think and relate to yourself and the world you live in?” ~Nathan & Aline
“Our actions can be an attempt to set a boundary, or the effect of an insight that prompts us to behave in new ways. To the outside world they may both look like identical actions, but on our inside, we’re either perceiving our actions as cause of our state of being, or as an effect of our state of being. When you enforce your boundaries with actions, are they an effect of your self-knowledge, or an attempt to keep yourself safe because you lack self-knowledge?” ~Nathan & Aline
“What many people have come to understand about the concept of truth, might be better called “perception”. While truth level one is our subjective perception (and understanding) of reality, truth level two is the totality of our objective reality that we can open our eyes up to perceive. We each have our own perception, and we are able to improve our subjective sight, so that we can see what’s “truly” there, and not just what we think should be there, or have deceived ourselves into believing is there. It is said that “pride blinds” our perception, but what does it blind us to? Our perception of “the objective truth”. While our subjective truth can be quite blind, the objective truth is always there waiting, should we decide to let go of our self-deceived thinking and open ourselves up to its presence. The more we improve our subjective ability to view our objective reality, the more we become aligned with the truth. There is a mystical concept called the “Alchemical Marriage”, which is the union between our subjective perceptions and the objective truth of reality; this state of absolute union is known as “unity consciousness”. Monogamous marriage in a pair bonded union is the metaphor that best represents this mystical concept, and points us to our potential as human beings.” ~Nathan & Aline
“As a general rule, big businesses do not support the free market concept, as it lessens their ability to influence the market. Rather, big businesses tend towards fascism over capitalism. It’s not that free market capitalism failed us, it’s that fascism exercised a gradual yet hostile takeover of capitalism, while keeping the brand name of capitalism in place. In a anarchic free market system, power and influence does not accumulate in centralized groups, but stays within the hands of each individual. This form of society and economy absolutely requires that we value the needs of the individual, and that each person is empowered to discover their morality from within. This is in stark contrast to humanity’s current emphasis on group (herd) morality, and valuing the needs of the group over the needs of the individual.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Blazing a new path often means that we must keep looking forward to our vision, and not back to, and waiting on, those we love. While it can be a lonely road when we leave our safety net behind us, the world will eventually be a better place for it.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Do you research to learn the truth, or research to prove your beliefs? While you use logic in both pursuits, the desire motivating your search is what makes your use of logic objective and fair-minded, or biased and closed-minded.” ~Nathan & Aline
“The Prime Directive, and why our Angels and the positive ET’s do not interfere or save us from the evils we experience on this planet. AKA, why does a loving God allow suffering, and how can we emulate the forces of love?
Remaining a neutral observer in a conflict does not mean that we are to be emotionally detached, but rather that we are to use our positive influence to empower the participants to come to a solution from within themselves. It is important to realize that influence does not equate to interference, as interfering in the development of others is not empowering, but rather enabling. On the other extreme is the tendency to emotionally disconnect from conflicts, but that is just the opposite extreme of enabling, and is not neutrality. We should neither interfere with nor enable the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of others, but make the necessary insights, tools, and ingredients available that will empower their own discoveries and evolution. In this way, we allow them the space to figure it out for themselves, while staying intellectually and emotionally available to them throughout the whole process.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Free will is the effect of the alchemical marriage, and we gain more free will as we approach it. Just as the alchemical marriage is a process we work towards, we work towards free will in our process. Our current free will is in our choice to process our way to the alchemical marriage.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Black or white thinking is tremendously disempowering, one dimensional, and inflexible. Such thinking is defined by the classic line, “if you’re not with us, then you’re against us”. Said another way, “if on a scale of 1 to 10, we are a 1, then we’ll perceive views 2 through 10 all as view 10.” Such logic is biased, emotionally motivated, and reinforced by undisciplined thinking habits. Whereas black and white thinkers seek to stamp out all viewpoints contrary to their own, they’re missing out on the richness, depth, and breadth of understanding that results from the intellectually courageous journey of sympathetically entering into multiple perspectives. It’s not that all paths and perspectives are true, because they’re not, but there are still truths to be gleaned, plumbed, discerned, and synthesized from sympathetic dialogue; not to mention all of the unlikely relationships that will be forged along the way. It’s high time we open up to the possibility that we’re not intellectually omnipotent, and that there is much we can learn from each other, but that will take courage, and a lot of it.” ~Nathan & Aline
“What a world we live in, when moderate, psychologically whole people express viewpoints that espouse healthy boundaries and individuality are considered offensive, insensitive, and extreme.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Most sales people and entrepreneurs are speaking to the emotional attachments of their target audience, and this makes it much easier to reel in clients. Refusing to cater to the emotional attachments of others, to instead speak to their inner being, is the more difficult path to master, but ultimately more rewarding as well. If we relate while being blind to our emotional attachments, we will sell to their emotional attachments, but if we are connected to our inner being and thus relate free from emotional attachments, we can speak to their inner being as well. We act and behave as we are. (Note: emotional attachments are needs and beliefs that we perceive keep us safe and/or free, and not defined as the ability to connect to another person in a healthy manner.)” ~Nathan & Aline
“Instead of saying to ourselves “what am I doing wrong”, it might be more productive to say “what am I thinking wrong?” Our thoughts are cause and our actions are effect, thus we’re not acting poorly, but we’re thinking poorly. Trying to find a better action to fix poor thinking will get us nowhere fast.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Are you cause, or are you effect, in the material world? If you still think that your actions are what make a difference in the world, then you are still an effect, but if you have learned to integrate and neutralize your emotions, and have altered or are currently altering the core mind patterns responsible for your life, then you are well on the path to being cause.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Many people believe and teach that we plan out our lives before we incarnate, but it isn’t as much about planning than it is about intending that which we wish to experience and accomplish. In this way, our life is not pre-planned, but pre-intended, and the universe is filled with the infinite resources we need to accomplish our intentions. We keep thinking that we need to acquire more resources, but that’s the universe’s job, rather we just need to stick to our side of the equation and exercise more resourcefulness — for resourcefulness (the non manipulative kind) always attracts the necessary resources to accomplish our intentions. Conversely, planning requires that we acquire, and then manage and control, our resources, but with this comes resistance, rejection, and even rebellion. In the end, controlling is entropic and unsustainable. If this is true before we incarnate, it is also true once we are here.
Do you intend or plan? Why? Are you resourceful or controlling? Why?” ~Nathan & Aline
“Humans are subject to confirmation bias, and they are also subject to motivated reasoning. The only way we know of to overcome biases, emotional attachments, and faulty reasoning is through a life dedicated to training the mind to think properly. First and foremost, this requires the ability to turn our thinking inwards upon itself, to examine our thinking with our thinking in self-reflection, and secondly, it requires that we learn how to process our feelings when emotional upsets arise. How biased and emotionally attached are you? How much value have you placed on working through your emotions, and the mental patterns that cause them?
(*NOTE: An emotional attachment is not our ability to connect to other people and beings, but an attachment to certain mental patterns that we’ve come to believe keep us safe. Confirmation bias is where we collect data and reasoning that confirms our perspective, rather than alters, expands, and/or enriches our perspective. Motivated Reasoning is where our emotional attachments to our perspectives motivates our logic and behaviors.)”
~Nathan & Aline
“One of humanity’s biggest issues is that they have reversed cause and effect, where they attempt to change their lives by finding new actions that they can perform. Actions are merely an effect of one’s thoughts and feelings though, so finding new actions to change one’s life is akin to using photo editing software to alter a picture, as a means of altering the being who had their picture taken. Rather than acting around their thinking and feelings, humanity needs to stop trying to manage their effects, and examine and change their core mental patterns that are their original causes. Said another way, our actions are not our problem, but our thinking, and how it causes us to relate and behave, is.” ~Nathan & Aline
“In a world so filled with deception, where even our senses can be fooled at the quantum level, it becomes evident that the only place we can turn to discover the truth — is within.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Ascension is the result of synthesizing conflict – without learning this vital skill, ascension will be impossible to accomplish or experience. Synthesis is the bridge that humanity must cross to get to where we are going – but we must first build the bridge. Many teachers have proclaimed that we’re about to ascend, but we’re here to tell you that we still need to build the bridge, and that any so-called ascension that occurs without first building the bridge is a deception. While it’s okay to keep our vision of humanity’s future in mind, we should do so with the proper understanding and mental state of being. Learning how to synthesize opposing viewpoints is only the beginning, as we must then actually use our newfound skill and do the work.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Do you argue to impose your viewpoints, or argue to expand your viewpoints?” ~Nathan & Aline
“The actions of others in relationship to us not only shows us their character, but also gives us a glimpse of our own character; those traits that we are aware of, but also those that we are unaware of. When we experience something positive or negative in relationship to another being, it is because we hold a point of attraction to that person, and to the experiences we share with them. Our point of attraction is always our mental state of being, as we create and co-create our reality with our thoughts and mental patterns. It is of the utmost importance that we take responsibility for our lives by recognizing that our interactions and experiences originate from within our own thinking, and that there is always a reason within us that causes our life to happen as it does. The buck starts and stops within each of us.” ~Nathan & Aline
“The answer to nationalism (Conservatives) is not globalism (liberals), and the answer to globalism is not nationalism; this limited choice is another false dichotomy fallacy, as at least one (or more) options are being overlooked. What then is the answer? Voluntaryism and the option of anarchy; we should each have the choice to determine our own path without the intervention of other people or groups.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Everybody has understanding and logic, but not everybody is at the same level of understanding and logic, and in fact, many often go so far as to allow their emotional needs to motivate their logic. This is because some people value and develop their understanding, while others have not been raised to appreciate it, or discovered its value yet. Often, those who do value it, only develop their logic divorced from it’s emotional component of empathy. When this is done, they usually lack virtuous intellectual character traits such intellectual empathy, intellectual humility, intellectual courage, and intellectual fair-mindedness. Intellectuals divorced from their feelings and virtuous intellectual character traits further cements the belief by those who are logically underdeveloped that there is little reason to value understanding and logic. This association further reinforces the divide between those with a developed and those with an underdeveloped capacity to understand themselves and the world around them.
How much do you value logic and understanding? Have you developed your emotional intelligence along side of your logic and understanding? If so, have you also developed any of the intellectual virtues that balance out your understanding?” ~Nathan & Aline
“Did you know that empathy is the emotional aspect of understanding? Just as with understanding, empathy asks “why” questions until it fully understands the rationale (causes) that underlie another person’s thinking, feelings, and behaviors. In a situation dealing with something unknown, empathy is open minded enough to slow down and ask as many questions as are needed before rushing to rash judgments, and is instead able to seek to understand others in order to respond to each situation in a rational manner. Therefore empathy is intimately connected to logic, causality, “why” questions, reason, and understanding. Empathy then is the foundation upon which compassionate actions are built, as so-called compassionate actions without understanding, logic, and reason are short sighted, reactive, selfish, and will ultimately miss the target of offering lasting assistance.
Are you slow to act or fast to react? Are you slow to judge or fast to judge? Is your compassionate actions founded upon empathy, and of understanding the multifaceted and layered reasons that underlie the situations you’re presented with? What value do you place on using logic / empathy to connect deeper to your family, partner, friends, and community?” ~Nathan & Aline
“Do you lack the resources to be successful, or the resourcefulness to be successful? What does being resourceful mean to you? Does it mean that you must be manipulative to get what you want, or does it mean something else?” ~Nathan & Aline
“The judgment of a court is the decision of the court on the particular matter or case. The opinion of the court is the statement of the court setting out their reasoning and the principles of law applied to the particular case. For example: The judgment of the court was based on a long and well-reasoned opinion.” ~TransLegal
“This translates in critical thinking in the following way: I have an opinion based on the careful study of my reasoning and the reasoning of others on a subject, and after considering a wide range of opinions, including analyzing their merits, biases, clarity, depth, breadth, accuracy, relevance, etc, I formulate a reasoned judgment on the overall subject. Conversely, a judgmental person attacks the opinions and reasoned judgments of others, up to and including the character of those they’re criticizing, without assessing their arguments in a fair minded way, and they do so in a self-centered and biased manner. They also fail to critique their own opinions and reasoned judgments with the same ferocity and standards that they critique others with; they impose standards while lacking standards themselves.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Are you a fair minded thinker or a self-centered thinker? Do you spend as much time analyzing your own beliefs and thinking as you do on analyzing the beliefs, arguments, and thinking of others? A self-centered thinker predominately focuses their thinking outwards onto the thinking of others, and rarely turns it inwards in self-analysis. Continual self-analysis of your own thinking is precisely what gives you any right whatsoever to critique the reasoning of others.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Critical thinkers rarely believe things as true, but rather hold probabilities in mind based on careful reasoning over long periods of time. This allows them to build upon their findings, to asses them as new advances are made, and to backtrack when necessary. Truth is after all – a process.” ~Nathan & Aline
“We’re growing from the inside-out and expanding as uniquely individual aspects of consciousness, while there are others who are growing outside-in through collecting and consuming individual units of consciousness. Are you growing through expansion or growing through consumption (and/or being consumed)?” ~Nathan & Aline
“Often our assumptions lie hidden within our thinking, so they’re difficult to spot without analyzing our experiences and how people interact with us. This is called observing the mirrors in our life, as people reflect back to us our underlying expectations and assumptions; we can then use that feedback to further our own self-reflective practices. When observed in a neutral fashion, our interactions with others are a valuable component of shadow work, because they allow us to make the unconscious aspects of ourselves, i.e. our shadows, conscious.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Often, we make the mistake of attempting to go too far ahead of where we are in our gratitude, for example, if I say “I’m grateful that I live in a wonderful neighborhood full of amazing people” while I still live in a really bad neighborhood where I feel unsafe, it will not lead anywhere positive, because there is too big of a chasm between what is here now and where I want to be. But, if I were to find just one or two good things about my neighborhood and the people in it, I could really focus on those qualities alone, and be grateful for them. This will allow my situation to expand as I build a bridge to where I eventually want to go. In our conscious creation, we MUST build the bridge from here to there, otherwise we’ll always be stuck on this side of the chasm and hoping that we’ll grow wings and fly over to the other side of the chasm — and that’s never going to happen, because the universe will not enable our poor thinking.” ~Nathan & Aline
“When we see something that we do not like, we can either focus on it and try to stop it with our controlling actions, which will give us more of what we do not like, or we can pivot and then focus on what we do like. Contrast is not here for us to focus on exclusively, but so that we can conceive new desires and then focus on building them. We see what we do not like, a desire is conceived from seeing what we do not like, and then we focus on that desire and create what we do like. If we are unable to shift our perception from what we do not like to our newly conceived desire, we can then do shadow work on it, and transform it with inner alchemy; this will allow us to again focus on what we do desire to create, and then we can move forward to create it. This process adds clarity to our creativity and desires. Control and resistance is the hierarchy game that results from focusing on the contrast without pivoting to our newly conceived desires, but holarchy is the game that results from focusing on our desires after we notice the contrast. While contrast is essential, the control game that we experience when we focus exclusively on the contrast is optional.” ~Nathan & Aline
“All negative feelings are feedback that show us that we are misaligned. Listening to their messages can give us important information to reflect on our core thinking that is responsible for our misalignment. When we are misaligned, we are presented with a dualistic choice, we can either feel ashamed or feel guilty. In shame we feel that we are unable to BE something correctly, and in guilt we feel that we are unable to DO something correctly (and we keep try to act ourselves back to being it). If we don’t want to feel our shame, because it is too overwhelming for us to cope with, we then try to do actions as an attempt to get back to being what we are lacking, but our actions will be less than healthy and will invariably cause us to feel guilt — but we reason, “at least we’re acting now, and can pretend that we are it again.” However, at the root of our guilt is the shame, and the shame is our inability to be something that we think we should be, or something we think we lost the ability to BE. What we truly lost when we feel ashamed is our inner alignment to Source, therefore the answer to both guilt and shame is to correct our thinking, and shift our perceptions back into alignment with our Source and inner being.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Just because a person lives a “good” life, doesn’t mean that they’re living a self-examined and aware life. Can a person really know who they are and what they like if they haven’t reflected on all of the many reasons that underlie their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors? Someone knowing what they like right now is only the first step to awareness, but understanding why they like what they like is the oft-forgotten step. Going within in self-reflection means that individuals must also ask themselves “why” questions, which are questions that uncover the core motivating thoughts responsible for their overall quality of life. “You should love and accept me as I am” is more truthfully worded “don’t question me because I don’t have the fortitude and will power to go within to ask those questions either. I don’t want to know or understand myself, because if I knew, then I might have to be responsible for my thoughts, feelings, and actions, and if I were responsible, then I wouldn’t be able to continue on as I wish anymore.” While it is true that a person’s desires, feelings, and behaviors will usually change as a result of self-examination and reflection, the answers to the questions will also heal the core motivating factors and allow for more satisfying and healthy life experiences. This is why being a good person is not enough to further our evolution, and why it is far better to be an aware person — one who is capable of asking the tough questions that can spark personal transformation and evolution.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Enmeshment and alignment are the two forms of unity. The first is externalized, psychologically unhealthy, lacks distinguishable boundaries, enables, and amalgamates into “lumps of consciousness”, while the second is internalized, psychologically healthy, is boundaried, empowers, and differentiates into individual units of consciousness. Most spiritual paths idealize unity, but which form of unity do they profess? Can you spot the difference? Which form do you identify with, and why?” ~Nathan & Aline
“It is impossible to stop the awakening of humanity, however, it is possible to subvert it, and use it to further the hidden Elite’s goals and overall agenda. The best way to prevent the Elite’s opposition from derailing their plans is to pre-engineer the opposition, and mold it in their own image. This way the energy that is meant to elevate humanity now has the potential to serve and further their shadowy goals. Many who are claiming to be awake, or who are supposedly awakening, have been programmed to do so with subtle and overt manipulative techniques; and this agenda has been ongoing for many generations. With that being said, they’re still unable to fully subvert it, because the universe will still find spontaneous ways to accomplish it’s own goals of conscious progression within the limits of free will and Natural Law. It’s important to be aware of this, that there are those around you that appear to be awake but are in fact programmed to appear awake, and are not actually exercising their free will volition to further their evolution. Thankfully though, because we are able to create our own reality, their true awakening is possible due to our own positive influence, and the inspiration we provide from walking in alignment with our inner being.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Since suffering is only something we experience when we refuse to listen to our pain, there’s never a reason to actually experience it. Our feelings are a guidance system, we either listen to them to stay in alignment, or refuse to listen to them and stray further and further from alignment, and thus suffer. When we feel pain, we experience a contrast between what we don’t want and what we do want, and this helps us to clarify a bit more about about what we do want, and deepen into our desire for it. If we keep focusing on the contrast and pain, then we suffer, but if we focus on our newly clarified desire, we can joyfully create it. Contrast IS necessary to grow, but suffering is not — although we sometimes choose to take the path of suffering because we’re stubborn.” ~Nathan & Aline
“We’re always trusting, but the question is, are we trusting that things will work out, or are we trusting that they will not work out? Our trust could also be called our expectations, and they are an underlying assumption deeply embedded within our thinking and logic. Many of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are built upon and follow our assumptions. We live in a universe that responds to our expectations and assumptions, so our expectations and assumptions actively influence the world around us. Trust is absolute, for example, those who say something like “I do not trust that such and such will remain faithful” are actually saying that they “trust that such and such will be unfaithful”. When we influence the world in this way, we must then attempt to control our environment by performing actions to correct the mistakes everyone around us are making. We trust that our environment and those within it will fail, thus we realize that we can only trust ourselves to perform them correctly. This is a self-fulfilling prophecy that we experience every single time we do it. Often, we will hope that things will work out, but our hope is just an attempt to counterbalance where we have already placed our trust, and how we are already influencing our environment. What we are in effect saying is that “I hope that it will work out even though I already trust (and have created through expectation) that it will not work out.”
