Fractal Balance, Polarity, & Attraction

To the mystic, balance does not come through meeting in the middle without polarity, but is accomplished through picking the active polarity and polarizing into it, and allowing the complimenting polarity to attract back to them. As an example, if a person has a male body, that is their active polarity, and they therefore must master what it means to be a male in order to attract their passive counterpart […] Read more »

Esoteric, Exoteric, Micro, Macro, & Hermeticism

Many arguments and misunderstandings occur between those who are disposed to esoteric relating and those who are disposed to exoteric relating; let us explain. Exoteric people are more concerned with their relationship to the “outside” and “external” aspects of things, as they do not look at what is within (cause), but prefer to deal in the realm of effects; religions are an example of exoteric spirituality. However, esoteric people are more […] Read more »

The Question is Our Answer

The law of attraction is simple, opposite polarities attract to each other, much like the north and south poles of a magnet, or positive and negative poles within a directional flow of electricity.  Polarity is found all throughout nature, and creative life experiences are dependent upon it: “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but […] Read more »

Create a Limitless Life!

Aline and I re-watched the movie Limitless again, since there is a new television series by the same name that picks up a side story based within the original movie’s parameters.  Watching the movie reminded us of how we are already “limitless” in so many ways, having exercised our reasoning, and removed many of our emotional attachments through conscious observation.  As humans, we do not require an NZT-48 designer drug […] Read more »

Soulmates or Program-mates?

Reality creation goes like this: Source → Higher Self → Thoughts (Perceptions) → Feelings → Actions → Feedback to Source In this pattern, Source connects into our Higher Self (crown chakra) and inspires it with a creative thought, then our Higher Self, also known as our unique consciousness, inputs its desires into our thoughts, which is represented by our third eye and throat chakras. Thoughts then must be processed by our logic, which is how we feel, […] Read more »

Renew Your Mind with the Unity Process & the Trivium

The more capable a person is of processing their emotional triggers and limiting patterns, the more they are able to leave their goal oriented life, to experience a strictly process oriented life.  We must all start somewhere, so we must start to work the process of letting go of attachments and goals, to finally experience the fullness of a life without goals.  Working the Trivium method expands our ability to think critically, as it is our responsibility to renew and […] Read more »