Inner Character and Good Faith Conversations

Holding a conversation in good faith, which is a conversation that places the truth above one’s desire to win and be right, requires at least five (of the eight) intellectual character traits developed within the individual: intellectual humility, because an awareness of one’s limitations is necessary to engage free from the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Arrogant people assume to know way more than they actually do, whereas humble people are keenly aware […] Read more »

Protesting is an Appeal to Author(ity)

What does protesting accomplish besides acknowledge someone else’s power and author(ity) over us? From my understanding of US history, protesting is a relatively new form of expressing one’s frustration in the hopes that those who are watching are intimidated enough to listen to our pleas, but current politicians don’t serve us, rather they serve people way scarier than us. Is it really exercising our right to free speech to go […] Read more »

Leftist Logic: Free Speech is Lawless Speech

To paint “free speech” as “lawless speech” is a strawman fallacy, as well as the false dichotomy fallacy, because they are 1) equating freedom with lawlessness, which is a misrepresentation of free speech, and 2) because they are giving a false spectrum of options between the range of censored speech and lawless speech. As Paul from the New Testament once pointed out, the law of nature/reason is written upon the […] Read more »

The U.N.: A Global Fear Porn Cult

A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000. ~AP News, June 29th, 1989 The UN sounds like a doomsday cult leader with all of their dire predictions of the “end times”. There’s many more just like this one, because like any good cult leader, they […] Read more »

Awaken with JP: If Body Positivity Logic Was Used Everywhere

JP is a master at using “reductio ad absurdum”, the reduction to absurdity, to make his points by following the horrible logic of leftist and totalitarian thinking to its logical conclusions, and copy pasting them into other spheres of experience to show how absurd they actually are. Disproof of a proposition by showing an absurdity to which it leads when carried to its logical conclusion, the carrying of something to […] Read more »

Thoughty2: How School Makes Kids Dumb

For a deeper analysis of the underlying problems of modern schooling, as well as solutions, I highly recommend the works of John Taylor Gatto (the link is to a tag on this site with many of his videos, and even a free eBook of his), a leading authority on both. John Taylor Gatto used Socratic dialogue and the Trivium method of thinking to get the highest results from the inner […] Read more »

Why Modern Movies Suck – They Teach Us Awful Lessons

I just love the Critical Drinker and his manner of presenting thoughtful ideas in such a brash and irreverent tone. His series “Why Modern Movies Suck” is great, and this is the third installment in the series. I’ll probe deeper into the underlying psychology of what he has identified as a problem, below. In a nutshell, Hollyweird is intentionally engineering a deadly combination of arrogance and ignorance into people, and […] Read more »

BEWARE of The New Age Pied Pipers!

Is there such thing as “controlled opposition”? Absolutely. It is naive and folly to think otherwise, and I do find much of the evidence presented in this video (see below) compelling, and some of the reasoning and conclusions as well. However, there are four things we need to be careful of in regards to coming to reasoned judgments when calling out people and movements, because it’s important that we stay […] Read more »

My Initial Thoughts on the Ukranian/Russian War

In regards to Ukranian President Zelenskyy, the dude was an actor playing a role as an actor who became president, and then said actor became president shortly thereafter. The question is not “is he a puppet”, but rather, “who’s hand is up his arse?” He was probably installed as president for this very “role”, because as Shakespeare said, “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely […] Read more »

Is “No Mask, No Jab, No Service” the Same as “No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service”?

It is being said that a “private” company (many are actually public companies) can refuse service for any reason, that the “no shirt, no shoes, no service” rule can now apply to “no mask, no jab, no service”, and that there is a direct correlation (apples to apples) between the former and the latter. However, this is actually an “apples to oranges” correlation, which is also known as a false […] Read more »

Solving the Mysteries of Life with Abductive Reasoning

I experience life as a great mystery, so much so that my curiosity prompts me moment by moment to ask “why” to gain understanding of the world, and my life, to explore and understand why it is unfolding around me as it is. Those with a high degree of curiosity and wonder, who don’t just take the world at face value and unquestioningly go with it, exercise a form of […] Read more »

The Assumption of a Pandemic

The most dangerous ideas in a society are not the ones being argued, but the ones that are assumed. ~C.S. Lewis In regards to our first worldwide “pandemic”, many are ASSUMING several very big things in their reasoning when they support the official authoritative narrative: the threat is real, and is caused by what they say it is caused by. if real and properly identified as the real cause, the […] Read more »

The Royal Track of Mysticism

Do you want to take your spirituality and mystical practice to the next level? If so, I suggest taking the path that royalty takes. Please read the exchange between Alexander the Great and his mentor Aristotle (see below), where Alexander laments the release of information in Aristotle’s treatise “Metaphysics”, as it gives the common man what only the bloodlines should be allowed to know. However, Aristotle implied that one cannot […] Read more »

How To Defeat SJW’s and Marxists

As we grow as an individual, and integrate our fragmented sense of Self through observing our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and reflecting on them, we grow psychologically from physically oriented beings into moral and philosophical beings. Each state of being transcends and includes the previous states of being, and each state that we master makes us more and more powerful as conscious and autonomous individuals distinct from the collective’s unconscious […] Read more »

Empathetic Reasoning, Sympathy, and Compassion

Most people hold a different definition of empathy than I do. Their version of empathy is how I define sympathy, and sympathy definitely needs to be held in check, because it’s typically psychologically enmeshed “together with the feeling”, which is the etymological breakdown of sympathy. Empathy: -en (in) + pathos (feeling) Sympathy: syn- (together) + pathos (feeling) Whereas sympathy is enmeshed together with others in a feeling, and only understands […] Read more »