The Unmaking of Star Wars: Why Progressives Killed It and How

The Progressive attack on Star Wars destroyed the character of the male Luke “Skywalker”, who comes from the lineage of good, and retroactively replaced him with a female Rey “Skywalker”, who comes from the lineage of evil. They took the struggles of a simple farm boy who could inspire us to greatness, and replaced it with a perfect know it all without any struggles to replace Han Solo and Luke […] Read more »

History Of The Frankfurt School – Political Correctness and Cultural Marxism

History of the Frankfurt School: Where Political Correctness was born. Cultural Marxism, Critical Theory and the radical, regressive left’s push to destroy the family unit and use social engineering and mind control strategies to indoctrinate new generations in the west. This is where organized, methodical political correctness, social justice warrior concepts and a steady march to the hard core left started, while good, normal people were put to social sleep […] Read more »