Argument from Ignorance

I just saw a comment on a YouTube video of mine that amounted to this, “since science has not proved the existence of a soul, it must not exist”. This is a self-deceived argument though, as it is a fallacy in informal logic called the “Argument from Ignorance”. Many people use this argument to further their materialistic, “God doesn’t exist” worldview, as they have an emotional need to rationalize away […] Read more »

Emotional Integration, Logic, & the Truth

Since we’ve done a lot of emotional integration work, using a refined system of asking ourselves questions that we termed “the Unity Process”, we’ve become much more logical and reasonable in our interactions with ourselves, each other, and others. Each time we integrate a shadow, we reverse engineer and correct an illogical belief system and pattern of relating that caused us to be self-deceived, and thus prone to external deceptions […] Read more »

Logic Before Grammar: Putting the Cart Before the Horse

Have you ever been in a discussion where you felt like you just weren’t on the same page, and that no matter how much information you shared, their mind was already made up?  This is a common problem in today’s world, where the school systems have taught children for generations to think critically with the Classical Trivium, which is the wrong order for utilizing the Trivium method of critical thinking. […] Read more »