Erik Feist on Self-Government and Anarchy

The following article was actually a Facebook comment made by a friend of mine, Erik Feist, years ago in regards to somebody’s misunderstanding of anarchy (which they likely called “chaos” and “lawlessness”). I read it again from a note where I had saved it, because it was absolutely brilliant and worth reading t again years later. He clears up some biblical misunderstandings about the role of government, as well as […] Read more »

Is Communism Fueled by Love or Hatred?

I had a few thoughts arise as a result of watching the video below by Jordan Peterson. The shadow and God: I studied under a Saphardi Orthodox Rabbi in the early 2000’s, and he explained to me that everything, including evil and everything we experience good or bad, was within the mind of God. This lines up with the first Hermetic principle of mentalism which states, “the ALL is mind; […] Read more »

Dennis Prager: Why Socialism Makes People Selfish

Dennis Prager talks at the University of Wyoming about why socialism makes people selfish, as well as about the labels and attacks that are directed towards moral people in the name of so-called “social justice”.  I particularly liked this quote from the presentation, as it lines up with the mystical metaphor about Jesus being the personification of the Divine “Logos”, which is Greek for “reason”, “the spoken word”, and “logic”: […] Read more »

Argument from Ignorance

I just saw a comment on a YouTube video of mine that amounted to this, “since science has not proved the existence of a soul, it must not exist”. This is a self-deceived argument though, as it is a fallacy in informal logic called the “Argument from Ignorance”. Many people use this argument to further their materialistic, “God doesn’t exist” worldview, as they have an emotional need to rationalize away […] Read more »

Man-made vs Natural Law

No man-made law ever, no matter whether derived from the past or projected onto a distant, unforeseeable future, can or should ever be empowered to claim that it is greater than the Natural Law from which it stems and to which it must inevitably return in the eternal rhythm of creation and decline of all things natural. This is valid, no matter whether we speak in terms such as “God,” […] Read more »