The Royal Track of Mysticism

Do you want to take your spirituality and mystical practice to the next level? If so, I suggest taking the path that royalty takes. Please read the exchange between Alexander the Great and his mentor Aristotle (see below), where Alexander laments the release of information in Aristotle’s treatise “Metaphysics”, as it gives the common man what only the bloodlines should be allowed to know. However, Aristotle implied that one cannot […] Read more »

The Psychology of Envy and Social Justice

“Our envy of others devours us most of all.” (Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Gulag Archipelago) Stretching back to the time of the Ancient Greeks, countless philosophers have contemplated the nature of envy, or what Immanuel Kant described as the “tendency to perceive with displeasure the good of others.” (Immanuel Kant) Those who have written about envy, be it Aristotle, Aquinas, Adam Smith, Schopenhauer or Nietzsche, have all come to a similar conclusion […] Read more »

The Truth About Aristotle

A compelling introduction to Aristotle, considered by some the smartest person who ever lived. Aristotle was considered so dominant in philosophy that for centuries in the Middle Ages, he was simply referred to as “The Philosopher.” He invented logic; his scientific classifications are still more or less in use today. Aristotle’s thinking has always been the strongest line of defense against relativism, subjectivism and mysticism. Aristotle empowers the individual, promotes […] Read more »

The Reason for a Logical Jesus

Why has the use of logic become an antithesis of faith?  For what reason? When I was growing up as a Christian, I was taught that according to the Bible, Jesus was the “Word of God”, and that the “Word was God”, and that therefore “Jesus was God”.   I was taught this tradition based upon John 1:1 and John 1:14, which reads, As you can see from this next graphic, an […] Read more »