My Unified Vision for a New American Renaissance

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” ~Provers 29:18a In my disclaimer on AI, I mentioned how AI would not write my articles for me, however, I am re-posting a creative dialogue I had with Elon Musk’s newly released Grok 3 that I had today, where it helped me to formulate my vision for reclaiming American culture and society from the grips of destructive leftist ideologies, such as liberalism […] Read more »

‘Truth is a Right Wing Concept’ | Melanie Phillips

“In getting rid of religion, we have unleashed an age of unreason, and what follows from that is the erosion of freedom—the freedom to think, the freedom to speak, the freedom to act, and the complete confusion about where the limit should be drawn between what I want and what others need.” ~Melanie Phillips THE UNITY PROCESS: I’ve created an integrative methodology called the Unity Process, which combines the philosophy of […] Read more »

The Postmodern Deconstruction of the Star Wars Universe

In the original Star Wars trilogy, the light side of the Force puts forth a process oriented vision of peace, while the dark side puts forth an “ends justifies the means” vision of peace. However, in the new movie “The Last Jedi”, both the light and dark sides are conveying the same message to the audience, “be in the moment, and destroy the past” as their vision of peace, as […] Read more »