How Roof Koreans Took Back Los Angeles

The purpose of the self-defense principle, firearms, and the justice system is to heavily weight the cost-benefit analysis of committing crimes against innocents by raising the costs of crime and reducing its benefits. However, there has been a concerted campaign the past several years to reverse the costs and benefits of crime by having the police arrest those defending themselves and releasing those who perpetrate crimes against innocents, therefore inverting […] Read more »

2A: The Right to Bear Arms Only Applies to Standing Armies and Militias?

I once again heard the argument that the second amendment of the US Constitution in the Bill or Rights was only addressing the continental army and the militias, and is not an individual right to bear arms. This is absolutely silly for three reasons, first that a militia is made up of regular people and is not a standing army, so where do “the people” get their arms from if […] Read more »

The Burden of Proof & Violent Mass Events

The burden of proof lies with someone who is making a claim, and is not upon anyone else to disprove. The inability, or disinclination to disprove a claim does not make it valid. “Bertrand declares that a teapot is, at this very moment, in orbit around the Sun between Earth and Mars, and that because no one can prove him wrong his claim is therefore valid.” ~Your Logical Fallacy Is […] Read more »

The Masculine Principle – The Right to Self-Defense

Why am I so passionate about the right to keep and bear arms, and why do gun rights matter so much to me? It is because an attack on the right of self defense is an attack on the masculine principle, whose job it is to defend the family from harm. Assault rifles are essentially a metaphoric representation of the masculine principle of self-defense, and attempting to ban them is […] Read more »

Steve Kerr calls out government after latest school shooting

Watch this short clip to better understand what I say below. Coach Kerr, in your professional basketball opinion, what is the purpose of the second amendment? Oh, you do not really understand it?  I will give you my understanding then… The Second Amendment was created for many reasons, but the biggest was to keep politicians accountable to the people they serve. In constitutional law, guns are not just for […] Read more »

The One Dimensional Gun Control Debate

The issue of gun control is not a black and white either/or dilemma (false dilemma logical fallacy), but multifaceted, which means it requires an in depth multilogical approach to discern the myriad of factors involved. Trying to solve it in a one dimensional way is both naive and ignorant, as it ignores the layers of factors that led to the second amendment’s creation—as well as its attempted downfall. ~Nathan From […] Read more »