Why do we Experience Jealousy?

Jealous people may feel that they are justified in their jealous actions, or they may feel guilty for being jealous, but jealousy is always an effect of the inability to go deeper in a relationship. If a person is jealous sexually, it is only because they are unable to go deeper into their own sexuality, and thus unable to deepen with their partner(s). Emotional, spiritual, physical, and intellectual depth also […] Read more »

The Power of Deepening

Jealousy is the byproduct of not being capable of deepening a relationship sufficiently enough to bind it together with deep roots. We want intimacy, but we don’t want to work the process that causes our connections to deepen and solidify. Sure we’ll put effort into obtaining superficial variety, but we will not exert effort into deepening what we already have, especially within ourselves. What exactly is deepening? For example, critical […] Read more »