I would like to make something clear, not because I’ve been questioned, but because I feel it is worth addressing. Many people may think that I’m on the political right, but I’m not, I am a classical liberal (voluntaryist / ancap / Libertarian), which means I value individual rights, and I’m open to a wide range of viewpoints, and I synthesize them with systematic thinking into an overall worldview that […] Read more »
Subjective vs Objective Truth
What many people have come to understand about the concept of truth, might be better called “perception”. While truth level one is our subjective perception (and understanding) of reality, truth level two is the totality of our objective reality that we can open our eyes up to perceive. We each have our own perception, and we are able to improve our subjective sight, so that we can see what’s “truly” […] Read more »
The Importance of Objectivity and Dialogue
In this video I discuss the importance of objectivity and dialogue in regards to deepening our intellectual and emotional understanding, as well as to improve the quality of our thoughts and relationships. Learn about holarchy and how it relates to multilogical thinking and holding a dialogue. Read more »
Internet Trolling & Comment Moderation – Tricks of the Troll
What is trolling? Why do trolls troll? Do we moderate comments? Why? What are some ways we make ourselves impervious to trolling? Is it ok to dialogue with others, and if so, why? The Thinker’s Guide For Conscientious Citizens on How to Detect Media Bias & Propaganda, by Richard Paul and Linda Elder Chapter 17: Dialogical and Dialectical Thinking Glossary of Critical Thinking Terms Read more »