If you are not trusting what you do want, then you are trusting what you do not want. If you were to examine your underlying assumptions and expectations, would you find that you trust things to go well, or are you trusting that things will go poorly?”
~Nathan & Aline
“Many people believe that boundaries are communicating to others what they can and cannot do, but limits are actually communicating what we will or will not respond to, and how we will respond in specific situations. Once we realize that boundaries are about us, they become much easier to enforce, because enforcing boundaries ONTO another person is controlling, and it always results in their resistance of us. While we can choose our behavior and how we will respond to the behaviors of others, we cannot choose another person’s behavior.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Argumentative people lack intellectual humility, which is the realization that “I don’t and can’t know everything” about any given topic. Argumentative behavior stems from a hierarchical mindset that focuses on the finite view that life is a competition, rather than an infinite view that life is an open ended progression. As intellectually honest and humble people, we are under no obligation to consider the opinions and judgments of argumentative people, no matter how helpful or intelligent they may profess to be, because it is a one sided exchange of energy that is laced with dominance, submission, and the need to control. It is ok for us to expect to be met intellectually, emotionally, and/or physically with the same desire to exchange ideas and synthesize them into mutually beneficial growth. While I will always observe and seek to understand a wide range of ideas from numerous sources, I choose to only interact with, and to consider the direct opinions of, other fair minded individuals. Argumentative people will instead need to open up their mind’s to progressing with me before we are able to enter into a dialogue together.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Ending a relationship is not setting good boundaries, as it’s an effect and sign that healthy boundaries were never placed or enforced in the first place. First set boundaries, and then love freely within those limits.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Whereas gaining credentials is exoteric (external locus of control — external cause/internal effect), becoming aligned and in gnosis is esoteric (internal locus of control — internal cause/external effect). In the exoteric we’re deemed to “know it” (gnosis) by an external judge who gives us a piece of paper, or in the esoteric we dive into ourselves until we “know it” (gnosis) so deeply that we are it. While there is nothing inherently wrong with learning a skill, trade, or discipline, it must be motivated from the inside-out, and isn’t any less valid or worthy when it is achieved without credentials. The only credentials that will stand the test of eternity are those that reflect our self-knowledge gained from the journey inwards; all others will fade and perish from their external focus and lack of sustainability.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Our intuition prompts us to look under the surface of something to discern its truth, while simultaneously widening our scope of inquiry, as what we see on the outside is not necessarily what is actually there on the inside, or what is present beyond what we can physically see. Appearances are often deceiving, which is why we need to probe deeper into things, while also expanding our breadth in order to connect the dots and comprehend the bigger picture. There are often multiple casual factors and various layers that comprise any given issue, but if all we focus on is the one dimension that we’re presented with, we’ll never truly understand, or be able to maturely relate within, our reality. One dimensional thinking is the cause of mental, emotional, and spiritual blindness, and there are forces and beings here that are perfectly willing to nurture and further our blindness. To break out of our mental prison, we must learn to see beyond the narrow perception of reality that we’ve been fed, and train ourselves to think in multiple dimensions at once. We’ll be able to resolve conflicts and work through contradictions, we’ll become more creative, and we’ll finally see reality as it actually is.” ~Nathan & Aline
“We will have more success when we take a holistic approach to our self-reflective practices. Not only can we reflect on the reasons why we go through our experiences, but also on the reasons why we behave as we do, why we feel as we do, why we relate as we do, and why we think as we do. A holistic approach to self-reflection will dramatically transform and increase the quality of our lives for our benefit, since we’ll now be connecting to the many facets of our being.” ~Nathan & Aline
“When presented with a point of view that you have already worked through and thoroughly understood, do you give your well founded opinion on the topic, or do you ask thought provoking questions that can open up their own thinking on the matter. You see, it is our own established depth of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom on any given subject that provides us with the unique ability to ask the right questions — specific questions that will help provoke the thinking of those we come into contact with, whether it is our friends, family, neighbors, partner, or clients. When we provide an answer we give them a fish, but when we ask them questions we help them to go fishing in an area abundant with fish. Do you prefer to go fishing and hand out your fish, or to empower those around you with where and how to fish?” ~Nathan & Aline
“Jealousy within a romantic relationship will only occur when partners are unable to experience together what they are able to experience with another. When a couple is able to go deeper together than they are able to go with anybody else, especially after the honeymoon phase is complete, what they experience with others will never be an issue, whether it is intellectual, emotional, or even sexual in nature. The only way to get over jealousy is to develop a bond so deep and connected that all other bonds are superficial in comparison, even if the other bonds also have depth to them. Demanding that a partner get over their jealousy is an irresponsible attempt to avoid the many reasons why depth may be lacking in one’s primary relationship. It is important to process through all such reasons together, no matter how long it may take, as this in itself will add to the overall depth of the relationship. This will create unbreakable bonds between partners, bonds so clear, expansive, and deep that intimate experiences with others will in no way threaten their connection.” ~Nathan & Aline
“We do not need to fight the old systems, and bring them crashing down through the force of our will, we merely need to recognize how unsatisfying and limiting they are in our lives, and then focus on what we do desire to create. The more we observe the contrast, and really allow ourselves to see all of the horrible and evil things that we do not like, the further the rubber band will stretch, and the more fuel we will provide to what we do desire to create. It is at this point of tension, where the rubber band is sure to break, that we must then switch our focus to what we do desire, and fully invest our will, creativity, and being into manifesting it. This, and this alone, will transform our world — and we will do this — one creator at a time.” ~Nathan & Aline
“There is never a good reason to use rejection, punishment, and negative reinforcement when relating to beings of any sort, whether they are adults, children, or even animals. While it may appear as an effective behavior modification technique, it conditions into those it is used upon the belief in authority, hierarchy, fear, and survival; it is wholly unable to empower beings to thrive in a nurturing and peaceful environment. There are many beneficial ways to empower people and animals to work harmoniously with others while still allowing them to embody their highest potential, but it takes strength of will, studiousness, practice, and the ability to effectively process our emotional upsets as they arise. None of these methods of empowerment require any individual to be a boundaryless doormat, but it does require that they first be emotionally balanced and empowered — disempowered people disempower others, while empowered people empower others.
Do you empower or disempower others? Is there even a 1% possibility that there are empowering methods that do not require negative reinforcement that you are still unaware of? How far are willing to go to become empowered, so that you can also empower others?”
~Nathan & Aline
“We can either be responsible and use dialectical thinking to fuel our sovereignty and expansion, or there are those who are more than happy to use dialectical thinking to fuel our enslavement and contraction.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Astrological dates, times, and seasons can be an externalized savior for many, something that gives them hope without the need to do anything tangible, and without the necessity for taking personal responsibility for their lives. Dates and times can point to the convergence points in natural rhythmic cycles, but when we are on the inner path of integration, we hit those convergences effortlessly, and without the need to plan or time things perfectly. The self-organizing energy of the universe (zero point / orgone) will pull us along with the cycles, and make sure we’re on time, easily and effortlessly. Only those swimming against this self-organizing energy must carefully plan how to best use the convergences, as they are in resistance to the Divine plan and timing. Are you connected to the universal rhythm from within, or attempting to harness and control it externally? Are you flowing with or against nature’s cycles?”
Hermetic Principles covered in this post:
5. Rhythm – “The pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”~Nathan & Aline
“Enlightenment is alignment and not completion; our expansion is continual.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Who we are is conveyed through the vibrational tone of our voice and writings, so even if we may miss explaining some aspects of an issue, much of the meaning will still make it to the listener. Additionally, all of the insights and beingness that make up the essence of the speaker will also be conveyed to the listener, and it will harmonize and co-create with the listener’s vibration. This makes our job of presenting ideas much easier, and is a good example of how “be the change you wish to see in the world” actually works. Changing who we are, by modifying the core thought patterns that comprise our overall vibration, has a beneficial effect on us, and those we interact with. Conversely, if we have failed to do the inner work needed on our state of being, the vibration of our voice and writings will also convey that, and we will either fail to influence the world around us, or experience pushback in the form of negative experiences and conflict. What vibration are you radiating out into the world? Does your state of being influence harmonious growth, or conflict and constriction?
Hermetic Principles covered in this post:
3. Vibration – Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.
6. Cause & Effect – Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause.”~Nathan & Aline
“Fate is when you are unconscious of what you are creating, and perceiving your experiences as happening to you from the outside of you. However, purpose is when you are conscious of what you are creating, and perceiving yourself as the cause of your experiences, both good and bad, from within. How conscious are you of your deepest creative motivations? Is your life directed externally by fate, or internally by purpose?” ~Nathan & Aline
“Why would fake news be a problem? Aren’t we responsible enough to discern what is and is not true using the elite critical thinking skills that were highly emphasized in our public schooling? Oh yeah, it’s not taught in public schooling, because if we were taught how to think with universal intellectual standards, standards that emphasize clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, and fairness, we wouldn’t buy into anything our governments or media presented to us as true. Many of those who learn to asses their own thinking, work to integrate such intellectual standards into their processing of information, and report on their findings, are now putting forth “fake news”? Of course there are fake news outlets, but they are usually mis- and disinformation sites run by various three letter government agencies. They’re no less fake then the mainstream narrative, and whatever other storylines that are fabricated by the official news outlets. Banning fake news is definitely not our answer, nor is any so-called legislation — reclaiming our own ability to think for ourselves is our only salvation.” ~Nathan & Aline
“If you do not know how to create sustainable depth and passion in your relationship to yourself, how can you expect to do so in a monogamous relationship? If you do not know how to create sustainable depth and passion in your monogamous relationship, how can you expect to do so in a polyamorous lifestyle? Circumstances are the result of who you are, and not a means to an end.” ~Nathan & Aline
“A false mental association between chaos and anarchy has been carefully nurtured by the propaganda machine. True anarchists are a problem for the state, because they are not subservient and obedient to external rulers. It is therefore in the state’s best interests to promote the fear of anarchy as a chaotic ‘free for all’ that lacks rules of any kind. The etymology of Anarchy = (an-) without + (arkhos) rulers” ~Nathan & Aline
“Emotionally motivated reasoning clouds our spiritual, intellectual, and emotional growth, but what is it exactly? It is when “people form and cling to false beliefs despite overwhelming evidence, the phenomenon is labeled “motivated reasoning”. In other words, “rather than search rationally for information that either confirms or disconfirms a particular belief, people actually seek out information that confirms what they already believe.” This is “a form of implicit emotion regulation in which the brain converges on judgments that minimize negative and maximize positive affect states associated with threat to or attainment of motives.” (~Wikipedia)
This is why it is of the utmost importance that we work through our emotional triggers with shadow work and emotional processing, so that we can deconstruct the beliefs that cause us to behave in irrational ways. In this way we can remove our emotional attachments, and enjoy life in a more balanced and harmonious fashion.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Do not be deceived, politics is just one giant scripted drama acted out on the world stage to keep people from looking where they should be looking — within themselves.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Thought does not go away with enlightenment, it just reaches a point of critical vibratory speed where it becomes aligned with the Divine Mind. Those individuals who have experienced higher states of consciousness and who were unable to detect any thought while there, misinterpret those states as something that lacks thought. However, what if it was only their ability to perceive thought that was limited, and if they were to only increase their own speed of thought, utilizing such tools as emotional process work, shadow work, and self-reflection, then they could eventually harmonize their thought’s vibratory frequency with that of the Divine Mind’s? Wouldn’t this actually allow them to perceive the higher frequency thought patterns present in those other realms?
Hermetic Principles covered in this post:
