The Witcher is DOOMED: How Show Runners Gaslight and Use Circular Reasoning

Like in the beginning of this video, with the clip of the interviewer calling fans toxic when fans are upset that their favorite characters and universes are disrespected by the show runners/shows, they are gaslighting fans for the “non-contradiction principle” found in philosophy. This principle is natural and therefore universal, because contradictions are not found in nature, so they are either an error in reasoning/understanding, or they are a lie. […] Read more »

Circular Arguments, Emotional Reasoning and JADE (Justify, Argue, Defend, Explain)

The government, the media, universities, and progressives all seemingly use techniques perfected by narcissists and those with borderline personality disorder, as they use ridicule and their fabricated victimization to get us to “JADE”. I highly recommend this video to learn more about this tactic, and what can be done about it. Read more »

Some Quick Thoughts on Marxism

Marxism is inherently a zero-sum mindset built upon envy and schadenfreude, and all of its children, cousins, and family members (such as Postmodernism, communism, socialism, deconstructionism, Progressivism, multiculturalism, veganism, environmentalism, and feminism) contain within them the zero-sum mindset of proletariat and bourgeois class struggle. They are inherently infused with the Dark Triad traits of Narcissism, Psychopathy, and Machiavellianism, and one of their main tools of domination is shadow projection via […] Read more »