Self-Direction, Conscientiousness, and Locus of Control/Identity

The self-direction of one’s life is a fundamental natural right inherent within all rational beings, it is sometimes called self-ownership, self-government, self-mastery, self-determination, and individual autonomy.  It is not something that is given to anyone, rather it is something that must be claimed through taking responsibility for one’s thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and outcomes, and through demonstrating the enjoyment of one’s rights. In order to claim one’s rights and enjoy them, […] Read more »

You Will Own NOTHING!! Here’s How They Plan to Make You “Happy”

Take a second to consider that there is something valuable that you own, and that is yourself. Then consider that some of the things you do own are ultimately an extension of yourself, they allow you to be you, they allow you to exercise the ownership of yourself in the world. This is fundamentally why having a place to call home, having a way to move around, and having the […] Read more »

The Common Law and How it Pertains to Abortion “Rights”

Below is a conversation I had with a Libertarian on a Facebook post he made, not due to the post itself, but a comment thread he was involved in. I find that many Libertarians can also be quite ideological, rather than philosophical, due to their lack of logical insight into the tenets of natural law, the origin of an individual’s natural rights due to man’s ability to use and master […] Read more »

Self-Ownership: My Body, My Choice?

I took a lot of unexpected flack on a recent post about taking self-ownership, and how owning ourselves is the property right from whence all other property rights stem, because many people thought that I was making a pro-abortion post along the lines of “my body, my choice”. Here’s the post I shared: Before I discuss my observations about how people responded, I will critique two things about the above […] Read more »

The Subscription Model Meets Self-Ownership

“You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.” ~The Great Reset Imagine if you will, a scenario where you do not own any possessions, but at least you own yourself, right? Well, self-ownership, and owning one’s own thoughts and body, is the ultimate possession, so if we do not own property, we must first not own ourselves. The mindset of not owning any property has already been conditioned into us for […] Read more »

The Second Treatise on Government, by John Locke

Please, please, please (did I mention please?), if you claim to love Liberty and feel that you are responsible enough to govern yourself, read the following book by John Locke, as it is the foundational work on the topic of self-governance and Natural Law. To transcend being governed, we must have a solid foundation in the philosophy that first demonstrated that we have the natural right to govern ourselves, and […] Read more »

Reason, Authority, & Natural Law

In this video I examine what it means to be an authority, both over others, and how it pertains to self-ownership and self-governance. I draw on concepts from John Locke’s “Second Treatise of Government”, and show how reason is what differentiates the governed and those who govern. Second Treatise of Government, by John Locke: If you prefer a one time gift, support us on PayPal: Join the discussion! […] Read more »