Ayn Rand – Why Altruism is Evil

I’m not a fan of the dichotomy of Service to Self (STS) vs Service to Others (STO) found in the Law of One material by the so-called soul group “Ra”. It states that serving ones own self-interests is evil and that serving others is good, however, I would say that at the very least, it’s a false dichotomy fallacy and egocentric oversimplification of our options for aligning our soul, and […] Read more »

The Two Versions of Unity

As we’ve stated many times, there are two forms of unity that currently exist in our world, each linked to their own version of hierarchy; which we call the natural and unnatural hierarchies. The natural hierarchy is a supportive system that serves one another’s individuality in a harmonious balance of equality of opportunity via its many unique parts, while the unnatural hierarchy is an enmeshed system that uses domination and […] Read more »

Is the Occult Evil?

Many people associate the word “occult” with evil practices by witches with crooked noses, dark magicians, Luciferians, and Satanists, however, occulted information is quite literally just hidden information, as the word occult means to hide, hidden, and secret. There has been certain knowledge and understanding that has been occulted, aka hidden, from the general population of humanity so that they might be easier to control. Things such as Natural Law, Hermeticism, and […] Read more »