The Decreasing Viability of YouTube as a Platform for Independent Creators

Dave Cullen examines the viability of continuing to use YouTube as a platform.  He brings up the interesting point that while Google is a private company, and can seemingly do as it wishes in regards to censorship, they built up their stock and became a monopoly as a result of the free market system.  Does a monopoly have the right to censor?   Read more »

Rights vs Privileges – The NFL Protests: Taking a Knee & Bowing

Do the employees of a private corporation, such as the National Football League (NFL – which holds their player’s rights), who are privileged to play American football at the professional level, have the right to free speech at their employer’s offices (stadiums)? What is the nature of rights and privileges, and what is their difference? There is an argument, such as when Facebook, YouTube, or Google censors people, that since […] Read more »

How They Are Shutting Down the Alternative Media Online

Just an FYI, censorship is alive and well, and has begun in earnest on social media and elsewhere. I was made aware that this “fake news” push has coincided with the US Gov’t giving away control of ICANN to the UN. We are unable to defeat them by fighting fire with fire, and by standing up to their bullying as a group. We are however able to defeat them when […] Read more »