1. Mentalism – The All is mind; the Universe is mental.
3. Vibration – Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”
~Nathan & Aline
“Expectation in itself is not a bad thing, and can be quite healthy and empowering; it’s what we expect, and why we expect it, that can be problematic. We can have reasonable expectations based on a positive outlook, or unreasonable expectations based in negativity and fear. Life always gives us what we expect from it, whatever it may be, as expectation does not know the difference between good or bad, reasonable or unreasonable, as it just gives back to the individual in equal measure. Unfortunately, our expectations can be dual, as we can be expecting one thing consciously, and quite another unconsciously; in such cases, we will actually create both, even if they are conflicting desires. Are your expectations reasonable or unreasonable? Do you expect beneficial outcomes from your life and those around you, or detrimental outcomes from your life and those around you? Is it possible that your desires and expectations are in conflict within you?” ~Nathan & Aline
“Once we figure out the order of reality generation, and realize that we always create experiences that harmonize with the current vibration of our thoughts and feelings, we understand that acting isn’t as important as purifying our vibration. Most people act without an awareness of their core vibratory output, but most mystics take the time necessary to harmonize their core vibration, and only act after their foundation has been fully laid. How much value have you placed on your vibration? How much care have you put into harmonizing your thoughts and feelings before acting? Are you willing to take the time, care, and energy into purifying who you are even if it seemingly slows you down and holds you back?” ~Nathan & Aline
“There is a fine line between thinking ourselves to our own conclusions, which is healthy, and bypassing around our thinking because of our emotional attachments to particular conclusions, by using our logic to support our emotional attachments. The first is reasoning from the cognitive regions of our brain to discover and align with the truth, while the latter is reasoning from the pain and rewards regions of our brain, and seeks to justify meeting a perceived need. Emotional reasoning is a reversal of cause and effect; as logic is meant to determine a reasonable emotional course, rather than our emotions determining that which is reasonable.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Anarchy does not etymologically mean “without rules”, but “without rulers”. The problem is that most people think it is logical that somebody is required to enforce the rules. However, that is only necessary when we teach by telling (external teaching), rather than through using thought provoking ways to pull through the inherent laws found in nature up from within each person. Anarchists have found the law within their hearts, while Statists force laws onto others; thus the law can be found within, or enforced without, and a form of peace can be achieved either internally through alignment or externally through domination.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Should we be open minded in all situations? When is it appropriate and when is it not? At what point in a discussion does setting healthy psychological boundaries come into play? What of the light side’s propensity to be objective in a way that overlooks their own personal boundaries? What of intellectually dishonest people’s propensity to count on this lack of boundaries as a means of manipulating the light side? Are all opinions equal, or are some more weighted than others? What about reasoned judgements, are some more weighted than others? Should we consider a non weighted opinion / judgment with the same open-mindedness of a weighted opinion? Should we consider the opinions of intellectually dishonest people, and those who are using emotional reasoning to come to their conclusions, rather than multilogical dialogue and thinking free from emotional attachments? To overlook any of these angles would be quite one dimensional in scope, breadth, and depth of reasoning / objectivity. While it is important to consider multiple angles and layers of information and reasoning, is it ok to do so at the cost of forgoing one’s own boundaries and emotional health? The whole point of multilogical dialogue is the willingness of both sides to fully enter into the dialogue, and work through their biases to gain further insight. It’s not always healthy or fruitful to do so when one side is not as willing or able to process in a multilogical fashion.” ~Nathan & Aline
“‘Emotionally Motivated Reasoning’ is a powerful drug, as it activates the pleasure centers in the brain in the exact same way that a drug addict’s pleasure centers become activated. There is no reasoning with an addict in the midst of their binges, just as there is no reasoning with somebody who is stuck in their emotionally motivated fantasies. In fact, they live for the confrontation of conflicting perspectives, for when somebody tries to present conflicting viewpoints to them, they are able to come up with another workaround, and get a hit of their addictive rewards in their brain. It’s best not to feed the beast, and just worry about our own intellectual, emotional, and material needs. Addicts are able to come around once they are forced to experience the consequences of their behaviors without somebody enabling them.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Understanding resolves conflicts, but it can only do so when the two disparate perspectives are able to dialogue enough to experience a synthesis into higher order insights. One side attempting to dominate the other with their logic, reason, and understanding will create a resolution of sorts, if the opposite side surrenders or is thoroughly defeated into submission. However, this is a lower order version of conflict resolution, and it’s usually accompanied by drama, emotional upsets, fierce battles, loss of safety and/or freedom, and harsh consequences. True conflict resolution requires the ability to sympathetically enter into multiple points of view as a means of integrating that which works, and discarding that which doesn’t. It’s about allowing all of the participants the space to think themselves to their own conclusions, rather than dominating external conclusions onto the other. Survival of the fittest is certainly one means of conflict resolution, but is it the most suitable to a harmonious and lasting peace that encourages free thought?” ~Nathan & Aline
“The out of sync issue that many couples experience is the contradiction between the two genders, and must be bridged. In the esoteric critical thinking method known as the Trivium, knowledge is the father and understanding is the mother, but before the child can be born, aka wisdom, all contradictions must be removed between the father and the mother. It’s a process that takes time, but the end result is self-realization. The soulmate journey is an alchemical process, and not some magical fairy tale that materializes out of thin air; the fairy tale only materializes as an effect of the alchemical transformation, and is not the cause. Any supposed union that hasn’t experienced self-realization of each of the individuals isn’t fully united yet, but is still in process. As long as they keep working through their emotions, and neutralizing the limiting beliefs responsible for them, they will ultimately reach their destination together.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Ignorance is a choice, as the emotional payoff for ignoring the truth is often more enticing than the discomfort that knowing the truth may bring. Some people may even choose painful experiences over learning the truth, because even painful experiences can be more comfortable than discovering the truth, especially the truth about oneself. The ultimate ignorance is self-ignorance, and the ultimate truth is self-awareness — the discovery of one’s most innermost being. How in love with the truth are you? What lengths will you go to ignore yourself? What lengths will you go to find yourself?” ~Nathan & Aline
“Are you stuck in a revolving ouroboros, or are you on an evolutionary spiral inwards? In order to leave the ouroboros of externally conditioned thinking and relating behind, we must travel inwards until we reach our Source at the point of internal singularity. It is just past this point of infinite Oneness that we are then able to travel back out into the realm of material experiences, where we can then make a profound difference in the world. As they say, ‘the only way out is in’.” ~Nathan & Aline
“While we can learn a lot from researching history, age and/or tradition is rarely an actual reason, in fact, to use it as such is the appeal to tradition logical fallacy. While history may be important to piece together insights, to understand the context of a historical event or people better, or as a means of discovering root causes, its age and/or traditional usage does not give it sound logic, it just means that it was a particular belief and/or way at that time.” ~Nathan & Aline
“When we ask another a thought provoking question, we must do so with the intent of connecting with their internal locus of control, otherwise, we will connect with their externalized perception of themselves and reality, and they will push back with defensiveness and emotionally motivated rationale. Our own underlying motivation for asking them questions holds the key to which aspect of them that we will connect with, for if we are attempting to convert them for our own externalized needs, such as to quell our guilt, or to make ourselves feel safer and/or more free, then we will only speak to their external aspect. However, if we are motivated by our genuine love and passion for expressing our creativity in the world, and from our desire to be an inspiration for those we come into contact with, free from any desire to meet our baser needs, then our questions will speak to their internal aspect. When we engage our internal Self with their internal Self, we will then have the opportunity for a fair minded dialogue, and from there, the opportunity to spark a much needed epiphany within them, which will cause them to undergo an internal transformation and change from the inside-out.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Intellectual intelligence without emotional intelligence is like physics without math, they not only need each other, but emotional intelligence supports and balances the intellect.” ~Nathan & Aline
“To develop more fully as individuals, a catalyst is needed to facilitate our transformation — the devil. The devil motivates us to go within to ask ourselves life’s important questions, by giving us the pressures and contrast of pain, and this furthers our own self-realization. Transformation absolutely requires a catalyst, without it, the development of consciousness to higher degrees of self-awareness is more difficult — and maybe even impossible.” ~Nathan & Aline
“An emotional trigger is the starting point to begin our logical inquiry; it is a guidance system that warns us that something is wrong with our thinking, like a status light in a car. Where some people ignore their feelings and become detached from them, others will listen to them exclusively as if they are their God that should be obeyed — but this is just two sides of the same coin. Instead, we can run diagnostic tests on our negative feeling(s), to understand why they are there in the first place. Working through our emotions is called “processing our emotions”, and happens after the initial feeling; it leads us back to the originating thoughts that caused the misalignment, so that we can become conscious of them, and then change them. The fine tuning of our thoughts through emotional process work brings us back into alignment, and helps us to stay aligned for longer periods of time. Once aligned, we will experience intuitive knowing, this occurs because our thoughts are a vibrational match for knowing what is in alignment with us, and keeps us on the narrow path.” ~Nathan & Aline
“I have heard it said that Trump is the mirror and Hillary the mask. Rather than hiding behind another mask and pretending that everything is ok when it’s clearly not, America finally gets a hard, long look in the mirror. Our society and political system is a reflection of our internal state of being; that which triggers us — is us. It’s time to face our demons and see what we’re actually made of, and then work through whatever comes to the surface.” ~Nathan Martin
“The key to consciously creating our reality is in taking responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, but not in response to the external world, but as a state of being that we project out into the external world. We split off and dualize when we keep perceiving our state of well being is in reaction to the world we reside in, rather than staying unified in who we are and consciously creating from our inner alignment.” ~Nathan & Aline
“It is a common belief that unconditional love means that we love others in spite of their behaviors, but that is not unconditional love at all. Unconditional love is when we first feel love, and them stay in the feeling of love no matter what the outcome. Love is cause and not effect, just as experiences are effect and not cause. We pervert love when we give our power away to our experiences, and those we think are responsible for them, as we think that we feel love as an effect of our experiences, rather than realizing that we first created our experiences from love. This error in logic is known as the wrong direction fallacy, as it is a reversal of cause and effect. Making this error causes us to experience all of the negative consequences that comes from giving our power away to our experiences. Those we give our power away to become our judges and masters, while we become their slaves. Have you made your experiences responsible for your happiness, safety, freedom, and overall well being?” ~Nathan & Aline
“Pleasure is best when it is an outgrowth of our alignment, and not as an escape from our misalignment, or as a means of achieving realignment.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Children do not test their parents boundaries to foment rebellion, but as a means of determining whether or not their parents are safe to place their trust in; some parents are safe, some are too safe and controlling, and others are not safe at all. Think of boundaries as a brick wall, that when leaned against, does not buckle or collapse, but holds firm and true; it is safe to lean against, but if it does collapse and give in, then it is not safe to lean against. Structureand boundaries bring safety—laws and rules are the same thing, they provide safety through their structure. Laws, rules, boundaries, and structure can either be internal or external, whereas external rules implies the need for external rulers, and can become instruments of slavery and control, internal rules and laws implies internal rulership, and can nurture individual sovereignty, freedom, and unique creative expression. The Seven Hermetic Principles, also known as Natural Law, is an internal structure and lifeline extended to us from our Source that we can align with and anchor ourselves in. Even though it can be disregarded and ignored, it still stands as a structure that we can either align with, or find ourselves smashed against. In times of turmoil and strife, natural law is the only structure that will stand true throughout, as all external structures, laws, rules, and boundaries will perish and fade away.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Our need for safety is directly connected to whether or not we are able to be in control of our external environment and those around us. We feel unsafe in any situation, and with any person, that we are unable to control, either through passive, passive-aggressive, aggressive, or even assertive means of control. Said simply, we feel safe with those we can control, and we feel unsafe with those that we are unable to control. Over time, such forms of control can cultivate resistance in those we are in relationship with, which can end the “honeymoon” phase of that relationship.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Reality is a mirror, and it shows us who we are by reflecting our state of being back to us through our direct experiences. Unfortunately, like a fragile glass mirror, our Self has been shattered and fragmented, and as a result, the images that are reflected back to us from life will appear just as broken and fragmented. This is similar to how the psyche of an individual can be shattered by a traumatic experience, and how it will compartmentalize as a means of coping with the conflicting fragments of Self. Rather than observing their experiences with an eye for piecing the fragmented aspects of Self back together, many will instead choose to interact as if they are not broken, and that the external world is a villain that must be controlled. However, compartmentalization keeps people internally divided and powerless, as they only have a small piece of their psyche from which they are able to create their reality, and with what little creative energy they do have, they will direct it towards attacking and/or defending against all of the various fragments of their soul that life is reflecting back to them.
Self-knowledge is the result of having accepted the challenge to piece back together the many fragmented aspects of one’s psyche, through seeking to understand the many reasons why the Self was shattered in the first place. This creates an internal wholeness and unity in which the psyche becomes permanently unbreakable; which is known to the mystics as Self-mastery and the Alchemical Marriage. While very few people actually take up the call to embark on the Hero’s Journey, it is the only way out of this difficult game.” ~Nathan & Aline
“There is always a corresponding concept in each layer of reality that connects to a counterpart in a different reality, much like “data mapping” on a computer. This is how the Hermetic Law of Correspondence works. So for example, if there are male and female here, then there must be a corresponding concept that represents male and female in the next reality up (left, right, inside, outside, or wherever). So something like “masculine and feminine energy” could be considered a corresponding counterpart in another layer of reality to the physical male and female genders found in our layer of reality. What concepts have you found that have a corresponding counterpart in another layer of reality? In what ways do they correspond?” ~Nathan & Aline
“Until we are fully self-realized and integrated, the only real decision we have is in where we decide to develop our locus of control. Religion, science, occultism, atheism, communism, fascism, socialism, etc, all assume external cause and external locus of control (nature, nurture, or some divine will is in control and not us). Internal locus of control is self-determining, and is more connected to entrepreneurism, anarchism, mysticism, etc., and is about being cause from within. Blind faith is having an external locus, as it is hoping in an external force to be fair with it’s cause over us, while founded faith is when we follow the logical implications of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to their logical ends, and KNOW that things will turn out in the specific way of our conscious choosing. It is not always black or white, as most people will have a mix of internal and external locus of control, but will probably lean more one way or the other. It is each being’s personal choice as to where they will decide to focus and develop their locus, external or internal, and this will lead them on two very different life paths and qualities of experience. An external locus will lead to channeling our life force energy towards collectivism, enmeshment, conflict, dominance, and submission, while an internal locus will lead us to channeling our life force energy towards individuality, creativity, harmony, and personal sovereignty.” ~Nathan & Aline
“The secret to life is not found in the answers we receive, but in the questions we ask. How much value do you place on asking questions?” ~Nathan & Aline
“When approached by an accuser who is attacking our reasoning and/or information, we will often attempt to defend ourselves, and get sucked into a tit for tat debate that seemingly goes nowhere. This is a mirror reflecting our own erroneous beliefs about objectivity, for while they are far too closed minded and lack objectivity, we are far too open in our objectivity, as we entertain emotionally charged and/or dismissive attacks against us and our character. Maintaining objectivity does not mean that we must entertain the accusations directed against us by emotionally biased and intellectually dishonest people, but that we must consider the many causal factors and layers on any given issue that we are reflecting on. We must learn how to feel into and discern the difference between an honest dialogue on the one hand, and an assault on our character on the other; this takes emotional sensitivity and the ability to process our emotions as they arise.” ~Nathan & Aline
“If we only collect one or two dots, then there aren’t enough dots to connect together, and there will be very little for us to see. However, if we are able to find the many dots that make up the picture, and then connect them, we will be able to see the overall picture more clearly. This is the difference between monological and multilogical thinking, between closed mindedness and objectivity, and between being judgmental and making a reasoned judgment. Are you prone to rushing to judgment based on just a small piece of information, or are you careful to slowly find all of the dots, until which time you are able to connect them, see the picture more clearly, and formulate a reasoned judgment?” ~Nathan & Aline
“The first Hermetic Principle states that the “ALL is mental”, and that everything within the ALL is also mental. This is why there are so many “minds” — for example conscious, unconscious, subconscious, superconscious, and collective unconscious. We have mind patterns that cause us to feel, and our feelings cause us to act and create; our experiences feed back to us and our conscious mind, where we then go through the cycle again. Our feelings, actions, and creations are expressions of who we are and reflect reflect back to us our mental state of being. When we change our core thoughts and mind patterns, by making the subconscious and unconscious conscious, we change who we are, and allow ourselves to experience new things. We can reverse engineer our thoughts by observing our manifestations, behaviors, and feelings, especially in relationship to how the people we are in relationship with are interacting with us. Once we become conscious of our unconscious and subconscious beliefs, we can make alterations to the mind patterns that motivate our behaviors, creations, and experiences. This process brings alignment (unity) to our thoughts, feelings, actions, and experiences, as both the subconscious and unconscious are now more conscious.” ~Nathan & Aline
“A judgmental attitude automatically shifts the burden of proof from the one presenting the information, and onto the person attacking the presenter. This is done because the attacker has now established themselves as the prosecuting side, and therefore are now under the obligation to prove their perspective. If the listener does not become judgmental, but instead asks reasonable questions that ask for clarification, seek to bridge possible discrepancies, and understand the information and reasoning of the presentation better, then the burden of proof still lies on the side that initially presented their perspective. What do you think, are we obligated to prove ourselves to intellectually dishonest people who shift the burden of proof with their emotionally charged accusations and judgmental behaviors, or is it now their responsibility?” ~Nathan & Aline
“Being is who we ARE, while doing is the things that are done that express who we ARE; doing is the actions that reflect our state of being. Often people do actions to be something that they are not, rather than realizing that their actions are merely reflecting who they already ARE. Changing our core mental patterns, especially the victim mentality, is important to changing our state of being, so that we can then behave in ways that create more satisfying experiences — experiences that cause us to expand as individuals, rather than contract and hide in collective groups.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Are you in a relationship to escape your problems, or to find and resolve them? Relationships can be the perfect place to live a lie, or they can be the perfect place to discover the truth; to run away from yourself, or to find yourself. Which purpose does your relationships serve?” ~Nathan & Aline
“Objective people will evaluate the various claims on any given subject, and then form reasoned judgment as a result of their evaluation. It’s not that we should believe everyone, but that we should evaluate their claims, opinions, and ideas to form a more rounded and objective understanding.” ~Nathan & Aline
“The forfeiture of personal responsibility over your own thoughts, feelings, and actions to an external sovereign God will necessitate the need for an opposing force and sovereign Devil to oppose your God. One cannot exist without the other, as the Devil is also vying for the responsibility that you placed outside of yourself. Once your responsibility is internalized, and your personal sovereignty reclaimed, there is no longer anything for the two sides to fight over, as you have transcended them both. It is not about light versus dark, or good versus evil, but about internalization versus externalization of personal responsibility and sovereignty. Are you a responsible sovereign being, or do you hand over your responsibility and personal power to an external royalty to rule over you?” ~Nathan & Aline
“People have been conditioned through didactic schooling to be monological in their thinking, and then they parrot phrases like “prove it”, “empirical evidence”, and “scientific fact” without realizing that they are the intellectual equivalent of a toddler. It’s important to objectively look at all of the evidence without judgment, and filter what does and does not work with our critical thinking skills. If we are judging the material from the get go, we may miss out on important clues and puzzle pieces that we may be required to formulate our reasoned judgment on the subject matter.” ~Nathan & Aline
“I’m not one who believes in “saviors” of others, but those who are whole, embodied, and have attained Selfhood. Jung had four main archetypes, the shadow, the anima, the animus, and the Self, where the Self is the fullness of the balance of the other three archetypes. I also feel that all of the archetypes known to us as “gods” and “goddesses” are relevant to our psychological integration and differentiation, and not as literal beings to be revered and worshiped. The archetype of the Self is personified by the hero dying, going to the underworld to face his shadows, and resurrecting, and is the goal archetype of attaining Selfhood. This archetype can be seen in great works of fiction such as the Lord of the Rings, where Gandalf the Grey plummets to the depths of the earth and fights the fiery Balrog, and returns as Gandalf the White. It is also the journey of the Jesus figure, where he was crucified, traveled to Hell to face his demons, and returned in his ascended body. From my understanding, this is a psychological journey and not a literal one, and shadow work and facing one’s demons is something that can take years, if not a lifetime of psychological work to complete.” ~Nathan
“Intuition is merely the starting point for processing our experiences, as it tells us that something is off, and that we are being presented with an apparent contradiction. Upon becoming aware of the contradiction, it is then important for us to figure out why the contradiction is present, and work through it. It is a fallacy to automatically assume that because our intuition has alerted us to the presence of a contradiction, that the other person or circumstance is the reason for it, since we are the common denominator in the experience. We can use our intuition’s promptings as opportunities to reverse engineer our core assumptions, emotional attachments, biased thinking, unfounded beliefs, and fallacious logic, so that we might become aware of the reasons why we think, feel, and behave as we do, and make conscious changes to how we experience life. Learning how to process the contradictions that our feelings and intuition reveals to us is an important tool as we take responsibility for our experiences, and it will contribute to our maturation as human beings.” ~Nathan & Aline
“I personally appreciate those who sell their gifts for a profit, because I receive some valuable tools that I would otherwise be unable to create for myself. Every person deserves to eat from the fruit of their labors, to do otherwise would be unwise, and succumbing to sacrificial religious claptrap and the needles shaming of their creative drive. Those who would desire the wares and services of another without properly compensating them for their investment of time, creativity, resources, and wisdom are an entitled and parasitic blight on society, and no better than our so-called elite masters. Stating that people shouldn’t profit from their creativity and services is like promoting the notion that people shouldn’t have an orgasm when they have sex. How silly.” ~Nathan
“If you want to change the world, it must be an individual effort. Groups lead to the same place, regardless of their stated goals — collectivism, enmeshment, and uniformity.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Overpopulation is only an issue for those that do not know, or refuse to live in alignment with, the principles found in nature. When humanity is aligned with nature, all of our so-called problems will be solved, as they’re just an outgrowth of our unnatural thinking and misaligned living.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Before learning of our successes and positive attributes from those around us, we had probably never realized that we could fail, or that we needed the positive attribute in the first place. This is the dark side of approval and praise, as it can potentially block our creative flow and stunt our ability to enjoy the creative process. For example, “wow, you have the perfect body” now becomes a prison, as there is now an opportunity that we were never aware of where we might not “have the perfect body anymore”. Praising and approving of our children can have some long lasting negative effects on their overall emotional and intellectual development, as what humans really crave is just connection and nurturing, and the freedom to be creative without needing approval from anybody else. This is because approval causes the possibility of rejection — a possibility that hadn’t existed before.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Just as subtle distortions can be added to the truth, subtle truths are added to lies, since it makes stories and reasoning more palatable to undiscriminating thinkers. Multilogical thinking necessitates that multiple perspectives be analyzed and sifted through, even the lies, in order to build the fullest and most objective perspective possible, and to discern what is and is not true. Even if there are obvious distortions, erroneous assumptions, fallacious logic, contradictions, and biases present, the argument or story still needs to be analyzed. Discovering the truth is rarely a one dimensional black and white (true/untrue) proposition, therefore if we really want to know the truth, it is our job to process all of it, and separate the wheat from the chaff with a multilogical approach.” ~Nathan & Aline
“We share knowledge, understanding, and wisdom that aligns with our insights, thinking, and vision. We do not require anybody else to agree or align with us, as we write and post for those who are already in alignment with us, or who are seeking alternative perspectives to enrich their own personal process. We work with others insomuch as our visions overlap together, but never more, out of respect for their free will to think, feel, and behave as they wish. While we encourage discussion and the sharing of possibilities, it is for the purpose of mutual growth and further insight, but not as a forum to degrade others, or force opinions, weighted or otherwise, upon them. Whereas a multilogical dialogue encourages further insight, monological debates often spiral into judgments about character, as well as a way to force one’s beliefs upon others—such behavior is not aligned with our vision of objectivity and balance.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Do you want a revolution or an evolution? A revolution “revolves” in a circle, where people end up right back where they started, but an evolution allows for the individual to rise up and transcend their current situation. I’m done revolving in circles, as it’s time to take responsibility for my thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and evolve beyond my circular perception of life.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Accusations of callousness, negativity, and hate are a common reaction by those who experience, witness, or read about tough love, especially if they are more comfortable with enabling others, or being enabled themselves. Our world has very few role models who actually empower people; rather there are mostly those who advocate enabling the behaviors and attitudes of others–all in the name of “love”.” ~Nathan & Aline
“We do not buy into most sad, tough luck stories that people tell for several reasons, especially when they are laced with the desire to garner attention and sympathy, or they are buying into a disempowered world view. We won’t be complicit with the notion that they’re unable to take responsibility for their experiences and make a change for the better, because we’ve seen the most obscene and graphic traumas overcome by those who were determined to live more peaceful, joyful, and empowered lives. Free will not only exists here, but on all levels of existence, therefore if a person is going through a painful or traumatic experience here, it is because on a different level of existence they made the choice to go through such an experience.
