How to Spot Politically & Financially Motivated Science

Here is how to spot politically and/or financially motivated science, which is science that furthers political and/or financial agendas and interests. Motivated science could be used as propaganda for an agenda, or could be supported by propaganda in the form of advertising and media coverage, to ensure financial and other forms of gain. “The product of scientific achievements should be for sale. The scientist should not.” ~A.E. Samaan True science […] Read more »

GMO Mysticism

The deceiver’s have made it quite difficult for those who choose to awaken to progress, via hijacking the terminology, names, and stories of the mystic paths and crafting elaborate copies, which we see now as the world’s religions. Beyond that though, even the mystical paths have copies, so now terms such as unity, gnosis, understanding, logic, wisdom, shadow work, wholeness, empowerment, archons, alchemy, transformation, Tantra, sacred sexuality, community, and even Hermetics […] Read more »