Escape from Victim, Villain, Savior, and the Duality Drama

We have the survival mechanism of “fight, flight, freeze, and tend & befriend”, because we’ve been conditioned to ask a very narrow set of questions, and seek for their narrow set of answers. This narrow line of questioning keeps us from experiencing the infinite potential available through the power of questions and answers. At the core of our dilemma are limiting questions, such as “how can I feel safe from […] Read more »

The Unity Process & the Trivium

Utilizing the Trivium method of critical thinking within our personal relationships is the essence of the Unity Process.  Without the willingness to work the process of “what, why, and how”, and in that order, it is not possible to blossom into unity from within.  Knowledge answers “what” questions, understanding answers “why” questions, and wisdom is the synthesis of our “what” and “why” into our “how” questions/answers. “What” questions/answers give us […] Read more »

This is Wisdom

“Wisdom is the ability to utilize both your knowledge and understanding in your actions. Knowledge answers “what” questions, understanding answers “why” questions, and wisdom is the synthesis of your “what” and “why” into your “how” questions/answers. If you jump into your “how” without first acquiring enough knowledge and understanding, you are not making a wise choice.” ~Nathan & Aline Read more »