There are far reaching implications to this, for if they chose to experience their sad story on any level, even if they had a traumatic childhood in this realm, then they still have the personal responsibility to take ownership of their experiences and work through them. This is why we firmly believe that while there are victims, villains, and heroes in reality, it’s not a truth that we must adhere to. Whether we realize it or not, we all have a choice, and we are each solely responsible for our own individual decisions and experiences; it’s up to us to act upon this truth in order to integrate and transcend our sad, tough luck stories, so that we might become whole beings.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Sometimes our questions do not deserve answers, as they too should be questioned. Questioning our most burning questions reveals our underlying assumptions, as well as the biases and emotional attachments that motivate our need for their resolution.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Not everyone’s opinion is equal, as some opinions are well founded in reasoned judgement, while others are founded in unsubstantiated thinking and reasoning. Reasoned judgment is the product of filtering through a myriad of perspectives, while it has also questioned many of the root assumptions, biases, implications, and inferences, which are all a self-correcting means of improving the quality of an opinion. An unfounded opinion carries less weight because it does not have the means to analyze and correct itself, but merely expresses itself unquestioned. Such is the product of a lazy and conditioned mind that wishes only to be entertained and/or told what to believe. Since they were conditioned to think a certain way via external authorities, they also think it reasonable that others should consider their opinions, even if they come across as unsubstantiated to a trained mind. While it’s never ok to arrogantly dismiss the opinions of others, we’re under no obligation to lower ourselves in order to grant equal consideration to fantastical, flawed, or biased thinking, as that gives away our personal power and enables their poor thinking.”
“Is our greatest fear really of losing ourselves into the great void of enmeshment, or is our greatest fear of actually finding and meeting our unique Self as a differentiated being? Losing ourselves, aka escapism, is par for the course and encouraged by society, but finding and connecting to our core Self, now that is truly terrifying — yet liberating!” ~Nathan & Aline
“Feelings are logical, but unfortunately some people’s emotional reactivity is not proportionate to their experiences, which limits their ability to interact in a coherent and reasonable fashion. While it may seem reasonable to the one exploding in a fit of rage, hurt, and reactivity, It is easy to discern that they are acting out unresolved issues, and projecting them out onto their external environment. Working through triggers with shadow work and emotional processing allows people to discover the core reasons behind their emotionally charged behaviors, and integrate their lessons. Such focus empowers individuals to become more balanced and whole, and less reactive; thus causing their emotional state to match their current situations. Does your emotional state proportionately match your experiences, or are your responses out of balance?” ~Nathan & Aline
“Tough love is also love, and in fact, is often more loving than what many people understand and experience as love. We need less enabling and not more, and done in a way that is fair and balanced, which requires emotional integration. While it may feel punishing to some, it is anything but, as tough love liberates both parties from the dysfunctional cycles of victim, hero, and villain. How far are you willing to go into your capacity to love?” ~Nathan & Aline
“Contrary to what we may have learned in public schools and mainstream universities, not everything must be about ideas competing in a debate, which is a conflict between two individuals’s one dimensional logic. Rather, it can be about the integration of ideas through things such as Socratic questioning, which is a multilogical dialogue between multiple viewpoints and perspectives. Competition is so ingrained in our society that it’s difficult to synthesize ideas into more rounded, objective perspectives, because each perspective must compete with other possible perspectives — it’s survival of the fittest, monological thinking. If we are true seekers, and really want to figure out the truth and not just prove our egoic opinions, then we must ask each other questions that will deepen our knowledge and understanding of what is really going on inside and around us — which is integrative, multilogical thinking. Rather than tear down all competing perspectives, multilogical discourse will build both knowledge and understanding through the synthesis of multiple perspectives; and this expansion is exactly what our world needs to truly survive—and thrive.” ~Nathan & Aline
“It’s not up to anybody to prove the truth to anybody else, as this is the burden of proof logical fallacy. It is incumbent upon each individual to do their own research and think themselves to their own conclusions in an objective manner. Insulting and/or dismissing the conclusions of another, or arguing against them, without first objectively looking at the varying viewpoints is poor critical thinking (one dimensional logic), and denies the possibility of learning even small insights from the perspectives of others. Rather than proving our points to others, or requiring them to prove theirs to us, we can instead glean nuggets of truth from their viewpoints, and integrate them into our own. With this new perspective towards thinking, we can do away with competition, as it is now about integration — regardless of whether or not anybody else ever chooses to integrate and expand along with us.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Oftentimes, what makes us feel the safest isn’t necessarily what is the best for our development and emotional growth. For instance, we may reason that since we feel safe, open, and energized near a certain potential partner, that they must therefore be a good match for us. However, they could just be a match for enabling our fears, especially if they are so distant from our soul and purpose, that they are unable to evoke fear in us. The closer we get to ourselves, the more prone we are to realizing our deepest fears; we can use this as our reason to run to the safe embrace of emotional distance and separation, or it can be our opportunity to connect, learn, and grow. For this very reason, soulmates can often be the unsafest of all challenges to overcome, but ultimately the most rewarding as well.” ~Nathan & Aline
“There’s never been a doomsday, but rather an apocalypse, which means a revealing of truth. The truth is soon to be revealed, and it’s in the midst of being revealed even now, but to some it will feel like doomsday, because their illusions will be destroyed. The apocalypse comes, either because we choose it, and work together with its arrival consciously, or it will come to find many still asleep, and will rip them up from their unconscious slumber. One way or another, the apocalypse is coming, and it’s time to wake up.” ~Nathan & Aline
Unconditional love does NOT enable others; sometimes it is “tough love”, as it does what is needed WITH boundaries. Unconditional love must consider the needs of the Self first and foremost, not from a selfish perspective, but from a self-care perspective.”” ~Nathan & Aline
“Many people do not know the difference, and cannot differentiate between self-care and selfishness. Self-care and tough love will be called out as selfish by those who wish to be enabled in their poor behaviors. However, that is just a manipulative tactic used by an addict to get what they want from well meaning and caring individuals. Unfortunately, addicts run the show here on earth, and many people believe their manipulative rhetoric, and actually feel guilty for having boundaries and practicing self-care. They think that they’re selfish for having self-care, but it is actually the addicts who are being selfish, and need a strong dose of tough love from self-caring individuals to set them straight.” ~Nathan & Aline
“We do not debate with one dimensional thinkers, since that invariably leads to endless frustration and lack of progress, but we will go into a dialogue with those who are willing to work through our differences to formulate a more enlightened reasoned judgment. On the occasion that we do debate, it is only with those who we know for certain are capable of a dialectical dialogue, as they are able to work through contentious differences in spite of an emotional trigger or attachments to a particular viewpoint. Either/or thinking, which is one dimensional in its scope, as it lacks depth, breadth, and a variety of perspectives, will almost always lead to an unwinnable debate, where the most dominant party wins, and not the most logical argument. However, multilogical thinking, which is multidimensional in its scope, is able to synthesize multiple viewpoints into a bigger picture (higher truth) than any of the multiple party’s might currently hold. Whereas one dimensional dialogues leads to contraction of the Self, multilogical discourse and debate leads to intellectual, emotional, and spiritual expansion of the Self.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Words matter, and are chosen with specific intent in mind; this is known as word magic. Associations are also created with specific words to alter and conceal their true meaning; hiding them in plain sight. For example, the word “liberal” now means a left leaning socialist, but it initially meant a “free individual”, especially in regards to training the mind how to think. Historically, the seven liberal arts were designed as a curriculum that would “free the mind”, and they were only allowed to be taught to the “liber’ (free individual). They were not allowed to be taught to Greek and Roman slaves, and if they were, it was punishable by death. Liberate, liberty, and library are all derivatives of the core word “liber”, and all relate to the state of having a free mind. As a person thinks, so they are — freedom begins and ends within the mind of the individual.” ~Nathan & Aline
“One form of being judgmental stems from a narcissistic defense mechanism called “flipping the script”, where the judge/narcissist puts people on trial who are raising good questions or objections to certain behavioral tendencies or situations. They so badly need to avoid their own shadow side, that they will project onto those around them in judgmental bias and unreasonable attacks, and may even do so preemptively without provocation; this is sometimes called “shadow projection”. Those with the real concerns are now the unreasonable ones, while the narcissists now have the power and seem reasonable; those who really should feel bad for their actions don’t, and those who shouldn’t do. It isn’t judgmental to stand up to and call out poor behavior, but it is judgmental when you flip the script.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Truth is the synthesis of multiple streams of logic into higher truth. Monological thinking, which is a singular logic that must compete with the logic of others, is the basis of the pyramidal hierarchical system, where the dominant logic wins, and all subservient beings submit to the dominant logic. Multilogical thinking is able to empathize and dialog with multiple streams of logic and synthesize it into higher logic, as co-creative units serving the ALL. While monological thinking contributes to unnatural hierarchy, multilogical thinking contributes to life’s natural hierarchy.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Most people are one dimensional in their thinking because of schooling and societal conditioning, but as a result of self-reflection and shadow work, we are able to dialog with others and consider their viewpoints, and can thus be multidimensional in our thinking. One dimensional thinking is the root of conflict and competition, and is narcissistic in nature, but multidimensional thinking is more harmonious and capable of co-creating with others as equals.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Merely rescinding our conscious consent is not enough, as we must also rescind our unconscious and subconscious consent. The AIF, Controllers, and Minions understand the first Hermetic Principle of Mentalism, which states that everything is mental, therefore subconscious and unconscious consent counts, especially as it outweighs our conscious consent/dissent. Rather than aligning our conscious thoughts with our unconscious and subconscious as many are prone to doing, or being of a divided mind where our conscious is in conflict with our unconscious and subconscious, we must work to align our unconscious and subconscious minds with our conscious mind. This is achieved through turning our thinking inwards in self-reflection, shadow work, and emotional process work when triggers arise. Going within in this manner makes the unconscious-conscious, and causes us to psychologically differentiate from the collective unconscious of humanity as a conscious individual — individuation. We can intend all day long that we do not consent to their plans, but if our emotions and body, aka unconscious and subconscious minds, still consent, we’re still in big trouble.” ~Nathan & Aline
“It is the relationship between our Self and the mirror, between subject and object, that makes us One. Denying the mirrors in our life causes us to suffer in separation, as we are behaving as if what we see in life’s mirrors are not us, but a separate being and experience from us. It’s not that we should enmesh with life’s mirrors and become a single One, as it is the relationship itself that defines the unity between subject and object. Male and female, question and answer, positive and negative, spirit and matter, and cause and effect are all One through their immutable relationship to each other, and not through sacrificing their unique identity and function by becoming the same thing. Each role in the pairs are distinctly unique, and yet connected through their relationship; we would do well to honor each side’s unique function, while also allowing ourselves to see how they relate to each other as a type of soulmate. Unity consciousness therefore stems from our intimacy with life as differentiated beings, and not from sacrificing our individuality into into a single blob of sameness.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Everything arises and springs fourth from the Divine mind of the ALL, as everything is contained within the ALL, even the many realms of existence. Within the ALL, there is a distinction between above and below, within and without, as the Hermetic principle of correspondence states “as above so below, as within so without.” Just like with a positive and negative pair, and with cause and effect, each corresponding realm is a distinct polarity, but are one through their relationship together; this form of unity is in alignment with the Divine Logos. However, there are the parasitic consciousness eaters who adhere to a different form of unity that lacks distinctions and individuality, where everything is an enmeshed singular one, much like the Borg in Star Trek, or an insect’s hive; this form of unity seeks to outsmart and replace the Divine and play god over others in an unnatural hierarchical Matrix type system. Many spiritual systems actually teach the parasitic and enmeshed unity, while putting forth a facade of love and light; this is the manipulative tactic knows as doublespeak, and deceives many people. The best lies are those that have just enough truth in them to seem reasonable, as a means of ensnaring undiscerning souls.” ~Nathan & Aline
“A duality and a polarity are not the same thing, but polarities are contained within both the dualistic and unity mindsets. Duality is a mindset where there is tension between the two polarities, whereas unity is the mindset where there is cooperation and harmony between the two polarities. In order to move from a dualistic to unity mindset, an individual’s dualistic thinking must first be transformed and elevated. Within interpersonal relationships, tension between the dualities can be resolved through dialectical conversations, where the two poles are reconciled through critical thinking and processing any emotional triggers that may be present between the two individuals. The reconciliation between two viewpoints is called the synthesis of the two into higher knowledge, where both polarities are transformed and are now able to harmonize together. It is important to note that this is not a compromise between the two sides, but the transformation of the two vantage points into a more enlightened holistic perspective.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Mistakes no longer exist within a life of process, as perfection is not found in a particular outcome, but in the ability to process life itself.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Much of our curiosity (questioning) is tainted by our emotional attachments to specific answers being present in our lives. Our emotional attachments make any answer an expectation, where we then judge whether or not our surrounding answers fit in line with how we think we should be answered. Therefore our natural curiosity is channeled towards receiving specific answers, or as the metric in which we get to know whether or not certain people or situations match our expectations. We’re curious about our expectations getting met, rather than curious about the people and situations we encounter for curiosity’s sake.
We must go deeper into curiosity and reclaim it as our state of being, rather than a tool we use to find, judge, and manipulate life to meet our unreasonable expectations. Curiosity as a state of being is simply open to getting to know and understand the Self, the beings and environment around the Self, and how the Self relates to the world around it. This is the natural state of being and wonder that a child enters the world with, prior to the external conditioning that they receive from their family and environment. Their conditioning places external expectations upon them, and they learn to relate to life without curiosity, but rather through the lens of expectation.”
