Re-pattern Worth & Value with EFT Meridian Tapping

Confusing cause and effect, including reversing them, will create the circular reasoning logical fallacy within the perceptions of an individual, which is a type of negative feedback loop and hamster wheel that traps the individual within its walls.  It is therefore important to correct this belief on a subconscious level whenever it is found. One of the common patterns that we’re conditioned into repeating is when we believe that we must DO valuable things in […] Read more »

The Sex vs. Money Duality

Sex and money are an unnatural polarity, also known as a duality, and if a person polarizes into one side to find their value, the other side will automatically attract to it.  Money value attracts sexual value, and sexual value attracts money value, it is how the Hermetic Principle of Polarity works.  Prostitution is the most honest metaphor for being polarized with sexual value, as it attracts those with money […] Read more »

How You Became their Slave

There is a difference between value and worth, as you are valuable when you can give something, and you are worthy when you can receive it.  In other words, value is what unique talents that you are able to give to yourself, the Universe, and others, whereas worth is what unique gifts you deserve to receive from yourself, the Universe, and others. Currently though, in any given relationship, you can either be worthy or valuable, […] Read more »