What’s the Difference Between Liberty and Freedom?

Here’s a few random, but hardly exhaustive thoughts on the difference between liberty and freedom. Liberty connotates what is right, while freedom connotates independence and the freedom to think, feel, and act as one pleases. Liberty is connected to self-rule and self-determination, but in a principled manner that respects the natural rights/liberties of others, and is a form of morally restrained freedom, while freedom is more of a general term, […] Read more »

Developing Our Individuality Should Be Our Core Value

Do “the needs of the many,” really outweigh “the needs of the few?”  We have concluded that the development of our individuality should be at the forefront of everything we engage in, and not the development of the group, or the structures erected to protect and perpetuate the group. This may seem selfish at first, but there is an important nuance that most people miss when making this judgment. For […] Read more »

Money is a Symbol of our Creative Energy

Money is only a symbol of the amount of creative energy we choose to invest into any given experience and endeavor. The more value and worth we place on the endeavor, the more of our energy we will choose to invest. We only use money as symbol of our energetic commitment when we decide not to directly create the experience for ourselves. For example, I can choose to direct my […] Read more »

Why our Attachments Keep us Enslaved

While we may state that we want to be left alone, in peace, to be empowered to create the lives that we choose, and that we consciously strive to individuate from the collective unconscious with shadow work and raising self-awareness, there still seems to be something getting in the way of our freedom and sovereignty.  We think that we may have discovered “why”, and it relates to our attachments, and how […] Read more »

An Angry God or a Natural Course Correction?

We would like to add a different perspective on the current ‘religious‘ mindset of judgment and doom by an external god… there are certain universal laws (truth), things such as polarity, cause and effect, gender, etc., which are also known as “natural law” or the “laws of nature”.  These laws are cyclical, much like a tree has roots, a trunk, branches, and leaves, and the leaves fall to the ground an create […] Read more »