~Nathan & Aline
“Positive affirmations — because it’s much better to brainwash yourself than to continue on in societal brainwashing, eh? Unfortunately, many of our wants and desires are also programs conditioned into us by external sources, such as television, entertainment, schooling, and religion, so in effect positive affirmations are just conditioning in extra layers of self-deception and slavery. Rather than adding layers of slavery, it is beneficial to reflect on our desires, examine our thinking, and process our emotions, as a means of removing the programs and conditioning. This isn’t a destination either, but a process that can take some people a lifetime to work through. Rather than adding layers, wouldn’t it be more beneficial to remove the layers, so that we might find our true Selves underneath it all? After all, we’ve been there all along waiting to be discovered.” ~Nathan & Aline
“I am the question, and not the answer, that our world needs. Rather than trying to be a solution in my particular niche, or expecting specific solutions from those around me, I engage myself, life, and everyone around me with an earnest desire to know and understand. This natural curiosity keeps me in the present moment, while also deepening all of my relationships. How can you be the question for yourself and those you encounter today? How might you better express your natural curiosity in this moment?” ~Nathan & Aline
“We will use our creative sexual energy in a way that lines up with our beliefs. Our beliefs are either founded in self-knowledge, which is the result of self-reflection and emotional processing, or our beliefs are founded in societal conditioning and generational patterns. Creating with self-awareness is much different than creating without it, however both are still able to create with intention, it’s just that their underlying motivations and reasons will differ greatly. Self-knowledge allows for being consciously aware of the underlying motivations, while a lack of awareness is not conscious of the root motivations. Both can use their intention to create a new car with their creativity, but one will do so for conscious reasons, while the other from societal programs and emotional attachments—which are ego reasons. In this way, our creative sexual life force is a powerful tool that can be used to create an empowered life full of peace, joy, and sovereignty, or a disempowered life filled with fear, sadness, and slavery. How wise are you in the use of your sexual gifts?” ~Nathan & Aline
“Skilled manipulators, psychopaths, narcissists, and unskilled thinkers may attack fair minded individuals who express their uniqueness and individuality, especially if they are questioning the officially accepted narrative of a societal norm or event. One of the attacker’s favorite tactics is using the double standard, where they project their manipulative mindset onto their prey, and poke their prey for a supposed lack of fair mindedness, while they themselves are being very close minded — either because of a conscious agenda, or from an unconscious emotional attachment. In such situations, it is important for the fair minded individual to recognize the projection and double standard, verbally call out the infraction, and refuse further dialogue until which time the double standard is resolved. We are under no obligation to dialogue with, or defend ourselves against, the accusations of conscious and unconscious manipulators.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Very few actually do the work to psychologically differentiate themselves from the collective unconscious of humanity. Most people substitute “personality” for “individuality”, but they are not the same thing. A persona is an external mask placed over the top of the individual, often to identify with a group of some sort, while individuality is the inside-out expression of the unique Self. Personality denotes putting on a persona or mask, to cover the true Self, while individuation is the process that removes the external mask, in order to allow the true Self to shine forth.” ~Nathan & Aline
“The aim of individuation is nothing less than to divest the self of the false wrappings of the persona on the one hand and the suggestive power of primordial images on the other.” ~Carl Jung, 1935
“Every time we unravel a very real parasitic tendency of ours, we remove a susceptibility to being victimized by a full blown parasitic person or entity. Every tiny behavioral pattern we unconsciously repeat, is something that can be done back to us by a conscious manipulator, which is why shadow work, emotional process work, and self-reflection are such important tools for those seeking to live an empowered life.
Any time we manipulate in an unconscious or conscious manner, knowingly or unknowingly, we are pulling energy from another person to feed upon—this is parasitic. Being parasitic, even to a small degree, opens us up to being fed upon by larger, more skilled parasites; it is a mirror reflecting our tendencies back to us.”
~Nathan & Aline
“The quality of the questions you ask determines the quality of the answers you receive. When you ask poor, shallow questions, you will receive poor, shallow answers, but when you ask well thought out, detailed questions, you will receive well thought out, detailed answers. The measure of the first corresponds to the measure of the second; questions and answers are in correspondence with one another.” ~Nathan & Aline
“As above, so below, as within, so without.” ~The Second Hermetic Principle of Correspondence
When some people see a flower, their love for it will motivate them to place it in a vase on their table, but for others, their love for the flower will motivate them to water, feed, and prune it where it lies. The first wants to possess its beauty, while the latter wants to nurture its beauty; this is the difference between the self-absorbed and service oriented forms of love. Each person demonstrates actionable love in the way that matches who they already are—as love is an effect of who a person is and not a cause. When people state that “love is the answer”, our questions then are, “which kind of love is the answer, and whose love is the answer”? Certainly a narcissist’s self-absorbed love cannot be the answer, can it? Unfortunately, many people cannot differentiate between the two loves, and end up supporting agendas that promote psychopathic and/or narcissistic people and groups—all in the name of love.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Empathy is not lowering ourselves for another, but allowing ourselves to feel into where they are coming from. If once we feel into their position, we realize that they are stuck in their emotional attachments, are thinking one dimensionally, and have no desire to correct their poor thinking, we are under no obligation to dialogue or reason with them. Instead of lowering ourselves down to their level in hopes of a dialogue, rather they must first learn to correct their thinking, and rise up to our level and empathize with our position. We will not learn from self-absorbed people, since we already know how to empathize with others, no, they must first learn how to empathize and learn from us.
Additionally, we’re under no obligation to either reason with, empathize with, or listen to the arguments of self-absorbed narcissists and psychopaths. Any discussion needs to be one sided; they listen to us and what we recommend, or they can go home. We have no tolerance for sophists, self-deceived thinkers, and brainwashed dupes. It just isn’t possible to have a meaningful dialogue with them unless they first humble themselves enough to make a change—they need to elevate themselves to our level, we do not need to devolve down to theirs.”
~Nathan & Aline
“There is no single answer or silver bullet to our problems, as life is multilayered with innumerable causal factors and other streams of influence to be considered. The single answer isn’t an answer at all, but the ability to process life in a multilogical manner, which processes the many causal factors and influences, and synthesizes them into better serving thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Rather than a silver bullet of one final answer, we need the process that brings answers from the multiple layers and factors. Thus, the silver bullet is to upgrade our means of obtaining answers—which is upgrading our thinking—and not a single solution in itself.” ~Nathan & Aline
“It is important to question our own beliefs, which is comprised of our core premises, assumptions, logic, implications, and conclusions, especially in relation to our charged emotional attachments. When we are able to challenge the quality of our own thinking, we will transform and purify our mind, and as an effect, protect ourselves from deception, resist manipulation, differentiate ourselves from ‘group think’, and upgrade our creativity.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Manipulators love to poke the sleeping dragon, in order to provoke them into waking up in a foul mood. They look on in detached indifference, as if they are just an innocent bystander in the drama. This is a passive aggressive energy stealing technique meant to make their prey look bad, while the manipulator gets to play the righteous bystander card. This tactic is a form of gaslighting, as it causes the victim to doubt their own perceptions, since their perpetrator is seemingly emotionally detached, and any bystanders can clearly see that they’re the one in emotional turmoil.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Faith is the ability to follow the implications of your reasoning to their logical conclusions, and stay confident that your current situation will actually reach said conclusions. If your premises are shaky, your assumptions untested, and your logic fallacious, such faith is blind and unfounded. However, when your root premises, assumptions, and logic are sound, and you are adept at moving further into alignment through testing and processing the three, such faith is well founded. Said another way, faith is the confidence you have in your ability to process life as it happens, and to follow it through to its logical ends.
How confident are you in your core premises, assumptions, logic, implications, and conclusions? Are you willing to place your trust in your ability to test and refine them, while also taking full responsibility for their logical outcomes?”
~Nathan & Aline
“To regain control of our lives, and reclaim our personal power, sovereignty, and creativity, we must reverse our perception of reality, by reversing our association between cause / effect, and the internal / external worlds. This requires us to examine and reflect upon the tangled web of perceptions, emotional attachments, and limiting patterns of relating that we hold, which all support this backwards belief. To do this, we must improve the quality of our thinking, through processing our emotions whenever a trigger arises, and taking full responsibility for our feelings as our own, and not as something that is caused by an external person or force. Once accomplished, we can finally live an empowered life where anything is possible, and magic is our daily experience.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Is over population really a problem? Human creativity is infinite in potential, especially when it is unloosed in unbridled freedom and spontaneity. We could create amazing solutions to even the craziest and most worrisome problems, because the universe is so absolutely abundant. However, deceiving us to view the world through the eyes of scarcity is a mind control program used to limit our creative potential, by causing us to feel ashamed, as when we feel ashamed we are easier to manipulate and control. Shame, incidentally, is the exact opposite of creativity; creative people are not ashamed, and ashamed people are not creative.” ~Nathan & Aline
“We always have assumptions, as they are the starting point for our logic, feelings, and actions, however not all assumptions are beneficial to our intellectual, emotional, and physical well being. Unfortunately, most people are not aware of the underlying assumptions that shape the reasons for why they feel and behave as they do. A lack of self-knowledge of our assumptions clouds our thinking, and prohibits us from making changes to them; and this in turn prohibits us from making anything other than cosmetic changes to our lives. It is imperative that we question our root assumptions on a regular basis, as much of humanity’s problems stems from a lack of awareness of “what” they believe, and “why” they believe it. Tweaking our core assumptions ultimately allows us to modify “how” we live and experience our life.” ~Nathan & Aline
“The key to connecting with the Divine, as with any relationship, is the ability to ask high quality questions. The quality of a relationship is directly determined by the quality of the questions you ask within that relationship. Aline and I ask highly refined questions, therefore we always get really great answers back in return from each other, as well as the Divine, but if we do not get a satisfying answer, we realize that we have not yet asked the proper question. Practice asking questions daily, of yourself, of each other, and of the Divine, and you will be surprised at how much the quality of your life, as well as the depth of your relationships, improves.” ~Nathan & Aline
“When we enable another, we create an addict—and we’re their drug and dealer in one. Clever manipulators know this about addicts and use it to their advantage, but the rest of humanity allow themselves to be taken advantage of and energetically drained, just because they wrongly believe that enabling and love are the same thing.” ~Nathan & Aline
“When we process our emotions and utilize shadow work to isolate our limiting thought patterns, we become conscious of the core reasons why we feel and behave as we do. As a result, the situations around us shift, or we shift away from those situations. Either way, change starts within and reflects out, rather than staring outside and forcing its way in.” ~Nathan & Aline
“One dimensional thinking IS the problem, and NOT the solution. If you want to make the world a better place, instead of offering up naive one dimensional solutions to multidimensional problems, transform and deepen your thinking. This is accomplished by turning your thinking inwards, evaluating the quality of your thoughts, and processing your emotions. Before you know it, you’ll be a multidimensional thinker capable of tackling the world’s issues head on. Be the change…one thought at a time.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Mirrors: the realization that our external world is merely a reflection of our internal world. Inside is cause and the outside is effect, but we’ve been trained and conditioned to perceive the external as cause and our internal state as effect. This externalized perception of cause is why we experience anger, which is merely the feeling of powerlessness. Empowerment is the perceptional view from the inside-out, while disempowerment is the perceptional view from the outside-in. Didactic schooling, which is where an authority figure gives students conclusions to memorize and repeat, conditions the mind to perceive life from the outside-in, but dialogical teaching, which is the process of asking students questions and going into a dialogue with them, trains the mind to come to its own conclusion’s from the inside-out.” ~Nathan & Aline
“We recognize the inherent truth found within the mirrors principle—as what is inside of us, such as our fears, sadness, powerlessness, as well as joys, peace, and empowerment, reflect out into the world as our experiences. Utilizing this principle allows each of us to know ourselves better, through turning or thinking inwards upon itself and reflecting on our experiences. This empowers us to change that which no longer serves our growth—into that which does.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Many people believe that so called “left brain” rationality is one of the main reasons that our world has such big problems, but it’s not logic that’s at fault, but a specific type of one dimensional logic – monological thinking. The majority of issues in our relationships, and the world at large, require multilogical thinking, but we’re conditioned from public schooling and university to only process information, reason, and form conclusions with monological thinking. We don’t need less logic, but more of a specific kind of logic that factors in multiple reasons and viewpoints, and is capable of synthesizing them into higher knowledge. Additionally, whereas monological thinking used on multilogical problems is prone to externalizing itself in manipulative self-serving pursuits, multilogical thinking is highly self-reflective, and capable of turning inwards upon itself as a means of affecting change. Therefore logic isn’t our issue, but our one dimensional thinking is; and if we want to solve our ills, we need to upgrade our capacity to process multilogical problems.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Critical thinking is an integral part of spiritual and emotional development, especially when it is used as a means of self-reflection, or as a way to dialogue with others to hone our skills, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. There is no coming to awareness without the ability to think ourselves there in the first place, since we are aware of things because we “know” they are there, and “understand” why they are there. Because skillful critical thinking causes awareness, it is therefore useful to refine our capacity to think clearly, through processing our emotional reactiveness, and correcting the root perceptions that results in our poor reasoning and behaviors.” ~Nathan & Aline
“The world’s problems are multifaceted and layered, you cannot solve them with a governmental policy or law, much less a catchy slogan or hashtag; to think otherwise would be one dimensional and naive. Unfortunately, didactic schooling does just that—produce one dimensional thinkers who are incapable of multilogical thinking.” ~Nathan & Aline
“When emotions are high, thinking is low. This is why we place most of our focus on teaching people how to process their emotions—so that they can minimize their susceptibility to being manipulated with emotional mind games, and think clearly in chaotic situations.” ~Nathan & Aline
When we say that we “process our emotions”, we are not screaming into a pillow or merely communicating our feelings to another, but turning our thinking inwards in self-reflection. Processing emotion requires the ability to ask difficult questions in the midst of an emotional trigger, the ability to think sympathetically by considering the viewpoints of others, the ability to unravel the causal thought patterns responsible for our feelings and behaviors, and the ability to synthesize the entire experience into a new, better serving thought pattern. Processing emotion unravels self-deceived thinking, and produces both emotional and intellectual intelligence.” ~Nathan & Aline
“If you do not know or understand how to think in a dialectical manner, which is the ability to analyze two opposing viewpoints in order to remove their apparent contradictions, and synthesize them into a higher knowledge, then it can and will be used against you as an instrument of manipulation. This is never more evident than how media outlets, corporations, and governments steer and pivot the national and international dialogue on issues; utilizing their weaponized “problem–reaction–solution” dialectical framework, usually in the form of the false dilemma logical fallacy. Independent people are independent thinkers, and dialectical thinking’s ability to synthesize multiple streams of logic is an essential arrow in the individual’s quiver. Once you learn and master dialectical critical thinking, you’ll see through every lie you’re told by the media, corporations, and your government; and you’ll increase your self-knowledge, all while you build your capacity to thrive independently away from their centralized control.” ~Nathan & Aline
The logic behind uniformity and conformity does not serve those who are urged to conform, but serves the controllers of the system that is meant to cause uniformity. Learning the use of sound logic, through removing our emotional reactiveness and attachments, serves our individual needs, while it also deconstructs the rationale behind the controller’s so-called unity. Do you wish to rebel against the system? Learn logic, observe the triggers that cause you to behave in irrational ways, process your emotions, and deconstruct your emotional attachments, and you’ll become a non-conforming individual; which is the system’s worst nightmare. ~Nathan & Aline
The ability to parrot shallow spiritual platitudes often tricks people into believing that they are listening to a spiritually evolved person, and maybe even a master, especially if the supposed guru has bought into, and appears confident within, their own delusion. Their delusion may be so great, that when in a conversation with such a person, it can become quite maddening, and even cause one to question their own sanity, because the supposed guru is so confident within their insanity, irrationality, and delusion, that it appears that everyone around them are the deluded ones. If it is difficult to make sense of their speaking and writing, and even more difficult to get satisfying answers to your questions about their platitudes, then it may just be a futile exchange with a self-deluded individual. It’s okay, it happens, and it is precisely the consequence of deepening our own ability to think and process emotions that allows us to filter out such people, and their shallow brand of spirituality. As all life is our mirror, the exchange may still hold some value in assisting in self-discovery, but that comes about through reflecting on the conversation, and on why we participated in and experienced it as we did. ~Nathan & Aline
Many so-called enlightened teachers proclaim that our mind is the problem and that we should avoid using and trusting it, however, we need to be observing it, deconstructing it, and rebuilding its capacity to think properly. Thinking is not the issue, as the ALL is mental, but erroneous and fallacious thinking is the problem, and it can be corrected with the proper attention. Enlightenment is not avoiding our mind, but using it in the correct manner, and in an emotionally intelligent way. ~Nathan & Aline
Christianity in general, as are the books it is based upon, is rife with too many contradictions to formulate a congruent theology. Each contradiction has become a false dilemma in which people argue for one side or the other, while they miss out on the actual spiritual progress they could be making if they would just go within and develop their own inner character and morality. Most people would rather be told what to think and do by an external authority, and earn their rewards while avoiding their punishments, than take personal responsibility for their lives as sovereign individuals. Until people finally decide to reclaim their individuality, they’ll endlessly waste their time arguing the minutiae of this or that doctrine. ~Nathan Martin
Everybody’s competing to be the next idea to add to our mind, but few realize that it is the removal of ideas that will impact us the most, and allow us to reach our full potential. Questions—and not answers—fuel a satisfying life. ~Nathan & Aline
One of the biggest problems we have with how most people interpret the “live in the present moment” theology, is its inability to follow an individual’s current beliefs and behaviors through to their logical conclusions in the future, as well as its inability to find the root causes for their beliefs and behaviors in the past. People become isolated and disconnected from major aspects of their thinking, feelings, and behaviors when they view living in the present moment in this way. ~Nathan & Aline
Those who are unable to sufficiently analyze and parse information when it is presented will fall for any manner of deceptions, as long as it’s given by somebody who is considered an authority, has status, sounds sophisticated, has an attractive appearance, or is charismatic. This is especially true when the listener has an emotional attachment to what is being spoken about by the manipulator. Empty rhetoric is easy to sell to a consumer base that is emotionally attached to particular outcomes, while also lacking basic critical thinking skills. ~Nathan & Aline
Whereas school tells us what to think, education teaches us how to think. Our mandatory schooling is the anti-education. ~Nathan & Aline
The notion that balance can be found in any given issue by meeting in the middle is the “middle ground logical fallacy”; after all, if one position does happen to be the truth, and the other is a lie, the middle ground between them is also therefore a lie. When it comes to the truth, we are under no obligation to compromise with lies, no matter how noble, wise, or good they may outwardly appear to be. ~Nathan & Aline
(For example, if I say that 2 + 2 = 4, and another person says that 2 + 2 = 6, but we meet in the middle by saying 5 is our compromise answer, it is the middle ground fallacy.)
