The Microcosm, the Macrocosm, and the Principles of Correspondence and Cause and Effect

In a previous article (from 2016) titled “Exoteric vs Esoteric Spirituality” I talked about how many spiritual teachers are focused on external actions and reality as a means of becoming more conscious, rather than on developing a rich internal world obtained through cultivating one’s thinking via shadow work, self-reflection and self-assessment, deconstructing limiting beliefs and poor logic, increasing knowledge, especially self-knowledge, conscious arguing, and processing emotional upsets as they arise. […] Read more »

Gray Force Users: Are They (Should They Be) in Canon?

Excellent discussion about balance and the gray Jedi concept, and the video producer brings many interesting points to the table. When dealing with light, dark, and gray, it is important to lean on esoteric and psychological concepts which informed George Lucas’s story, especially Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung. Carl Jung delved extensively into what he called the unconscious shadow, which is that part of ourselves that remains unconscious to us, […] Read more »

The Mandela Effect – Why Do Some People Remember, While Others Do Not?

Why do some people remember their old memories with the Mandela Effect while others do not?  What is it that separates the “new earthers” from the “old earthers”? Read more »

Exoteric vs Esoteric Spirituality

I see a lot of “teachers” who are exoteric (externalized) in their worldview, aka, they are approaching spirituality through the lens of a materialism, even if they are rebelling against it. Unfortunately, just because they may be rebelling against the effects of materialism doesn’t mean that they have corrected the false paradigm from their thinking. Whereas materialism is exoteric, mysticism is esoteric (internalized), and deals with the inner world of […] Read more »

Beware of Reasoning with the Blind

Attempting to prove a concept or idea with reason to a person who is currently unable (and especially unwilling) to perceive it’s validity can be quite emotionally taxing, since they do not have the same “knowing” (knowledge/gnosis) as you, nor the desire to open their perceptions wide enough to know it for themselves. They will remain stuck in the “appeal to ignorance” logical fallacy, since they are lacking the knowledge […] Read more »

Esoteric, Exoteric, Micro, Macro, & Hermeticism

Many arguments and misunderstandings occur between those who are disposed to esoteric relating and those who are disposed to exoteric relating; let us explain. Exoteric people are more concerned with their relationship to the “outside” and “external” aspects of things, as they do not look at what is within (cause), but prefer to deal in the realm of effects; religions are an example of exoteric spirituality. However, esoteric people are more […] Read more »