Needing mirrors

Right on about his example about apples and oranges, where he said something to the effect that “I prefer apples” suddenly means “what, you don’t like oranges?” The subjective, which is the realm of preferences, has been turned into the realm of objective needs, and made into the same thing. This drops everyone right into Karpman’s Drama Triangle of victim, villain, and hero. In his example, the subjective preference of […] Read more »

The All Seeing Eye, and How to Defeat It

This was an article that Aline and I wrote back in October of 2014 on our Scribd page, but I wanted to post it here again, because it is still pertinent, especially in regards to envy.  The “All Seeing Eye” is above all envious of beauty, and devours it thinking that it will make itself happy, abundant, and fulfilled. “Nothing is more valuable to the evil one than his eye, […] Read more »

How Do We Create Our Own Reality? w/ Bentinho Massaro

Mirrors: the realization that our external world is merely a reflection of our internal world. Inside is cause and the outside is effect, but we’ve been trained and conditioned to perceive the external as cause and our internal state as effect. This externalized perception of cause is why we experience anger, which is merely the feeling of powerlessness. Empowerment is the perceptional view from the inside-out, while disempowerment is the […] Read more »

Reflection & Projection

There are two things that can occur in our interactions with others—reflection and projection. Reflection is when experiences reflect back to us from others that show us aspects of ourselves, and projection is where we externalize aspects of ourselves onto others that aren’t actually them. Projection can be anything that we avoid seeing in ourselves and instead only see in others, good or bad, whereas reflection is always occurring, even […] Read more »

The Seven Hermetic Principles

Four of the seven “Hermetic Principles” that define the natural laws of the universe are intimately connected to the mirrors process, they are the Principle of Correspondence, of Polarity, of Cause and Effect, and of Gender. Mastering the mirrors process is the single most important spiritual step that a person can take to transforming their life and taking back their personal power. This process is a practical way to unravel […] Read more »

Be the Change & the Unity Process

Here is the deeper truth found within “Be the change you wish to see in the world” – as you change, your environment will reflect each new change back to you. As you change the Source that looks into the Mirror, rather than just trying to control it, which is the current methodology, what you see when you look into it—changes! “Life is your Mirror, and you are the Source that gets to experience […] Read more »

Be the Change & the Unity Process

Here is the deeper truth found within “Be the change you wish to see in the world” – as you change, your environment will reflect each new change back to you. As you change the Source that looks into the Mirror, rather than just trying to control it, which is the current methodology, what you see when you look into it—changes! “Life is your Mirror, and you are the Source that gets to experience […] Read more »