While many people claim to want a special relationship that stands the test of time, few are actually capable of working the process needed to make it a reality. They want perfection, which is a static answer, and not the process, which is based in fluid questioning – questions, aka process, deepens relationships. ~Nathan & Aline
Sympathy promotes action from a shared wound and feeling, as a means of making the feeling less intense, through sharing the burden in a psychologically enmeshed fashion. However, empathy does not simply act to make the feeling go away, but asks a myriad of questions to gain more knowledge of the situation, as well as to understand why it is there in the first place. Questions provide clear boundaries for the people involved, as they define what the problem is, and the reasons as to why it exists. Where sympathy acts fast, but to the detriment of obtaining both knowledge and understanding of the situation, empathy only acts after it is sure to have found the many details and reasons for the experience. In this way, the many so-called “empaths” are more aptly named “sympaths”, for they are unable to determine proper boundaries for themselves or others, and as a result are unable to have a clear understanding of where they end, and where others begins. ~Nathan & Aline
Education, which is the “training of the mind to think”, is not beneficial to the parasitic overlords, as it makes the people infinitely more difficult to manipulate with false dilemmas, and other logical fallacies. The entire world system, educational and otherwise, is geared towards creating, reinforcing, and sustaining, uneducated minds — obedient and manipulable minds. ~Nathan & Aline
While love may be unconditional, it is not without boundaries. Boundary-less love is self-serving, enmeshed, and destructive, whereas boundaried love considers the authentic needs of everyone involved, up to and including saying “no” and “goodbye” when warranted. ~Nathan & Aline
Our internal reality is cause and our external reality is it’s effect—external solutions are incapable of solving internal problems—ever. Reacting to, resisting, or rebelling against an external effect is futile, since fighting effects is a hamster wheel going nowhere; yet this is precisely how the majority of our society relates. Only when initial causes are corrected at their most basic internal level, can actual changes in the external effects be experienced. While it is beneficial to observe the realm of effects, as it assists in diagnosing the root causes, it is only the first step of many in both finding, and correcting, the initial causes for our life experiences. Being willing to explore the reasons for our life experiences, and correcting the problematic perceptions at their causal level, is what it actually means to be authentic, vulnerable, accountable, and responsible. ~Nathan & Aline
Internal peace and harmony results in an end to external conflict and dissonance; if you are still experiencing external conflicts in any form, then your internal world is not yet fully aligned. ~Nathan & Aline
Processing emotions does not merely mean that we feel our emotions as they arise, but that we actually listen to the underlying message of our emotions, and follow them back to their root perceptual cause so that a conscious change can be made at the causal level. It is about deconstructing our emotions with critical thinking, so that we can know what they are conveying to us, and understand why we are feeling them. When we become proficient at processing our emotions, we find that we are no longer able to blame others for our feelings or experiences, even if they may still be a resonant match to acting out the drama with us. ~Nathan & Aline
Everyone thinks, but not everyone utilizes critical thinking skills in their thinking. Enlightenment is not the ability to avoid our mind, but the ability to properly analyze and process information as it comes into our experience, to deepen our mind. It is the state of being in a continual process that is aligned with natural laws, and not misaligned processing, nor the avoidance of processing. Critical thinking is the gateway to knowing (gnosis) and understanding (logos) all things better, especially our Self — it is the gateway to deepening intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual awareness. ~Nathan & Aline
Logic and emotional intelligence can make a person appear quite stubborn, and rightly so, as you better come with a well reasoned argument, free from emotional attachments and biases, if you wish to convince us of something. Why should we be open minded about an irrational, emotionally charged, and biased argument, especially if we are more intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually aware of the myriad of causal factors, nuances, layers, and subtleties involved in the discussion? Even so, each interaction is an opportunity for our own personal growth, just not necessarily in a way that the person presenting their opinions may be able to appreciate or understand. While we welcome interactions with people of all sorts, and are able to entertain an idea without believing it to be true, it does not mean that we are obliged to agree with their perceptions, attitudes, reasoning, or conclusions. This is not arrogance, but confidence that results from the direct experiential working of our process – the Unity Process. ~Nathan & Aline
Some people may think that if you can’t stay with one person for very long, that you have intimacy issues. While this could be one possibility, it isn’t the only possibility, as it takes filtering through the wrong people to find the one person who best fits you. This filtering process also allows you to discover and deepen your own needs, boundaries, passions, and vision for your life, so that as you refine yourself, you are also refining the qualities that your life partner must possess. While there are many fish in the sea, the more unique you become, the more unique your partner must also be. ~Nathan & Aline
There’s a big difference between selling your vision to people, and selling yourself to people; the first is sharing your life’s purpose and passion with others, in order to co-create with them, while the second is selling yourself as a resource, in order to acquire attention to fill an emotional void. When you sell your vision, you are sharing ideas that contain intellectual and emotional depth, but when you sell yourself, you are merely selling an empty, yet well dressed package. ~Nathan & Aline
Understanding promotes changes to who we are in our being, for once we understand the logic of something, we can then be it. For example, to be loving, we must first understand love, to be satisfied, we must first understand satisfaction, and to be abundant, we must first understand abundance. Logos, reasoning, understanding, or logic, whatever we choose to call it — is transformational. ~Nathan & Aline
To free ourselves from victim consciousness, we must first examine what it means to be and act as a victim, and the various ways that we attempt to act around our victim mindset. The Light Side “rescues” as a workaround, while the Dark Side “persecutes” as their workaround, but the Gray Mystic leaves the victim outside-in (outside = cause, in = effect) mindset for the creator consciousness mindset of inside-out (inside = cause, out = effect).
There are two things that can occur in our interactions with others—reflection and projection. Reflection is when experiences reflect back to us from others that show us aspects of ourselves, and projection is where we externalize aspects of ourselves onto others that aren’t actually them. Projection can be anything that we avoid seeing in ourselves and instead only see in others, good or bad, whereas reflection is always occurring, even if we are too busy projecting out to notice the underlying messages that are reflecting back to us—about us. Even projection can be a reflection though, for if someone projects onto us, it is evidence that we are still projecting aspects of our responsibility out onto the external world.
Once we become emotionally mature enough to stop projecting our baggage out onto others, we can invest our time in working through what life is reflecting back to us. Eventually, once we are emotionally balanced and whole, life will only be able to reflect back to us our wholeness and balance; and even if somebody does try to project their baggage onto us, it will not be a resonant match and we will be insulated from experiencing any emotional reactions or drama. If per chance something dramatic does surface from within us, we are already so adept at working with our feedback, that we are able to make course corrections, and continue smooth sailing easily and effortlessly.
~Nathan & Aline
We like to make a distinction between judgment and discernment, as judgment can mean discernment, but it can also mean the passing of criticism based in determining guilt, whereas discernment stems from intuition and critical thinking. Honing the mind through asking a myriad of questions, as the mind is ALL (first Hermetic principle of Natural Law), is the best way to refine and utilize our discernment. Unfortunately, most people have emotional attachments that cloud their mind, which means that they also have poor discernment; and this causes them to be in the lower form of judgment and guilt, rather than the higher form of discernment and clear thinking. Emotional process work clears up our emotional attachments and raises us up from our dense judgmental attitudes, and into the higher vibration of discernment and critical thinking. ~Nathan & Aline
Duality and polarity are not the same thing, as duality is the power struggle that occurs between two conflicting parties, whereas polarity is the co-creative union between two harmonious parties. The first is a dialectical perspective of life based upon the belief of exchanging power, while the latter is a creative perspective of life devoid of power. Power is a dangerous, entropic, and addictive illusion that breeds manipulation and conflict; whereas the powerless life is harmonious, peaceful, creative, and expansive. ~Nathan & Aline
There is a mental association, even if it is an association that we resist, between sex and power, and between money and power. Men and women will jump through all manner of hoops just to secure sex and/or money as a reward, or to be associated with those who are the image of sex and/or money. This causes a massive emotional attachment to sex and/or money, where they must be indulged, accumulated, and hoarded to build up personal power; this makes us susceptible to being manipulated, and distorts pretty much every endeavor we undertake. It is imperative to remove the mental associations between sex and power, and between money and power, so that sex and money can serve their original intent to fuel and further our creative desires. ~Nathan & Aline
Being present with, and processing, our emotional triggers and self-sabotaging patterns quite literally means that we are using our logic to understand and reverse engineer our issues as they arise. Daily processing of our emotions makes us more logical and capable of experiencing life in a reasonable fashion. ~Nathan & Aline
Unfortunately, much of our current giving is laced with the expectation of receiving something back in return, even if it is just an approving word, the belief that we are a good person, as a means to avoid feelings of guilt, or to avoid receiving rejection and punishment. In all of these cases, we’re giving to receive approval, or giving to avoid receiving rejection, but our perception is still focused on receiving. When Jesus said “it is more blessed to give than to receive”, he was speaking of this limiting pattern, but unfortunately, even this saying has been twisted by greedy people into a means of guilting the religious masses into sacrificial giving, under the premise that they will receive eternal rewards, and that they will avoid receiving eternal punishment. When our perception is polarized into receiving in any way, our giving becomes tainted and we open ourselves up to finite rewards and punishing judgments, but when we trust enough to polarize fully into gratitude based giving, our needs will always be met abundantly, and we will not have to worry about being judged harshly. ~Nathan & Aline
One of the major hurdles we run into when conveying certain concepts to others is their inability to understand the logical implications and nuances of our message. Their thinking is clouded by their own self-deceptive logic, so much so, that they are unable to reconcile the facts of a situation when they are presented, and immediately go into denial, resistance, name calling, and argumentativeness; which they support with poor logic. For example, if we convey how long it will take to drive to the playground to a three year old child, their ability to place the time frame into a logical context will be quite limited, for they do not yet understand the difference between fifteen minutes and thirty minutes. They just understand that it is a “long time” either way. In the same way, many people are so inundated with emotional attachments that cloud their logic that they are functionally operating as children in their ability to perceive spiritual, emotional, and intellectually mature concepts.
While this could be considered a “pearls before swine” moment, where speaking to them as anything other than children is wasting our time and energy, we can instead choose to see them as a reflection of an area where we are still immature within. We have the choice to observe each interaction we delve into, so that we can discern any limiting patterns that we might still have, in order to transform them into something better serving to both us, and those around us. What emotional attachments do we still have? Where is our logic still poor? Why are we still interacting with emotional / intellectual children? Is there an aspect of ourselves that could help them relate better that’s not showing up in the interaction? If we are experiencing external division, we are still divided within—the mirror is always faithful and true.
~Nathan & Aline
Is it reasonable to blame the mirror for what you look like? Of course not, just as it’s not reasonable to blame others for how you are creating your life. When the source that is looking into the mirror changes, the mirror will faithfully reflect back the changes to the source. Since our reality is an interconnected fractal based collection of beings that co-create together, when one person changes their internal patterns of relating, it can spread on to others as well, but free will choice remains, so some people will not choose to harmonize with your changes and will leave. In such cases, neither party is a resonant match for what the mirror must reflect back to the other, as one creates wholeness since they are whole within, and one creates division since they are divided within. ~Nathan & Aline
Shadow work is the destructive process that shatters the illusions, self-deceptions, and limiting patterns of relating within a person, so that they can finally stop revolving in a circle and start evolving to new heights, widths, and depths of being. If shadow work is not trashing a person’s fallacious logic and incorrect knowledge, then it’s probably just therapy, which will help a person become an emotionally well adjusted inmate in their revolving prison, but not necessarily a sovereign being free from limitations. While some interactions will be challenging, it’s okay to embrace the challenges that we encounter, as they are just reflecting the baggage that we’re still carrying within us, so that we can logically process and integrate it.~Nathan & Aline
Spirituality devoid of critical thinking and emotional intelligence is like a child playing house. Yeah, they say the right words, like “mommy”, “daddy”, “job”, “house”, “make dinner”, “responsible”, and “make babies”, but they don’t understand the essence of what any of those things mean, their complexity, nor what it takes to BE or DO it in real life. It’s just mimicry, a child playing and pretending that they’re mature, when they are anything but mature. Critical thinking and emotional intelligence adds depth to the spiritual experience, as it allows our spirituality to expand, grow, and deepen perpetually in many directions. Whereas childhood is about mimicking and exploring the concepts children see in their surroundings, maturity is about deepening who we are as unique and sovereign beings, and continuing to expand our growth exponentially both within and without. ~Nathan & Aline
Selflessness is acting for the benefit of others, selfishness is expecting others to act for your benefit, but wholeness is acting for the benefit of yourself, and interacting with others who act for the benefit of themselves. Caregivers feel that it is their ‘responsibility’ as a loving person to give to external others, while selfish people need for caregivers to feel duty bound towards them, but whole individuals are self-responsible, and do not feel duty bound towards others, nor feel that others are duty bound towards them. This is the difference between externalizing (selfish/selfless) from the outside-in for our self-worth, and being self-sufficient from the inside-out for our self-worth. ~Nathan & Aline
We create our reality by first holding a world view in our perceptions, then we use our logic to find reasons that supports our perceptions, which generates enough motivational fuel for us to act upon our worldview. Our logic is therefore the generative energy which fuels our creative intent, so when we argue and find reasons for an “ism” that we ideologically cling to, we are quite literally fueling our own slavery within our particular “ism’s” framework. We passionately argue, we passionately give our reasons in support of the very control systems that enslave and exploit us.
Thankfully, critical thinking gives our thoughts and perceptions the ability to change, as we ask questions that attract answers to us, where each answers prompts even more questions; causing our mind to come alive and grow. Exercising our mind allows our perceptions to morph, shed, shift, and expand, where we hone and refine our perceptions, as well as the logic we use to support our views. Deconstructing our perceptions, as well as our fallacious logic, while utilizing our critical thinking works particularly well when we process our negative emotions with shadow work, as our past traumatic experiences initially shaped both our perceptions and reasoning.
Does your reasoning support your slavery, or are you using it to deconstruct your slavery and expand your freedom?
~Nathan & Aline
The tyrant experiences a form of peace when nobody dares to oppose their rule, the ruled experience a form of peace when they willingly obey their oppressors, and the free person experiences peace when they are harmonized within themselves, and thus with those around them, without either dominating or submitting. While the spelling may remain the same, the meaning behind the concept of “peace” varies greatly depending on the perceptions of the one experiencing it. How do you experience peace? ~Nathan & Aline
There’s three kinds of uses for logic, that which supports the slave’s mindset, that which supports the slave master’s mindset, and that which supports the free person’s mindset. The first uses logic to justify their slavery and need for an external authority, because they have a deep seeded fear of exercising responsibility for their own well-being. The second uses their logic to justify their reasons for exercising their authority over their slaves, while the third utilizes their logic in support of their unique creative pursuits, as they are comfortable with being self-responsible, and do not require an external authority to motivate them into action. The first justifies their Stockholm syndrome with reason, the second justifies their authority over others with reason, while the last supports their creativity and individuality with reason. ~Nathan & Aline
The solipsistic adage that ‘there is no such thing as truth’ is a deceptive belief disseminated into spiritual, political, and societal spheres of influence, because it keeps people from looking for it, being led by it, and from aligning their thinking with it. Truth is a tightly managed commodity, since it serves the interests of the ruling elite who require a monopoly on information and logic in order to continue their con game. They hide information, they flood reality with too much of the wrong information, and what true information they do release is tainted with just enough inaccurate information to make it difficult to make any sense of. On top of that, they use every major and minor logical fallacy known to us, ones that are carefully crafted to partner with very specific emotional attachments (conditioned into us as children through media, schools, religion, etc.), whenever they justify their stated courses of action. They NEED for us to continue believing that truth doesn’t exist in order to maintain and further their own goals of domination and control. We reclaim our power when we purify our perceptions (grammar), as they are the cause of our feelings (logic), actions (rhetoric), and experiences (feedback). ~Nathan & Aline
Most people do not even know that they do not know, for they say that they will only believe something is true after they see it–but they must first open their perceptions wide enough so that they can see it. Closed eyes are unable to see anything, but opened eyes are able to see; believing that we can have closed perceptions before we see the truth is the logical fallacy of “appeal to ignorance”. This type of fallacious reasoning fails “to appreciate that the limits of one’s understanding or certainty do not change what is true. They do not inform upon reality. That is, whatever the reality is, it does not “wait” upon human logic or analysis to be formulated. Reality exists at all times, and it exists independently of what is in the mind of anyone (~Wikipedia)”. The old adage “I’ll believe it when I see it” is usually opposed by “you’ll see it when you believe it”, but we say, “you’ll see it once you open your eyes, and then you’ll know it.” ~Nathan & Aline
“The Father is representative of knowledge (Gnosis), and is symbolized by the sperm and the egg, which contains information, while the Mother is representative of understanding (Logos), which processes the knowledge with logic and reason within her womb, and finally their Child is representative of wisdom (Sophia), which is their creation being manifested together. Our understanding of sacred sexuality then is the metaphoric union of the Father and Mother for the purpose of creating and manifesting their particular knowledge and understanding into the material realm of existence. Sex in general is just the ritualistic means of manifesting the particular perceptions, knowledge, and understanding of the individuals who are co-creating reality together. “As above, so below”, meaning that what a being perceives within as true they will manifest into the material realm; their external manifestations will reflect their internal perceptions, level of unity/disunity, and creative potential.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Emotional intelligence refers to a person’s ability to remain logical in the face of obstacles that would otherwise trigger them into irrational behavior. It is not the suppression of their feelings, but rather the effect of having processed their emotional baggage, childhood traumas, and limiting patterns of relating. Intelligence and rationality are the product of emotional balance, and not its antithesis—the mastery of one’s emotions always leads to an increase in logical behavior, while still valuing the feelings of others.
Psychopathy, however, is the counterfeit version of emotional intelligence, where a person is so damaged emotionally as to have divorced themselves completely from their emotions. This workaround gives them a form of logic devoid of feelings, allowing them to coldly calculate each action, but without consideration for the well-being of others. This is a solely self-serving rationality, as it is detrimental to those who might be used as a resource, or those who might oppose them.”
