The Hermetic Dynamics of Twin Flames

Our Twin Flame is an external representation and reflection of our internal opposite gender. As a male, our Twin Flame will be the external version of our Anima (internal feminine), and as a female, our Twin Flame will be the external version of our Animus (internal masculine). External reality is merely a reflection (effect) of internal reality (cause); it’s not that our internal other completes us, it’s that they ARE […] Read more »

Twin Flames are a Metaphor – Nathan & Aline Twin Flames are a metaphor for something very powerful and needed here on our planet. They have come to embody this metaphor and live it for others to see, learn from, and emulate…but first, they must make it through the journey to embody it together — to embody the Divine Marriage of Unity Consciousness within themselves and their union. More on the Trivium method of critical thinking: Music […] Read more »