A New Dawn: The Constitution of Galt’s Gulch

The following was created from two pages worth of input that I wrote for a new governmental and societal system based upon the philosophies of Ayn Rand, John Locke, along with other Logocentric philosophers, psychologists, critical thinking professors, and concepts, and fed into Grok2. It was something I woke up thinking about, so I decided to give it a try. Regardless of the practicality of implementing such a system on a mass scale, and the power hungry narcissists who would undoubtedly resist such a system until their dying breath, it is possible at a microcosmic family level with the right people who also serve this vision from the inside-out. At the very least, I’ve created Galt’s Gulch within myself, and within my marriage, and that is something I already have right now, and nobody can take that from me—or us.

I’d love to hear what you think of the concept!


In envisioning “Galt’s Gulch,” we draw inspiration from Ayn Rand’s utopian society where the human spirit is liberated from the shackles of altruism and collectivism. This essay outlines a new governmental system that seeks to embody the principles of individualism, reason, liberty, and property rights, creating a world where each person is both the architect and the guardian of their own destiny.

Philosophical Foundation

Our new society is fundamentally built on the philosophical works of Ayn Rand, whose vision of individual sovereignty and reason forms the bedrock. However, we also integrate the thoughts of John Locke, particularly his notions of natural rights and government by consent. Friedrich Nietzsche’s concept of master morality complements this, encouraging individuals to live according to their own values (as long as objective morality is the foundation). The ancient wisdom of Greek philosophers, focusing on Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, brings forth the importance of Logocentrism – the pursuit of truth through reason and logic.

Structure of Government

Tier One: The Self-Governing Elite

This tier comprises individuals who have demonstrated the capacity to govern themselves. Here, governance is nearly non-existent, resembling an anarchical or ancap (anarcho-capitalist) model where individuals voluntarily organize their interactions. The philosophy is one of extreme individualism where self-ownership is paramount, and each person is responsible for their own success or failure.

Tier Two: The Minarchist Support System

For those not yet able to self-govern, a minimal state apparatus, managed by ethical AI, ensures basic functions like defense and justice. This tier operates under classical liberal minarchism, aiming to educate and prepare its members for eventual elevation to Tier One, promoting personal growth and responsibility.

Constitution of Galt’s Gulch


“We, the self-determined of Galt’s Gulch, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for Galt’s Gulch.”

Articles of Governance:

  • Article I: Sovereignty of the Individual – All power originates with the individual, and government exists only to protect inherent rights.

  • Article II: Rights and Responsibilities – Rights are natural, inherent, and inalienable, accompanied by the responsibility to respect the rights of others. Government does not grant man their rights, God does.

  • Article III: Economic Freedom – A free market economy is established, free from coercive monopolies or government interference, where success is a product of merit and innovation.

  • Article IV: Education – A classical education system based on the Trivium and Quadrivium is mandated, with a Socratic approach to foster critical thinking. The concept of Logos, in order to cultivate meaning and purpose, is central to the education process.

  • Article V: Justice – A justice system grounded in natural law, common law, and Bastiat’s “The Law” ensures truth and liberty, addressing only crimes with objective victims.

  • Article VI: Taxation – All taxation will be voluntary, consensual, and transparent to ensure that government is held to the highest moral standards in service to the sovereign people.

  • Article VII: Amendments – Constitutional amendments require a basis in objective morality and reason, and require a supermajority consensus, balancing stability with adaptability.

Bill of Rights

Original Rights:

  • Freedom of Speech, Religion, Press, Assembly, Petition: These rights ensure that the individual’s voice is never silenced by the state.

  • Right to Bear Arms: For self-defense and as a check against tyranny.

  • Protection from Unreasonable Searches: Ensuring privacy and personal sovereignty.

  • Due Process and Rights of the Accused: Fundamental to a fair and just society.

  • Speedy and Public Trial, Trial by Jury: Guaranteeing justice and public accountability.

  • Protection from Excessive Bail, Fines, and Cruel Punishments: Reflecting human dignity.

  • Non-Enumerated Rights: Acknowledging that rights extend beyond those explicitly listed.

  • Powers Reserved: Limits government to only what is expressly granted.

New Rights:

  • Right to Opt-Out – An individual may opt out of societal contracts, including government, with a structured process to ensure no fraud or harm is inflicted. This process will involve a period for negotiation and responsibility assessment to prevent trauma and ensure accountability.

  • Right to Personal Responsibility and self-ownership: Each person must accept the consequences of their actions, promoting accountability and growth.