~Nathan & Aline
“Sustainability is not about the size of your consumptive footprint, but about your ability to create more than you use. As a self-sustaining individual, you are able to create more than you need to survive from the inside-out, having learned to be more discerning about how you utilize your own energy, and also having removed your dependencies on external resources. It’s a pattern of relating that’s starts within your perceptions, and reflects out to everything you’re involved with. Whereas consuming less is not the answer, learning to create more is.” ~Nathan & Aline
“When we allow ourselves to be an answer, we are limiting ourselves, but when we are a question, we open ourselves up to unlimited possibilities.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Humans do not fight over land, but over perceptions, and there are many parties who aim to limit the perceptions of people with their various ‘isms’, but our task is to free our perceptions by reverse engineering the thought patterns that got us trapped in so many negative feedback loops (emotional attachments, circular reasoning, & other logical fallacies), so that we might free our mind.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Whereas free will as we perceive it is an illusion, along with our understanding of freedom and liberty, there is a higher way in which to perceive it that is quite real. We think that each choice that we make based on a thought, feeling, or impulse is what constitutes free will, but many of our choices are rooted in our subconscious (nature) and unconscious (nurture) programs that we were born into and were conditioned into us as children. Since we live in a fractal reality,these programs are connected to Source code algorithms that affect all of creation, and if we were to tap into this algorithm, we would see the perfectly predictable nature of each choice. What the psychologist Carl Jung termed the ‘collective unconscious’ is a manifestation of this predictable, and thus controllable, reality. While still marred by this flawed Source code, our only actual free will comes from reprogramming our base code to align with who we actually are as conscious beings, so that we might truly express ourselves as unique, creative individuals. Carl Jung termed the process of psychologically differentiating oneself from the collective unconscious ‘individuation’, and only individuated beings are capable of experiencing true freedom, liberty, and free will decisions.” ~Nathan & Aline
“If we truly live in a fractal based holographic reality, as the mystical paths insinuate, then it is easy to understand why the adage ‘as above so below’ makes logical sense, as each individual fractal contains the same source code as all other fractals. In this way we’re all connected, and we’re all One. If our world is flawed, it is only because everything in every other dimensional realm within our universe also carries the flaw within it; and this goes for our creator as well. When we are working things out here within ourselves, we are also working things out there, and thus one individual can truly make a difference by creating the cure within themselves for all other realms, as it will spread as a self-perpetuating fractal pattern throughout the entire creation—even to our creator. No victims, no villains, and no saviors, as we each carry the same flaws, as well as potentials cures, within us—we really do have everything we need inside of us.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Our external experiences are a reflection of our internal state of being, if we are divided (emotionally fragmented) within we can be easily divided and manipulated by external forces, but if we are united (emotionally whole) within, we are unable to be divided and manipulated by external pressures. The solution isn’t our uniting as a collective group against a perceived (sometimes fabricated) external threat, but by integrating our mental, emotional, and spiritual states of being within us.” ~Nathan & Aline
“In relationship to emotional intelligence, the word ‘understanding’ is meant to denote the ability to comprehend the logic of any particular course of action, but it has become intertwined with the concept of sympathy, and used as a means of enabling poor behavior. Understanding has become externalized, where people say ‘I understand your pain because I have similar pain, therefore I will find ways to rescue you from your situation,’ and ‘I need you to understand my feelings.’ However, when internalized it states, ‘I understand the reasons why I feel and act as I do, and as a result I’m able to make conscious choices,’ and ‘because I understand and am aware of my own motivations, I’m able to understand you better too.'” ~ Nathan & Aline
“To the mystic, balance does not come through meeting in the middle without polarity, but is accomplished through picking the active polarity and polarizing into it, and allowing the complimenting polarity to attract back to them. As an example, if a person has a male body, that is their active polarity, and they therefore must master what it means to be a male in order to attract their passive counterpart to them, which is female. For those with a female body, their active polarity is female, while their passive counterpart that they will attract is male. Male and female are material representations of the Hermetic Principles of Polarity, Rhythm, and Gender, while masculine and feminine are internal representations of those same principles. This fractal relationship relates to the Hermetic Principle of Correspondence, which states, “as above so below, and as below so above”, where masculine and feminine represent the internal energetic polarities, and the male and female genders correspond as external physical manifestations of the internal reality.
Like a battery with two poles, the male has a negatively charged heart pole and a positively charged root pole, while the female has a positively charged heart pole and a negatively charged root pole. It is fractal geometry that scales with both internal and external symmetry, where the inner balance of the four poles working harmoniously within each individual will appear as a male and female partnership in external balance—with the male being fully polarized as a male (heart –, penis +), and the female being fully polarized as a female (heart +, vagina –). This is the Gray Hermeticists’ interpretation of a balanced hermaphrodite, which does not strive to be a single androgynous being, but two whole beings that attract and reflect each other (–/+ and +/–) as One.”
~Nathan & Aline
“The notion that a person is more elevated and conscious when they are able to love everyone the same, and be emotionally and/or physically intimate with many people is at odds with common sense psychology. This idea sets enabling helicopter behavior as the standard for conscious relationships, where we are urged to enable those who are less able to love and be loved, rather than empowering them to find their capacity to relate and love from within. This ideology is the product of enmeshed people attempting to justify their need to avoid their own shame and guilt, and is not conducive to producing healthy, psychologically differentiated individuals.” ~Nathan & Aline
Quite often, we give “how” answers to “why” questions, which is not a valid nor logical way to cope and deal with a “why” question. If the question is “why do I feel triggered by such and such”, the answer cannot be “then stop interacting with such and such”, as that is a “how” solution to a “why” question. It could be said that the “stop interacting” answer is the logical progression of the “why” answer, which might be “because they are idiots that do not respect my boundaries”. However, that is not a valid “why” answer either, as it begs many more questions be asked, such as “why are they idiots”, “why do I continually interact with people who disrespect me”, “why am I behaving as their victim”, “when was the first time I ever experienced similar disrespect”, and “do I ever act in a similar way towards others?”
Only after exhausting the many angles of “why” can we finally move on to a “how” that is an actual solution, and in many cases, the “how” will automatically take care of itself already, as we will find that we are no longer interacting in ways that cause us to experience the particular triggers we have already processed. “Why” answers “why”, “how” answers “how”, but “how” does not answer “why”, and the “why” comes before the “how”. ~Nathan & Aline
“Learn to discern the truth, but it takes a mind adept at asking questions, and a willingness to entertain uncomfortable answers.” ~Nathan & Aline
“We often ignore our negative feelings when pursuing a course of action, where we think, suppress, and then act, but we’re meant to think, feel, and then act. If something feels bad to us, it could actually be a poor course of action, but to understand if this is so, we must first honor our feelings as a messenger, and ask why we are feeling them. Once we fully understand why, the feeling will dissolve and we can then feel into the choice again; decisions made in such a way are considered wise choices. Wisdom may seem to provide slower results, because it spends the time necessary to understand the logic behind each decision (via the honoring of our feelings), but ultimately it provides lasting results.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Rationality and spirituality not only mix, they are intimately tied into one another; spirituality devoid of logic is ignorant and delusional, while rationality devoid of spirit is entropic and lifeless. In order for us to experience a life filled with meaning and direction, the two must be harmoniously balanced by a third ingredient—our emotions. It is our emotional attachments that make us either too logical or too irrational, where we ignore information because it harms our narrow views, or we’ll believe any information because we’re afraid of thinking for ourselves. Emotional process work, also known as shadow work, removes our emotional attachments so that we can regain our balance—to live an expansive life as responsible, thinking individuals.” ~Nathan & Aline
Whereas we do not have power or control over external events and situations, we do have the power to choose our internal perceptions and feelings about them, as well as our choice about how we will interact with the external plane of existence. Being powerful does not mean exercising power over our external existence, which is the plane of effects, but finding it from within our internal being, which is the plane of causality.
So while it’s important to ask questions of our external world, it’s more important to ask questions of our internal world. Why do I feel as I do? Why am I sad, angry, or afraid? Why am I a victim, hero, or villain? Why am I creating my life in such a way as to experience the things that I do? Asking questions always attracts the answers we require to us—and reflecting on our external experiences, and their internal root causes—is a great place to start. ~Nathan & Aline
“Have you ever felt like you just didn’t measure up, and then decided to buckle down and take matters into your own hands by working harder? Unfortunately, that’s attempting to do an action to change who you are, since actions are the result of who you are, and not what makes you who you are. It’s a conundrum, you want to be valuable, worthy, and lovable for who you are, but you’re tired of being shown again and again that you aren’t good enough unless you’re able to be a certain way, thus you try yet another action as an attempt to change yourself to meet external expectations. Acting gets you nowhere, but not acting gets you even less; but the root of the issue is the swapping of cause and effect, where you think that action is cause and being is effect, however in truth, being is cause and action is effect. This perception shift has the capacity to change your life—but it’s your thinking that must change, and not your actions.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Truth and honesty are not the same thing, as truth is a cyclical process, while honesty is merely an aspect of the overall process of discerning truth. The formula for truth goes like this:
Knowledge (information) + Understanding (reason/logic) – Contradictions = Wisdom (Truth)
Knowledge (missing, partial, or manipulated information) – Understanding (logical fallacies) + Contradictions = Folly (Lies/Deception)
Honesty is part of the knowledge gathering phase of finding truth, but even if some of the information has been concealed or hidden, the truth and validity of a situation can still be determined. This is done by asking more what, who, where, and when questions, utilizing reason, and through resolving any contradictions that might be present in the information, the reasoning, or between them both. While honesty is important to knowing a problem even exists in the first place, it isn’t always needed, as truth can still be discerned without it, through asking the right questions.” ~Nathan & Aline
“We’re not all “one world”, but two worlds; the world of the consciousness eaters who enmesh into a finite one, and the world of aware individual’s who are unique and find their unity, creativity, and answers from within. The first world ultimately desires entropy, and to forfeit their personal responsibility to external authorities, while the second world is expansive, and does so by taking full responsibility for their perceptions, feelings, and actions as an authority unto themselves. Are you forfeiting your responsibility to a united world, or are you taking responsibility as an individual within a unique world?” ~Nathan & Aline
“Hope and responsibility are opposites; if you are feeling hopeful, then you are not being responsible, and if you are being responsible, then you are not feeling hopeful.” ~Nathan & Aline
“We were just watching the “Empire Strikes Back”, and while many of Yoda’s teachings about the Force are based on ancient Hermeticism, there was one short line that was drastically different. In response to a question Luke was asking, Yoda said “there is no why”, but “why” is what it is all about for the light, dark, and gray Hermeticists–“why” is our source of power, “why” IS the Logos–“why” gives us access to the Force. A few scenes later Yoda tells Luke that he must unlearn what he has learned, but to do that, he would need access to causality, also known as cause and effect–the “why”. So yes, we must unlearn what we have learned, but to do that, we first need our “why”.” ~Nathan & Aline
“It is a common belief that in order to change the world, we need to convince as many people as possible that our desired change is necessary, and add them to our side/group, but this always results in power struggles and conflicts. It is when we are in a group that we are at our weakest, but when we are unique individuals we are at our most powerful and creative; individuals are unable to be herded, manipulated, or controlled, but groups are easy to subvert, pervert, divide, and steer. Individuals have clear and solid boundaries, which are reinforced by their understanding of what is and is not a reasonable (logical) usage of their value (sex, money, and time energies). However, groups are masses of enmeshed people who lack clear boundaries, and often intermingle their value without an awareness of what is and is not a reasonable usage of their energy.
Do you want to change the world? Would you like to make a difference? Then deprogram yourself from cultural conditioning! Have clear boundaries! Be creative! Be unique! Be an individual! Humans are at their most powerful and influential when they’ve differentiated themselves from out of the enmeshed collective mass, and are operating as unique and creative beings.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Knowledge is a great starting point, but understanding (which is the product of logic), is also needed. The etymological roots of fallacy are fallere, which means “to deceive”, therefore a logical fallacy is a lie that uses deceptive logic. Politicians and the Elite class are brilliant at using deceptive logic to manipulate the masses towards their own predatory goals, and the unsuspecting and naive people willingly follow their lies to their own sacrifice. A little bit of training in logic goes a LONG way to preventing deception.” ~Nathan & Aline
“If modern education were to actually strengthen the critical thinking skills of their students, they would create a resistance to both consumerism and obedience to authority. Since this is problematic to how our economy is currently structured, our schools do the exact opposite of engendering critical thinking — they purposefully sabotage it. Those individuals who know how to think critically, where their natural curiosity prompts them to ask a myriad of questions, aren’t easily sold products or political solutions that aren’t sensible, and they openly question authority figures. Critical thinking is a personal firewall that protects the energy of the individual from unreasonable expenditures of personal value, and from forfeiting sovereignty at the feet of predatory businessmen, politicians, religious figures, and aspiring dictators. Critical thinking creates the boundaries and safe space necessary for the individual to express their creativity from, which is dangerous to the political and financial bottom lines of the predatory Elite who continually seek more control.” ~Nathan & Aline
“It is a fallacy to believe that there is strength in numbers, even for a supposedly worthy cause, as this leads to a collective mind from externalizing our personal power. We are meant to be One through our unique individuality, which is a quality of being and not a numeric value. Unity is our many fragmented aspects coming back together in emotional and psychological wholeness, and self-sustainable energy usage within the individual. Natural Law, which derives from Hermetic thought, has as its focus nurturing individual creative expression, which is where our power is actually found. We do not defeat the unnatural hive mind by amassing equal numbers and fighting them, but by becoming an individual apart from their enmeshed hive.” ~Nathan & Aline
“We open ourselves up to feeling guilty and receiving judgment when we make external people responsible for our worth. We give them our value (DOING) in the hopes of BEING worthy of their approval—we’re attempting to exchange value for worth. However, if we were to first BE worthy and then exchange our value for their value, it would be impossible for us to feel guilty, or experience their judgment; both are just an effect of our own lack of self-worth. Any transaction where there is guilt, judgment, or resentment is the result of our own perception of our worth, but we act as if we’ve been wronged by the one we gave our power away to. Are they really the bad guy, or did we attempt to make them responsible for something that they are completely unable to give us?” ~Nathan & Aline
“We’re currently taught by society that we’re only worthy after we’re valuable, for example, we’re told that we must go to school to increase our value, so that we’re able to work and be worthy to receive a paycheck. We perceive that when we’re able to be the answer for our employer, then we’re able to receive our worth in return; but worth is actually meant to be our state of being, and value is the action that results from our BEING worthy. We’re not doing valuable things so that we can receive our worth in return as a payment, but we’re worthy and we experience value as its result.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Our society has been trained to view individuality as a sickness, where those who are able to think critically apart from mass society are selfish, irresponsible, conspiracy nuts, and impractical dreamers. Or they perceive individuality as an egoic attempt of a needy attention whore to stand out, where the ‘individual’ dyes their hair pink, pierces their nipples, and dresses flamboyantly; this form of rebellious ‘individuality’ does so by becoming the opposite side of the coin, rather than a separate coin. Individuality is neither though, as it is actually the condition that results from having psychologically differentiated oneself from the pre-programmed cultural consciousness. This state of being, called “individuation” by Carl Jung, is where an emotionally whole person is able to think free from societal norms, renders them unable to be manipulated by their peers or supposed authority figures, and allows them to express their creativity in fresh and spontaneous ways. Individuality then is what we would term being in unity consciousness, as the individual is no longer in an enmeshed unity with the masses, but their perceptions, feelings, and actions are united within their own being.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Do we need more people sacrificing of themselves, and contributing their blind actions (answers) to society, or do we need more people willing to ask profound questions? We’re flooded with too many solutions, in fact, we’re conditioned to believe that we’re only worthy when we’re giving others our value, aka, our answers. Support isn’t giving solutions, or acting on the behalf of others, it’s asking people the necessary questions so that they can find their own value and solutions from within. Those who find their answers (energy) from within are self-sustaining, but those who require outside intervention are draining, and thus also susceptible to being drained. Do you require others as batteries, which is needing their answers, are you a battery for others, which is giving them solutions, or are you a self-sustaining generator, which is done through asking yourself and others questions?” ~Nathan & Aline
“The womb is the symbolic metaphor for understanding, as it represents the logical processing of information that it receives from the sperm and the egg… aka, the baby must go through its developmental process prior to being born. Yes, understanding and logic are a feminine trait! When logic was divorced from our emotions, as the two are meant to be connected, it actually caused our male dominated society. As a result of this disconnect, our perceptions are now skewed by our emotional wounds and attachments, making us susceptible to making illogical choices in a feeble attempt to become whole, but once the feminine (within men and women) reclaims her logic via processing her emotions, society will automatically re-balance.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Here is the difference between a regular polarity and the two genders: A polarity is either an active or passive side, and two polarities work together, such as the positive (+) and negative (–) poles on a magnet, but a gender is unique in that it contains both an active and passive within each gender. So in a regular polarity pair you have either a (+) OR (–), but in a gender you have both a (+) AND (–) within each. Like two Double AA batteries that are flipped, the male’s (+) is his penis, and the female’s (+) is her heart/breasts, and the male’s heart is his (–), while the woman’s vagina is her (–).” ~Nathan & Aline
“It is said that being unreasonable means that one is unwilling to compromise and work together when the situation deems it necessary. However, we feel that unreasonable people are those who do not understand their reasons for feeling and behaving as they do, for they unconsciously repeat pre-programmed patterns of relating without first having obtained a satisfactory “why” that explains the reasons for their life experiences. If they were conscious of their reasons, they would have command and mastery of their lives, but since they lack understanding of their reasons, they are unconscious, blind, and unaware. Another word for reason is logic, and asking the question “why” produces understanding; therefore reasonable people are inquisitive, logical, aware, and understand themselves and others. Self-awareness, aka, understanding the reasons and logic of why one feels and behaves as they do, is the key to a life filled with love, peace, joy, creativity, individuality, personal power, sovereignty, and magic. However, a lack of understanding the reasons and logic of why one feels and behaves as they do is the recipe for an unconscious life filled with fear, strife, sadness, pride, shame, judgment, guilt, vanity, conformity, anger, slavery, and powerlessness. Are you a reasonable person, or an unreasonable one? ” ~Nathan & Aline
