Societal Stigmas and Shame Masquerading as Objective Morality and Truth

Nick Fuentes recently went on a rant about Elon Musk’s polyamorous / polygamous lifestyle, but he is promoting moral relativism in his tirade, and not moral absolutism, as explained below. While there is a social stigma to polygamy/polyamory, it isn’t immoral due to the nature of objective morality, and the use of reason. A good rule of thumb is about harming others, and if people consent to such a lifestyle, […] Read more »

Moral Relativists Masquerading as Moral Absolutists

Many people mistake multilogical reasoning as moral relativism, and think that monological reasoning is moral absolutism, because multilogical reasoning takes a complex multilayered view of the world coupled with the humility to know there’s always more to learn, while monological reasoning is much more black and white, and appears sure of itself. However, monological reasoning (see definitions further below), which is black and white logic, is often informed by emotionally […] Read more »