Moral Relativists Masquerading as Moral Absolutists

Many people mistake multilogical reasoning as moral relativism, and think that monological reasoning is moral absolutism, because multilogical reasoning takes a complex multilayered view of the world coupled with the humility to know there’s always more to learn, while monological reasoning is much more black and white, and appears sure of itself. However, monological reasoning (see definitions further below), which is black and white logic, is often informed by emotionally […] Read more »

The Marginalization of “Conspiracy Theories” Due to a Lack of Empirical Proof

Many people will marginalize collusion and conspiracy as a “conspiracy theory” because there is not enough empirical proof to properly explain the crime. It should be noted that empiricism is just one tool in the bag of those who draw on the values of the enlightenment period, and that rationalism is also an important tool to draw on from enlightenment values (Rationalism vs Empiricism). Rationalism does not require empirical proof, […] Read more »

The One Dimensional Gun Control Debate

The issue of gun control is not a black and white either/or dilemma (false dilemma logical fallacy), but multifaceted, which means it requires an in depth multilogical approach to discern the myriad of factors involved. Trying to solve it in a one dimensional way is both naive and ignorant, as it ignores the layers of factors that led to the second amendment’s creation—as well as its attempted downfall. ~Nathan From […] Read more »

Alchemically Transform Your Blocks with Your Thinking

Aline and I were reflecting on the following question for many days, “what is the difference between hitting a block and minimizing it by going into cognitive dissonance, and hitting a block and alchemically transforming it?” The answer was monological vs multilogical thinking.  According to Monological (one-dimensional) problems: Problems that can be solved by reasoning exclusively within one point of view or frame of reference. For example, consider the following problems: 1) […] Read more »

Does Modern Schooling Stunt our Ability to Think?

While learning knowledge is important, some forms of learning are more akin to conditioning, such as the traditional didactic means forced upon us in public schooling. Didactic learning stunts our thinking, by telling us what to believe rather than allowing us to discover our beliefs for ourselves, and then modify them when warranted. Because of this, the didactic transmission of knowledge actually hinders our ability to discover self-knowledge, understanding, self-worth, and […] Read more »