To learn how decentralization, through using divide and conquer techniques to fragment a society, can lead to a centralized world government, I highly recommend watching this video. The open racism against whites that is now occurring, through encouraging open immigration and being openly racist against white people, is an attempt at dividing western society to the point that we collectivize into smaller, more manageable groups. We’re getting played at epic […] Read more »
Politically Correct Marxism
It feels to me as though Political Correctness is the religion for the left. While the left will often complain about the bigotry of the Conservative Christian right, I see PC as equally prone to dishonesty. In this video I discuss how PC has gone too far… ~RockingMrE We’ve created an integrative methodology called “the Unity Process“, which combines the Hermetic Principles (Natural Law), the Trivium Method, Socratic […] Read more »
The Marginalization of “Conspiracy Theories” Due to a Lack of Empirical Proof
Many people will marginalize collusion and conspiracy as a “conspiracy theory” because there is not enough empirical proof to properly explain the crime. It should be noted that empiricism is just one tool in the bag of those who draw on the values of the enlightenment period, and that rationalism is also an important tool to draw on from enlightenment values (Rationalism vs Empiricism). Rationalism does not require empirical proof, […] Read more »
The Alt-Right Subversion of the Right
When people don’t know the difference between right and left, it allows Leftists to take over the whole of politics. The Alt-Right has become the latest manifestation of this subversion, since people are foolish enough to think national socialism is right-wing. ~RockingMrE More on the so-called “alt-right”, and why it is actually on the left: Richard Spencer, Wilsonian Progressive, by Dinesh D’Souza Read more »
A Guide to Leftist Fallacies
I would add the strawman fallacy, as well as the single cause fallacy. The strawman is because they misrepresent arguments often, and even repeat the strawman ad nauseam, and the single cause fallacy is because they constantly reduce complex and nuanced arguments to simple arguments (giving multilogical problems monological solutions). They even combine these two fallacies by turning them into an ad hominem by reducing the character of the person […] Read more »
A True History of Left & Right
What if the “left and right” is a reference to the left and right hand paths found in esoteric mysticism? The left/right political spectrum actually comes from the occult concepts of the left and right hand paths, where the left hand path represents chaos and inversion, and the right hand path is based on order and the Divine Logos. Before anybody says that fascism and racism are on the far […] Read more »