This is an interesting discussion on free will. Hint, you get more of it the more you know yourself, and understand why you think, feel, and behave as you do. We break free from nature and nurture’s environmental variables through getting to know ourselves, and asserting our will upon what we observe about ourselves, so that we can tweak our focus to reach our full potential. There was something Moran […] Read more »
Should We Obey Natural Law?
Natural Law is not a set of rules that we should externally obey, but something that we can internally align with, through unifying the fragmented aspects of Self back into One. Our internal state of being is cause, while the effect of being in unity within is absolute sovereignty in the world of effects, but any external action done as an attempt to make the external world reflect something different […] Read more »
The Question is Our Answer
The law of attraction is simple, opposite polarities attract to each other, much like the north and south poles of a magnet, or positive and negative poles within a directional flow of electricity. Polarity is found all throughout nature, and creative life experiences are dependent upon it: “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but […] Read more »
The Real Law of Attraction: the Seven Hermetic Principles
The “Law of Attraction” is not a New Age concept, although it is talked about predominantly by New Age gurus, but it actually stems from the fabled teacher Hermes Trismegistus, or the “Thrice Great Hermes”, who first observed the “Seven Hermetic Principles”. These principles are self-evident observations about the nature of the Universe, and the aspects that the All has made manifest to us about itself, also known as “Natural Law”. […] Read more »