From a Charlie Chaplin movie — hint, he was an anarchist. Read more »
...where the Two become the One
From a Charlie Chaplin movie — hint, he was an anarchist. Read more »
The feminine principle is best described metaphorically as the non-aggression principle, while the masculine principle is best described metaphorically as the self-defense principle. An out of balance feminine principle is therefore dominant and coercive in nature, and is played out as either aggression, passivity, or passive aggression, while an out of balance masculine is therefore spineless and submissive, and is the proverbial doormat. A healthy feminine principle does not use […] Read more »
It is nearly impossible to have civil discussion with leftists and progressives, which are those who desire social justice, equity, socialism, and even communism, as we’ve found that their emotional capacity was never able to progress past that of young children. The only thing that works when dealing with emotionally petulant children is setting and enforcing firm psychological boundaries; otherwise we’ll end up in energy draining power struggles. It is […] Read more »
Fascism is a form of socialism, that’s why “Nazi” stood for the “National Socialists”, and they are no further on the right of the political spectrum than the other forms of socialists, communists included. Ironically, those on the left may claim that their socialist State should or does serve their interests, but that is a farce, as the State is always served in all forms of Socialism; its “motherly love” […] Read more »
Unfettered immigration and open borders is problematic in the same way that an arranged marriage is problematic. It forces two parties to cohabitate together, rather than allowing them to voluntarily choose to be with those they are most attracted to and aligned with. Like an arranged (forced) marriage, forcing cultural integration is a violation of the non-aggression principle, and limits the individual’s opportunity for voluntary interactions in their home regions. […] Read more »
In this video, I give a brief description of Voluntaryism and its foundational principle, the Non-Aggression Principle, and how it relates to how we give and receive. When we are young, we learn that giving is mostly coercive, either from our family, school, or society, thus we do not have a point of reference or personal understanding of what giving without some form of subtle coercion is. I then perform […] Read more »
An introductory look at what Voluntarism is, and it’s core value non-aggression. Libertarianism, also known as ancap, anarcho-capitalism, and voluntaryism (not to be confused with left libertarianism / anarchy, which is connected to socialism, communism, and social justice movements). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8TI-pm0m2o Read more »
This is extremely relevant to the current drama playing out on the world stage. Are you willing to develop your inner sense of Self to the degree that is necessary to leave behind this corrupt system of external rule? Are you willing to take responsibility for yourself, and learn how to work together with others in a Voluntaryist manner; with those who also desire self-rule? When push comes to shove […] Read more »