Gray Force Users: Are They (Should They Be) in Canon?

Excellent discussion about balance and the gray Jedi concept, and the video producer brings many interesting points to the table.

When dealing with light, dark, and gray, it is important to lean on esoteric and psychological concepts which informed George Lucas’s story, especially Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung. Carl Jung delved extensively into what he called the unconscious shadow, which is that part of ourselves that remains unconscious to us, about us. The more we become aware of our shadow, the less power it holds over us, as we are now “more conscious” of the totality of ourselves—knowing our own darkness, and potential for darkness, actually gives the warrior potency in their journeys and adventures. The self-awareness of our darkness is what makes us a true warrior of the light, whereas many who claim to be of the light, are unconscious of their own darkness, and thus unconsciously perpetuate egocentrism in the name of the good.

The dark side is where people fully embrace being unconscious, and this is typically a choice to delve further and further away from being conscious and self-aware—it is literally an attitude against consciousness, and seeks to destroy and devour all that is good and pure.  Incidentally, the emotion behind darkness and unconsciousness is envy, and it is not wanting what others have, but seeking to destroy what others have; envy is not to be confused with jealousy, which can be healthy and promote inner growth.  Other concepts that relate to being unconscious is being externalized, as well as being dis-integrated (becoming less and less integrated, and more and more fragmented).

When examining conscious vs unconscious relating to the self, other topics worth delving into are internalized locus of control/identity vs externalized locus of control/identity, esoteric vs exoteric, psychological wholeness vs psychological fragmentation, integration vs dis-integration, rationality vs irrationality, monological thinking (one dimensional rationality) vs multilogical thinking (multidimensional and holistic rationality), principles vs power, and the means justify the ends vs the ends justify the means (Machiavellianism). When it comes to the so-called light side, it can often be a means of spiritually bypassing around one’s inner shadow side, and a willful stubbornness to remain unconscious of it in the name of thinking of oneself as good and incapable of evil—shadow work brings an intimate self-awareness and consciousness of our ability to be selfish, and like I stated before, gives us our potency when dealing with the darkness, and those who serve it.

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