Do you act to become, or do you act because you are?

Do you act to become, or do you act because you are? This is more than a subtle distinction, but a radically different perspective that determines the quality of your life. Acting to become is attempting to do something to be something that you are not already, however, acting because you are is performing actions from a place of awareness and self-knowledge, because you are already it, and now it […] Read more »

Being, Doing, Cause, & Effect

Why is it that people think that they can change the mirror, rather than change the Source that is viewing itself in the mirror? It is a fallacy that society trains people to repeat, where they try to find an action to fix their situation; they believe that if they can only change their doing, then their experience will also change, but this is just a negative feedback loop going […] Read more »

Being, Doing, and the Trivium Method

As we have stated before, being precedes doing, and it is from the state of being that doing occurs — but how does this relate to the Trivium method of critical thinking? As a reminder, the Trivium method is the repeating cycle of asking what, why, and how, and in that order. Grammar (knowledge, input): asks/answers what (what, who, where, & when) questions. Logic (understanding, processor):  asks/answers why questions. Rhetoric (wisdom, output):  asks/answers how questions A person’s state of being is the relative […] Read more »

To Be & Have, or to Want & Chase?

Once you ARE it, you’ll always HAVE it, and your life will REFLECT it. The key is found within the realization that being it is not a goal driven, but a process driven lifestyle; it is in the midst of your process that being happens, whereas goals cause you to always chase it with actions. Would you rather be and have it, or want and chase it? This subtle but major […] Read more »