Satan is the archetype of the undeveloped ego gone wild, Lucifer is the archetype of the ego masquerading as an enlightened being, and Jesus is the archetype of the ego having been fully integrated into the overall Self, called “Selfhood”. We must remain mindful, as both Lucifer and Jesus look awfully similar when observed in a superficial manner, but they are very, very different at their core. The outward similarities […] Read more »
Nathan & Aline Discuss Jim Carrey’s Enlightened Antics
“There’s no meaning to any of this, so I wanted to find the most meaningless thing I could come to and join, and here I am. You’ve got to admit, [that] it’s completely meaningless. […] I don’t believe in icons, I don’t believe in personalities, I believe that peace lies beyond personality, beyond invention and disguise…” ~Jim Carrey Has Jim lost it, or has he reached a state of Self-realization […] Read more »
A Strangers Guide to Saturn | Gods & Symbolism
I highly recommend watching this…although I now think of Saturn as more of a neutral archetype, it is definitely being used on our planet in a dark fashion, however it can also be invoked in more beneficial and caring ways. I think that the Saturn archetype has been steered by the ruling Elite towards a very specific agenda of domination and control. Just as alchemy, Gnosis, and Hermetic Law can be used […] Read more »