Transwoman … Says Its TRANSPHOBIA Not To Date Transwomen

Claiming that it is transphobia, a supposed hate crime, to not date transwomen is both blasphemy against the Divine, as well as an inversion of morality, and I will explain why on both points. First, whenever someone takes a subjective preference and elevates it to the level of objective truth, they are blaspheming against the Divine, because objectivity, reason, and truth are the realm of universal law and nature’s principles; […] Read more »

Genders, Rights and Freedom of Speech

I find Professor Jordan Peterson a refreshing breath of fresh air, as he is able to articulate multilogical perspectives, avoid getting baited by motivated and/or biased reasoning, and hold a rational discourse free from being argumentative.  I’ve watched more than a few of his lectures and interviews now, and am grateful that he is speaking up for truth in the face of Marxist political rhetoric.  I also appreciate that he […] Read more »