The Pre/Trans Fallacy

Aline and I run into this fallacy often, where people in the “pre-“ state of spirituality misunderstand the concept of unity, and perceive it as psychological enmeshment, much like the concepts of patriotism and/or group identification, and not in the “trans-“ state of psychological differentiation from a collective through achieving Selfhood.  Instead of doing the work to integrate and align their internal aspects of self, as a means of moving […] Read more »

Being, Doing, and the Trivium Method

As we have stated before, being precedes doing, and it is from the state of being that doing occurs — but how does this relate to the Trivium method of critical thinking? As a reminder, the Trivium method is the repeating cycle of asking what, why, and how, and in that order. Grammar (knowledge, input): asks/answers what (what, who, where, & when) questions. Logic (understanding, processor):  asks/answers why questions. Rhetoric (wisdom, output):  asks/answers how questions A person’s state of being is the relative […] Read more »

Does Convenience Make It Right or True?

Just because a system may produce results for you in this moment, doesn’t mean that it is a beneficial system or behavior — this just isn’t a reasonable conclusion. The question to ask is, who does it work for, for you, or for everyone involved? Many people act and behave in certain ways since it is easier for them, but they are not looking at the logical conclusions and end […] Read more »

Be the Change & the Unity Process

Here is the deeper truth found within “Be the change you wish to see in the world” – as you change, your environment will reflect each new change back to you. As you change the Source that looks into the Mirror, rather than just trying to control it, which is the current methodology, what you see when you look into it—changes! “Life is your Mirror, and you are the Source that gets to experience […] Read more »

Be the Change & the Unity Process

Here is the deeper truth found within “Be the change you wish to see in the world” – as you change, your environment will reflect each new change back to you. As you change the Source that looks into the Mirror, rather than just trying to control it, which is the current methodology, what you see when you look into it—changes! “Life is your Mirror, and you are the Source that gets to experience […] Read more »