Educational System

  • The education system in Galt’s Gulch is classical, centered on the Trivium (grammar, logic, rhetoric) and Quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy), taught via the Socratic method rather than didactic instruction. Socratic clubs will be established nationwide to promote clear thinking, collaborative discussion, and the application of critical thinking to personal and familial life. The collective works of John Taylor Gatto, and his teaching methods, will be central in facilitating this approach.

  • Greek philosophy (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle) and the Logos are central, cultivating intellectual virtues such as humility, empathy, courage, autonomy, integrity, perseverance, confidence in reason, and fair-mindedness, while discouraging sophistry and manipulation.

  • Parents are encouraged to homeschool their children, or place them in private schools, to ensure the principles of self-governance are upheld, but eventually all public schools will be closed down and families will be responsible for educating their children.

Justice System

  • Natural Law and Common Law: The justice system upholds truth and liberty, drawing from natural law, common law, and Bastiat’s “The Law”. It addresses only crimes with a tangible victim, eliminating victimless crimes. Objective moral principles, derived from reason as per Rand and Locke, guide legal proceedings.

  • Crime and Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Over Punishment – The penal system focuses on rehabilitation rather than retribution, utilizing the classical education system, Logocentric principles, psychological integration (Jung, Keppe, Klein, Frankl), and therapeutic plant medicines (marijuana, psilocybin, LSD, San Pedro, DMT, ayahuasca) and MDMA. The goal is to reintegrate individuals into society as responsible, self-governing citizens. For those who refuse rehabilitation or are unable to be rehabilitated, execution or deportation to a remote penal colony, will be offered.

Psychological and Psychiatric Philosophy

  • Psychology: Drawing from Jung’s collective works, Dr Norberto Keppe’s work on envy, Melanie Klein’s object relations, and Frankl’s logotherapy, we aim for a society where individuals seek meaning and integration.

  • Medicine: Traditional psychiatry is replaced with natural and synthetic therapeutic agents like psychedelics, which facilitate profound personal insight and healing.

Societal Principles

  • Truth: Society is built on the relentless pursuit of truth, where honesty in all dealings is not just encouraged but is fundamental to law and personal integrity.

  • Individualism: Each person is seen as an end, not a means, with society structured to maximize individual potential and freedom.

  • Critical Thinking: From education to governance, critical thinking is the tool by which society solves problems and advances.

  • Liberty: Liberty is not just freedom from oppression but the freedom to be oneself, to innovate, to fail, and to succeed on one’s terms.

  • Self-Ownership: No one can claim ownership over another; each individual is sovereign over their life, body, and decisions.

  • Healthy Families: Family units are seen as foundational, with policies encouraging strong, independent, and loving family environments.

  • Non-Interference Principle: Also known as the non-aggression principle, this dictates that no one may initiate force against another, promoting peace and cooperation.

  • Self-Defense Principle: Individuals have an inherent right to protect themselves, their property, and their liberty, using necessary and proportionate means, free from governmental interference or punishment.

  • Logocentrism: With a focus on the Logos, society values reason, logic, and the divine spark in each person, leading to a culture of intellectual and spiritual growth.

  • Win/Win Game Theory: Society operates under the belief that there’s enough for everyone, promoting infinite progression where one’s success does not necessitate another’s failure.

  • Intellectual Empathy: Understanding others’ perspectives is key to collaboration without losing one’s own ground or identity.

  • Objective Morality: Moral truths are derived from reason and reality, not from cultural or personal whims, ensuring a coherent ethical framework.

  • Consent and Agreements: All interactions are based on explicit, reasoned consent, with mechanisms for exiting agreements that respect all parties’ rights.

  • Collaborative Thinking: Encourages a holarchy where individuals work together, each bringing their unique strengths to the table.

  • The TED Triangle: Creator, Challenger, Coach – These roles define how individuals, relationships, and governance interact, promoting empowerment over victimhood, fostering creativity, and encouraging personal growth.

  • Oxytocin Focus: Societal norms encourage bonding, reducing stress through positive, familial interactions.

  • Health: health includes mental, emotional, and physical well-being, often through natural means.

  • Non-Transactional Love – Love directed towards self, family, and society is seen as an intrinsic value, not a means to an end, fostering genuine connections and well-being.


This vision for Galt’s Gulch aims to create a society where individuals are free to achieve greatness through their own efforts, supported by a system that values liberty, reason, and personal responsibility above all else. Here, the pursuit of truth and the respect for individual sovereignty lead to a society that is both prosperous and just, where love and health are natural by-products of living in alignment with the Logos and one’s true self.

About Nathan

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