“We’re conditioned to ask ‘what’ is the problem, and ‘how’ can we fix it, but we’re discouraged from finding out the reason ‘why’ it’s there in the first place. When the three become the two, there is duality, but when the three are flowing harmoniously together, there is unity. What (knowledge), WHY (understanding), and How (wisdom) — and in that order… perceive, feel, and then act. The WHY, also known as Feelings / Logic / Causality, always seems to get omitted, and that’s how the control structure likes it.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Many people view our mind as our biggest block to enlightenment, and that when we are thinking, we are unenlightened. However, the mind in general is not the issue, but how we use our mind, that is our problem. The ALL is mind, everything is mental. Conscious mind, unconscious mind, subconscious mind, superconscious mind, and the other minds we haven’t discovered yet. As above, so below, as below, so above — if mind is there, it is also here, and if it is here, it is also there. It is how we use our mind that is the problem; as in our perceptions, and how we perceive and relate to existence that is our issue. Once we change how we perceive each relationship and interaction, we are finally able to use our mind in a way that is harmonious with the ALL. Just a little Hermeticism to brighten your day”. ~Nathan & Aline
“Do you earnestly ask questions, or externalize your power and hope for a particular answer? Ask questions! Answers flow to those who earnestly ask questions.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Contrary to current public opinion, conformity is not unity. It’s okay to exercise your creativity and individuality, even if pop culture and the New Age encourages you to amalgamate into their Borg like conformity, errr, ‘unity’.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Hermeticism is a tool, as is awareness, that can be wielded by the individual, either as a means of liberation and creativity, or as a means of enslavement and harm. Aligning with its principles is what elevates an individual from being a game piece, to that of a game player who manages many pieces.” ~Nathan & Aline
“The first Hermetic principle, which is also known as the first Natural Law, states that the ALL is mental, which makes sense since our perceptions are our conscious mind, our feelings are our unconscious mind, and our body is our subconscious mind. There are thoughts in enlightenment, but most people who have spiritual experiences are unable to move at the speed of thought that the higher realms are moving at, and thus perceive no thought at all while on their “trips” — they‘re too slow, since they have not learned how to process their thoughts effectively to keep up in these higher realms of consciousness. When we exercise our three minds and bring them into alignment as One, we are able to move at faster speeds of thought, and are thus capable of perceiving what goes on in other realms of existence, and better perceive our current realm as well. As it is said, “As above, so below, as below, so above”; we are able to know the higher the more we know here, and the more we know the higher, the more we will also know here. Rather than experiencing the misaligned thoughts of our ego, we are capable of aligning our conscious, unconscious, and subconscious minds with the Divine Mind, aka, the mind of the ALL. This is obviously not a New Age teaching, but an alchemical one.” ~Nathan & Aline
“The formula used by the Elite, who own all of the world’s media outlets:
Problem –> Reaction –> Solution
Create the problem, foment a controlled emotional reaction by the public, and then provide the solution they wanted all along, already prepared, packaged, and ready to go. It’s how they steer public opinion and engineer their desired results. Works every time too.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Do you want a revolution, or an evolution? A revolution is quite literally a circle that brings you right back to where you started, but evolution is an opportunity to start a new game that you haven’t played before. Why revolve around in an attempt to beat a rigged game, when you could have a fresh start in a brand new game? We choose to stop giving energy to the tired old control system, and to instead evolve past it and into an exciting new game with fair rules. How about you?” ~Nathan & Aline
“It has been said that the only choice that we can actually make is between fear and love, but we feel that it is important to listen to your fear in order to transform it into love. Fear isn’t the opposition, as it is only a messenger, much like a status light in a car; for it communicates your limiting belief patterns to you, so that you might transmute them from lead into gold. Those who choose love over fear are just bypassing the most important feedback device they’ve been given to navigate their life, and ironically, they are choosing fear whenever they think they are choosing love. Here is the actual core choice then: do you choose fear, or do you choose to listen to, understand, and transform your fear into love?” ~Nathan & Aline
“We have found that rather than avoiding our fears and focusing only on the positive, which is a duality of either/or, that we can do shadow work on our fears, asking, ‘what is the limiting pattern’ and ‘why is the pattern there’, so that we can transmute the duality into something unified. In duality, the dual poles are opposing one another, but in unity the polarities are working in union together. The Divine Marriage is the effect of having transmuted the lower into the higher, from the warring of the two into the marriage of the two. This is why alchemy and the mystical paths are known as the “third way”; they are neither positive or negative, nor black or white, but whole and unified from the inside-out.” ~Nathan & Aline
“As a general rule, women have the limiting belief that men are meant to protect them from their pain, while men have the limiting belief that women are meant to give them pleasure. The reverse is also true, as men believe they must save women from their pain, while women believe that they must save men by giving them pleasure. This is an outside-in belief that neuters each’s ability to find their security and pleasure from within, making them dependent on an external other to fill their lack.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Sympathy is compassion without understanding, whereas empathy is compassion with understanding. Sympathy connects through a shared wound to enable the victim’s status as a victim, since the sympathetic party does not even understand their own wounds, for if they did, they would not enable others. On the other hand, because empathetic individuals understand themselves and their past wounds, they have clear boundaries and empower those who think they are victims to find their solutions, and thus their power, from within.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Love is conditional within a trigger, when we’re enabling to avoid a trigger, or enabling to fulfill an expectation (which leads to a trigger when unmet), and unconditional at all other times. Often people enable and call it unconditional love, which is problematic, since it is reasoning away the enabling under the guise of unconditional love. It is quite easy to love children unconditionally, even though some of it may be enabling for unconscious reasons, depending on the parent’s own limiting belief patterns. Many people confuse tough love with conditional love, but it is anything but conditional, as it is taking the necessary steps to compassionately allow our loved ones to experience the natural consequences of their beliefs and behaviors, so that they can then make conscious changes to them — or not. So even though it is often misunderstood as conditional, tough love is definitely unconditional and aligned with natural law.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Forgiveness isn’t a word to be used lightly, as it is not a cause, but the effect of traveling deep within into your past traumas and torments, and transforming them with the light of your conscious awareness. If you say “I forgive you”, and yet haven’t alchemically transformed the situation internally, you haven’t forgiven anybody of anything.” ~Nathan & Aline
“There is a saying “feelings buried alive never die”. This means that when we bury our feelings within, they unconsciously cause us problems, but if we can listen to them and understand their messages to us, they will fuel our transformation from a destructive caterpillar — into a beautiful butterfly.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Is it reasonable to tell a person to modify their behavior, when behavior is the product of both their perspectives and understanding of life? It’s simple cause and effect; rather than modifying the effects, instead modify the causes. They must first change their perspective, through adding understanding, and then their behavior will automatically modify as a result of those core changes.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Reincarnation is when a soul believes that they must return to the earth to pay off karma at the promptings of an authoritative being external to them, but incarnation is a choice made by a sovereign being of when, where, and why to incarnate. Those who incarnate may do so more than once, but do so at their own discretion, not because of a supposed authority, but because they are exercising their free agency and will power for a purpose. A being can incarnate in a single realm or dimension as often as they choose without it being reincarnation, but a being trapped in the recycling of souls, does so because they believe they have to, and are thus imprisoned by that belief.” ~Nathan & Aline
“New Age spirituality seeks to unify people externally as one, but the mystical paths promote the inner journey of union within the individual. Unity is not a bunch of people banding together for the common good, but the union of the thoughts, feelings, and actions of an individual to express creativity apart from the homogeneous collective.” ~Nathan & Aline
“The religious paths focus on behavioral modification, while the mystical paths focus on alchemical transformation; the first seeks to modify the mirror, while the latter seeks to change the source that is reflected by the mirror. As a mystic, our role is to transform the lower into the higher by transmuting our childhood lead into gold, and we do this by emotionally processing our childhood experiences and traumas, so that they might be understood and transformed.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Politicians are mid level management with very little impact on creating policy for communities and nations; they are the public relations department of the power brokers who own them. Their ruse is meant to distract the public from the work that truly matters in our world — gaining self-knowledge — which is the only effective means of change available to humanity. Will you continue to place your hope in the puppet theater of politics, or will you tune it out, dig in, and exert the necessary effort to know yourself?” ~Nathan & Aline
“The feminine is the high priestess and the masculine is the king; it is her role to reconnect her king to the spiritual layer of the earth, so that he might rule well. His kingdom is empty without his high priestess coronating him with her insights, for her understanding is the crown upon his head. He is the master of knowledge, she is the mistress of understanding, and their child is the kingdom that they co-create together — wisdom.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Our job is not to awaken the masses, as that is outside-in, but to awaken ourselves from the inside-out. It may seem that we write and post for others, however, we only do so for our own benefit, in order to ground our insights. When we are inspired to write or speak, we learn new things and deepen our own understanding, those who may gain from it are just a side-effect of our own evolution.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Union is not a collection of people working together towards a common cause, but the harmonious balance of thoughts, emotions, and body working together as One mind within an individual. Being in union is the conscious attainment of perfected individuality from out of the collective unconscious of humanity.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Sex and money are an unnatural polarity, also known as a duality, and if a person polarizes into one side to find their value, the other side will automatically attract to it. Money value attracts sexual value, and sexual value attracts money value, it is how the Hermetic Principle of Polarity works. Prostitution is the most honest metaphor for being polarized with sexual value, as it attracts those with money value, but did you know that a business man is also a prostitute? He whores his money value to attract sexual value, while she whores her sexual value to attract money value. Resisting sexual value will cause an inability to attract money value, while resisting money value will also cause an inability to attract sexual value. Remember though, that these two polarities are unnatural and thus a duality, so neither embracing nor resisting them will yield any real results here and now, as embracing them is just building temporal sand castles, while resisting them is just missing out on all that life has to offer. It is through integrating sexual value and money value into true value that life really begins outside of the sex/money matrix, where we see that time is the ultimate commodity to be mastered. Integrating sex and money back into one equates to mastery of the unnatural time/space matrix, allowing for one to instead interact with life via the natural space/time matrix.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Some people are game pieces and some people are game players; those who operate on the plane of effects are pieces, and those who operate on the causal plane are players. If you unconsciously fall in line with society, its rules, beliefs, and culture, and mindlessly follow your feelings without knowing why you behave as you do, you’re a game piece, but if you are conscious of what you are thinking and feeling, and why you act as you do, then you’re undoubtedly a game player. Game pieces may think that their voice makes a difference in the world, and that their conformity helps society function well, but it is only those who are brave enough to play the game that are capable of actually changing the world for the better.” ~Nathan & Aline (See the book The Happiness Game for more on this subject.)
“Any teacher of consciousness that lacks emotional intelligence is just regurgitating facts and hasn’t yet plunged into the depths of possibility, as it is our capacity to FEEL that sets humans apart in this universe, through bringing us to the depths of understanding. Discussing consciousness with an emotionally disconnected individual, or somebody who places little value on the emotional body and interpersonal relationships in general, is difficult, as the biggest aspect of knowledge is missing from the conversation — self-knowledge. Unless they wish to discuss the emotional layer of truth while discussing THE truth, there really is no point in talking about consciousness further, as truth is an empty shell without our emotions.” ~Nathan & Aline
“No man can show you the truth, they can only show you where to find it within yourself.” ~ Nathan & Aline
“Many people confuse speaking the truth and bulldozing others with the truth as the same thing; they believe that it is okay to cross boundaries as long as it’s in the name of the truth. Now if there is a request or agreement to have such a relationship, and an agreement to mutually work through any feelings, patterns, and contradictions that prevent experiencing truth together, it’s not a boundary infraction, but a tool for growth. The key however is the trust and agreement to work through things together on a level playing field. Examples of such agreements are between a romantic couple, in coaching or therapy sessions, and between good friends; even in these however, it is beneficial to ask questions rather than using a judgmental attack on the individual or their information. Through asking enough questions, you may find that you learn more about yourself and them, and that they also benefit from the exchange, but blind truth speaking may win the war but ruin the relationship that the war was meant to protect. Crossing emotional boundaries is just as violent as crossing physical ones, even when it is done in the name of the truth.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Most people do not realize that feelings are our logic, and they are how we process information and make sense of life. When we master our feelings, we master both logic and life.” ~ Nathan & Aline
“There is a big difference between observing nature as a means of viewing the principles of the invisible God that permeates all creation, and worshiping nature as God. God is not nature, but God is infused within nature, just as I am not God, but God can be found within me. When we say that we are returning to nature, it is to realign ourselves with the principles present within nature, and to live within nature’s systems; not to worship nature, but as a safe place to explore our Self and live a moral, abundant, and satisfied life.” ~Nathan & Aline.
“My truth as I understand it is relative, just as your truth as you understand it is relative, but just because our truths are relative, does not mean that THE Truth is also relative — THE Truth is indeed absolute. It is each person’s grand work to bridge the gap between their relative truth and THE absolute Truth, to ultimately achieve that pinnacle of merging the Self with THE absolute Truth of Source consciousness — the Divine Marriage.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Just because we are all equal in our core being as aspects of Source, does not mean that we are all equal in the hierarchy of life, nor in our understanding of life. Is it reasonable for a sales clerk to correct a fireman in his craft, or for a computer repair person to correct the technique of a skilled artisan? We are not all equal in our abilities, in how we choose to express our lives, nor in our level of Self awareness and mastery — it is in our core being and essence that we find our equality. The effect of aligning our lives with natural law is to have found our own unique place within the hierarchy of life; thus when it comes to what you know, we are not your equal, and when it comes to what we know, you are not ours, for we are each uniquely One.” ~Nathan & Aline
“When I ask you (me, or anyone) ‘why’, it is because I deeply desire to understand YOU, and deeply desire to find myself in you. However, when many people do finally ask ‘why’, they seek to humiliate another with their questions, rather than understand them. They have weaponized their ‘why’ to support their own attachments to ‘how’ they think the other should be acting. Is your ‘why’ a weapon, or a vehicle that brings you understanding?” ~Nathan
“Mastering of the Seven Hermetic Principles does indeed allow for a miraculous life, as miracles do not defy the laws of nature, nor is their source from beyond nature, for they are the effects of having perfectly aligned with nature. Therefore, if you wish to live a miraculous life — align yourself with nature and its self-evident principles.” ~Nathan & Aline
Here is the difference between “what, how, why” and “what, why, how”, because it DOES matter. When our line of questioning is placed in the incorrect order, especially when we are taught to ask “how” before “why”, rather than “why” before “how”, our reasoning (why) explains away our actions (how), rather than explaining the reasons “why” the manifestation or problem (what) is there in the first place. Taking action before reasoning/logic is in place is akin to placing the cart before the horse, and it is responsible for the negative feedback loop known as the addictive cycle. It is addicts who ask “why” after they act, but those who are in full command of their behavior, and are able to make conscious decisions — they ask “why” before they act. ~Nathan & Aline
“Giving a reason to explain away a behavioral pattern is not the same as looking to understand the reason why a behavioral pattern is present. While both may answer why, which is the primary function of logic, the first is done to avoid personal responsibility, but the latter is done to grow personal responsibility. Do you use logic to avoid responsibility, or to grow in your responsibility?” ~Nathan & Aline
“The Unity Process utilizes the Trivium method of critical thinking to remove the contradictions between your internal masculine and feminine, your current reality and the truth, and your beliefs and natural law. It is the process of the Two becoming the One — working in union together, rather than in opposition to one another.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Any logic that can be trumped by faith is founded upon logical fallacies (deception), but any faith that is supported by sound logic would be deepened and increased by having such understanding. Whereas faith is currently used as a bypass around logic, logic is actually meant to support faith, through helping remove any contradictions that might be present — the strongest faith is one that does not contain any contradictions.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Rather than using logic to process knowledge and gain understanding, most people use logical fallacies to answer “why” questions in support of their goals. The use of logical fallacies is manipulative — when done unconsciously, it is foolishness and blind rhetoric, but when done consciously, is sophism and black magic.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Being enlightened is a process and a pattern – not a goal. All you need is to be aware of and connected to this process, and you’ll always have access to the answers you need. Once fully aligned with this process, you’ll never be more enlightened than you were when you first aligned with it, but you’ll always continue to change, deepen, and expand your Self-awareness. Transformation results from being in your process, whereas enlightenment is your process.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Speaking YOUR truth and aligning with THE truth are not the same thing, whereas YOUR truth is your knowledge of your reality, THE truth is the Divine Natural Laws that must be aligned with through understanding. It is imperative to align YOUR truth with THE truth, utilizing critical thinking skills and logical processing of your emotions, otherwise they will remain divergent and in conflict with one another. While everyone has their own truth, not everyone is aligned with the One truth.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Wisdom is the ability to utilize both your knowledge and understanding in your actions. Knowledge answers “what” questions, understanding answers “why” questions, and wisdom is the synthesis of your “what” and “why” into your “how” questions/answers. If you jump into your “how” without first acquiring enough knowledge and understanding, you are not making a wise choice.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Life is your Mirror, and you are the Source that gets to experience what the Mirror reflects back to you.” ~Nathan & Aline
“Oneness is not a linear value or number, but a quality of intimate connectedness within our Self. The belief that we are all one is only true once we are One inside, but until then, it is just enmeshment and codependency, which is a sick unity. Being One from the inside reflects our uniqueness out, but being one externally enslaves our soul within our body. We cannot experience the fullness of unity with another until we are One within.” ~Nathan & Aline