The Socratic Method is the way out of the mess we find ourselves in. Most of humanity is still in the cave, but through careful questions and admitting to intellectual humility, we can help people discover how to think, and once they know how to think, they can find the answers they need to leave the cave of ignorance. Read more »
Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment
This is the presentation Mark Passio gave at the monthly Philadelphia Liberty On The Rocks meetup on February 10, 2015. Quotes from the presentation for sharing: Read more »
Steve Kerr calls out government after latest school shooting
Watch this short clip to better understand what I say below. Coach Kerr, in your professional basketball opinion, what is the purpose of the second amendment? Oh, you do not really understand it? I will give you my understanding then… The Second Amendment was created for many reasons, but the biggest was to keep politicians accountable to the people they serve. In constitutional law, guns are not just for […] Read more »
The Ideas of Socrates
“In this lecture we examine the ideas of Socrates. We look at his exhortation to ‘care for your soul’, his conviction that knowledge of virtue is necessary to become virtuous, his belief that all evil acts are committed out of ignorance and hence involuntarily, and finally his presumption that committing an injustice is far worse than suffering an injustice.” ~Academy of Ideas Read more »
George Orwell and 1984: How Freedom Dies
“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egotism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from […] Read more »
Debiasing: How to Change Your Mind
The Unity Process adds an extra set of skills and takes debiasing to a “whole nother level”, by working through each emotional upset, which pinpoints where each of our biases are. This video has a few decent introductory techniques, and definitely explains the problem well, but to truly debias your thinking, you’re going to have to work through your emotional upsets as they arise. Read more »
Socrates: Biography of a Great Thinker
We recommend the Socratic Method for all discussions, interactions, conflict resolution, teaching, and processing emotional upsets, as it is a “mode of questioning that deeply probes the meaning, justification, or logical strength of a claim, position, or line of reasoning. Socratic Questioning can be carried out in a variety of ways and adapted to many levels of ability and understanding (” Socrates was one of the founders of Western Philosophy. […] Read more »
TEDxUFM: Michael Strong – Socratic Practice as Disruptive Technology
Would you like to change the world, and disrupt powerful hierarchical systems of relating? Learn about an important practice acts as a disruptive technology to pre established dominance hierarchies, while also making you a free thinking individual. Do you accept the challenge? Read more »
Socratic Questioning Lecture w/ Examples (7 Videos)
We recommend the Socratic Method for all discussions, interactions, conflict resolution, teaching, and processing emotional upsets, as it is a “mode of questioning that deeply probes the meaning, justification, or logical strength of a claim, position, or line of reasoning. Socratic Questioning can be carried out in a variety of ways and adapted to many levels of ability and understanding (” Read more »
THUNK – 86. Cognitive Biases & the Socratic Method
This is a powerful method of discovering our deep underlying biases, as well as of discovering the truth, and aligning with it. We use this process daily in our discussions and in sessions with our clients, and highly recommend it to anyone who has a thirst for truth, as well as a thirst for sharing the truth with others in a way that propels everyone forward. Human thought has hundreds […] Read more »
Ohio State researchers demonstrate Socratic questioning in cognitive therapy
We use Socratic Questioning in our sessions, classes, and private arguments, to discover our core beliefs, to analyze our thinking, to keep our thinking accountable, and to keep each other accountable. It is highly useful tool that vastly improves the quality of our lives, and the lives of our clients. To learn more about our sessions, please click on the link. If all of our interactions could start including the […] Read more »
Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro: Frontline of Free Speech
Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro join Dave for a live discussion about postmodernism, Trump, conservatism, free speech, and rules for life. This has been demonetized by YouTube, help the Rubin Report continue to make content like this: Read more »
Fix Yourself
Jordan Peterson is bringing the “what” back to the West, whereas our focus and desire is to bring the “why” back to the West, and by extension to the world. You can see the difference in his practical advice given in this wel made video, as he is clearly identifying the problem, but it still lacks the deeper “why” that will make the changes lasting and self-replicating. Read more »
The Modern University
The modern university has become an biased training ground for political ideologues, with the intent to stamp out all opposing viewpoints and thinking as hateful, backwards, violent, and authoritarian. The ironic thing is, they do this all while embodying these character traits while shadow projecting on all opposing viewpoints. The university has become the breeding ground for ideological hate and violence in their attack against viewpoint diversity. Read more »