Jung’s Ideas on Marriage

The mystical path of the divine marriage, also called the divine union and the alchemical marriage, broken down in psychological concepts by Carl Jung. After all, Carl Jung was a student of ancient mysticism, and came to many of his understandings through his own mystical and personal experiences.  I highly recommend listening to this video, and maybe even reviewing it more than once, as it is dense with quality insights […] Read more »

Enlightenment: A Logocentric Focus

Enlightenment is not an end goal, but reflects the process of engaging in daily life; it is the middle step, and not the last step, in a three step progression. This is why so many great individuals speak with reverence of the beauty found within life’s journey, and that it is superior to the destination. The enlightenment period in Western history further developed many Logocentric philosophies, all of which dealt […] Read more »

The Dark Night & the Five Steps of the Divine Marriage

The aim of higher human development is to discover one’s Self in order to reach the goal of the “Divine Marriage”, a long and often painful process of refining the lead of ego into the gold of Selfhood.  Overall, there are five steps in what is known as the alchemical “Divine Marriage” process, also called the “Divine Union” or “Alchemical Marriage”.  Have you ever heard of the concept of the […] Read more »

Revolution or Evolution?

“Are you stuck in a revolving ouroboros, or are you on an evolutionary spiral inwards? In order to leave the ouroboros of externally conditioned thinking and relating behind, we must travel inwards until we reach our Source at the point of internal singularity. It is just past this point of infinite Oneness that we are then able to travel back out into the realm of material experiences, where we can […] Read more »

Union is Found within the Individual

Union is not a collection of people working together towards a common cause, but the harmonious balance of thoughts, emotions, and body working together as One mind within an individual. Being in union is the conscious attainment of perfected individuality from out of the collective unconscious of humanity. ~Nathan & Aline In this, our ‘thoughts’ are the father, our ’emotions’ are the mother, and our ‘body’ is the child. This […] Read more »

What Does Balance and Neutrality Really Mean?

It is time that we find our neutrality and balance through mastering our chosen polarity and/or gender, which results in Divine Union of our dual nature, rather than resisting the rhythm of the swings of the pendulum in an attempt to equalize our polarities and/or gender. The first is the organic and natural flow of the Divine passing down through us, while the latter is synthetic, controlled, and unnatural. True balance […] Read more »

Twin Flames are a Metaphor – Nathan & Aline

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHNrwyDItuI Twin Flames are a metaphor for something very powerful and needed here on our planet. They have come to embody this metaphor and live it for others to see, learn from, and emulate…but first, they must make it through the journey to embody it together — to embody the Divine Marriage of Unity Consciousness within themselves and their union. More on the Trivium method of critical thinking: http://theUnityProcess.com/trivium Music […] Read more »