It is very common in our current society to conflate consumerism, and by extension materialism (material reductionism), for capitalism, thus making a straw man and convenient scapegoat out of capitalism from what is actually just a lack of self-ownership, as self-ownership, personal responsibility, and personal accountability is the only way decentralized free market systems, aka capitalist societies, are able to actually work. Consumerism is the attempt to satisfy the hole […] Read more »
The Single Cause Fallacy and False Accusations
Beware of making and giving credence to the “single cause fallacy” (causal reductionism, complex cause, fallacy of the causal oversimplification, reduction fallacy), for it “typically leads to a myriad of false claims and accusations”, as noted below. It is also connected to the straw man fallacy, as it can be used to reduce a person or argument to a single motivation or reason for being something, thus misrepresenting their complex […] Read more »
The Last Jedi and the 7 Basic Questions of Narrative Drama
My comment on the YouTube video: This gave me another perspective to consider, and I appreciate the breakdown that you gave us explaining your viewpoint in detail. It gives me a deeper insight into human nature, especially with our own conflict between our wants and needs. However, with that said, I do believe that you gave us a straw man and a false dichotomy, which are logical fallacies, at the […] Read more »