Submission to the Logos and Self-Assessment/Reflection

I voluntarily submit my thinking, and therefore myself, to the Logos, aka to the primordial blueprint of divine reason, humility, and empathy—I see the Logos as an objective process and principles, rules of thinking that act as my foundation that govern my thought processes, and they govern my conversations with other thinkers too. These are objective principles of thought that are now embedded deeply in my heart via my intentional […] Read more »

From Codependency to Sovereignty – Let’s Build the Wall

National borders correspond to healthy psychological boundaries, but instead of them being the psychological boundaries of an individual person, they are the psychological boundaries of a collective nation. Healthy boundaries are not a barrier blocking everyone out, nor are they an open sponge allowing everyone in, but they’re more like a filter that filters out unwanted behaviors and allows in wanted behaviors. Another way of seeing a boundary is as […] Read more »

Needing mirrors

Right on about his example about apples and oranges, where he said something to the effect that “I prefer apples” suddenly means “what, you don’t like oranges?” The subjective, which is the realm of preferences, has been turned into the realm of objective needs, and made into the same thing. This drops everyone right into Karpman’s Drama Triangle of victim, villain, and hero. In his example, the subjective preference of […] Read more »

Subjective vs Objective Truth

What many people have come to understand about the concept of truth, might be better called “perception”. While truth level one is our subjective perception (and understanding) of reality, truth level two is the totality of our objective reality that we can open our eyes up to perceive. We each have our own perception, and we are able to improve our subjective sight, so that we can see what’s “truly” […] Read more »

Objectivity, Boundaries, Influence, and the Prime Directive

It is not fair minded nor objective to lower our standards of thinking to engage with those who are prone to closed mindedness, or are in the midst of an emotional bias causing them to engage us with motivated reasoning. Meaning, we do not need to dialogue with, nor consider, closed minded, biased, one dimensional, irrational, and judgmental perspectives in order to remain fair minded and objective. Engaging with the […] Read more »

Is Arguing Critical Thinking?

Arguing your point is not critical thinking, that’s a competitive debate. Critical thinking is the ongoing [open ended] objective discovery of truth in a systematic fashion, and requires standards of thought, various tools and methodologies of inquiry, and a myriad of character traits that places the pursuit of truth above personal feelings and biases. However, arguing is usually engaged in because of biases and emotional attachments to particular outcomes that […] Read more »

Internet Trolling & Comment Moderation – Tricks of the Troll

What is trolling? Why do trolls troll? Do we moderate comments? Why? What are some ways we make ourselves impervious to trolling? Is it ok to dialogue with others, and if so, why? The Thinker’s Guide For Conscientious Citizens on How to Detect Media Bias & Propaganda, by Richard Paul and Linda Elder Chapter 17: Dialogical and Dialectical Thinking Glossary of Critical Thinking Terms Read more »

Critical Thinking in Every Domain of Knowledge and Belief

This is why it is very difficult to go into an open-minded discussion with some individuals, because many people have emotional attachments underlying their beliefs, and this causes them to be intellectually dishonest in the discussion. Unlike us, they do not want to know the truth, but they just want to prove their point, as it soothes their underlying emotional needs that they are attempting to meet by converting, dehumanizing, […] Read more »

Forms of Objectivity

The following are excerpts from the book “The Thinkers Guide For Conscientious Citizen’s in How to Detect Media Bias & Propaganda” by Richard Paul and Linda Elder: “Objectivity” may appear in three ways. Two are genuine. One is a facade, a counterfeit of objectivity. The Objectivity of Intellectual Humility The first form of objectivity is based on the possibility of developing intellectual humility, knowledge of our ignorance. Thus, a critical consumer […] Read more »