The Problem with Blame

Blame is a big problem in the world, and we see a lot of it from the political left when they blame rich people, white people, men, bigots, homophobes, transphobes, anti maskers, anti science, etc., and at it’s core is envy, what Nietzsche called “ressentiment”. It doesn’t solve anything, it just interrogates and tears things down, deconstructs them, but has no creative drive, and doesn’t offer any meaningful solutions. Unfortunately, […] Read more »

Pro-Vaxxers, Herd Immunity, & Nietzsche’s Herd Morality

I have observed that pro-vaxxers behave in a similar manner as collectivists. This is what Nietzsche termed “herd morality”, which is the morality of the weak and the envious; they gather together in groups, and in their envy attack competent/strong individuals with their perceived collective strength. It’s essentially the mob mentality, also known as the crucifixion of reason. I find it ironic that the pro-vaccination collective terms the necessity for […] Read more »

Envy – the Green Monster that’s Deconstructing the West

Postmodernism, Deconstuctionism, Third Wave Feminism, Marxism, Cultural Marxism, Socialism, and Progressivism are all examples of far left ideologies that spring forth from the weak’s envy of the strong; they are collectivist ideologies that embody Friedrich Nietzsche’s concept of “slave morality”. Envy, which according to Dr Norberto Keppe from the Freud line of psychoanalysis, is at the heart of all mental disorders and pathologies; thus, it is not a far stretch […] Read more »

Stephen Hicks: Nietzsche Perfectly Forecasts the Postmodernist Left

The recent postmodern deconstruction and subversion of the Star Wars franchise on the big screen (in the Last Jedi) is an example of this pattern, and when watching the last two movies in the series, it all makes sense in context of them shitting on the original heroes to make them look bad, and to wish psychological distress on those who loved their hero’s legacy. “Master morality for Nietzsche is […] Read more »

Is the future of Star Wars more Gray than simply Dark vs Light?

I think we need to start looking at the Gray Jedi in light of Nietzsche’s concept of the Übermensch, who is a being that has transcended traditional group morality of good and evil, and has a higher individualistic morality based on their experiences to form a holistic perspective of the workings of life. An Übermensch has the ability to conceptualize and process so many angles, layers, and aspects of any […] Read more »

Nietzsche and Truth: Skepticism and the Free Spirit

Aline and I are free spirits who have taken Nietzsche’s “experimentalism” and used it to challenge our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to an extreme degree. Much of our insights and growth has come through experimenting with new ideas, while challenging our older ideas—older ideas which stem from past traumas, societal norms, biological factors, and childhood experiences. Being able to continually challenge and work through our old beliefs while remaining flexible […] Read more »

The Psychology of Envy and Social Justice

“Our envy of others devours us most of all.” (Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Gulag Archipelago) Stretching back to the time of the Ancient Greeks, countless philosophers have contemplated the nature of envy, or what Immanuel Kant described as the “tendency to perceive with displeasure the good of others.” (Immanuel Kant) Those who have written about envy, be it Aristotle, Aquinas, Adam Smith, Schopenhauer or Nietzsche, have all come to a similar conclusion […] Read more »

How Mob Mentality Gets Worse Online

This is a great video that describes the psychology of the herd/mob.  Nietzsche went to great lengths about the matter, as well as many great psychologists, including Carl Jung, who detailed the need to individuate (psychologically differentiate) oneself from out of the herd/mob, in order to become a unique and whole individual. What Jung called “Selfhood”, is what we as gray mystics would term reaching the “Divine Union” and the “Alchemical […] Read more »