Politically Correct Marxism

It feels to me as though Political Correctness is the religion for the left. While the left will often complain about the bigotry of the Conservative Christian right, I see PC as equally prone to dishonesty. In this video I discuss how PC has gone too far… ~RockingMrE We’ve created an integrative methodology called “the Unity Process“, which combines the Hermetic Principles (Natural Law), the Trivium Method, Socratic Questioning, Jungian […] Read more »

The History of Political Correctness

Political correctness is a farce, as it is taking responsibility for the feelings of others instead of allowing them to be responsible for them. If we are unable to say what we’re feeling, we are denying others the opportunity to deal with their feelings, process their emotions, and correct their root perceptions that originally caused the interaction and offense in the first place. It is a missed opportunity for us to work […] Read more »