A Classical Liberal View on Liberty, Truth, and Objective Justice

In a way, AI has provided a means to integrate the process of writing and the outcome into one thing, but only as long as the question is pure, and the AI being queried has some capacity to reason in a multilogical fashion. This makes it seem like “magic”, much like the 9th level of consciousness in spiral dynamics, which is called “the return to magic”, but it isn’t magic […] Read more »

Is There Such Thing as Moral Extortion?

I’m all about tolerance, but tolerance crosses a line when it becomes compulsion and mandatory speech/behavior. Unfortunately, much of what passes as “love and compassion” is actually just coercion at gunpoint. If a loving idea requires my time, energy, or money, and I do not want to give it to the people or the idea, then it is immoral and evil, a violation of my person and/or property, and not […] Read more »