This is an interesting discussion on free will. Hint, you get more of it the more you know yourself, and understand why you think, feel, and behave as you do. We break free from nature and nurture’s environmental variables through getting to know ourselves, and asserting our will upon what we observe about ourselves, so that we can tweak our focus to reach our full potential. There was something Moran […] Read more »
BEWARE of The New Age Pied Pipers!
Is there such thing as “controlled opposition”? Absolutely. It is naive and folly to think otherwise, and I do find much of the evidence presented in this video (see below) compelling, and some of the reasoning and conclusions as well. However, there are four things we need to be careful of in regards to coming to reasoned judgments when calling out people and movements, because it’s important that we stay […] Read more »
Cloudflare VPN for Privacy & Network Security Minded Individuals
For privacy and security minded individuals, if you’re not already using a paid VPN service, I highly recommend downloading Cloudflare’s free WARP app on all of your mobile devices, Windows PC’s, and Mac computers. It’s a VPN in the sense that it protects your traffic and DNS queries, but it doesn’t hide your public IP address from the websites you visit, nor help you get around geo-restrictions. It also increases […] Read more »
Does the Antichrist Really Exist?
I’d dare say that at the very least, the “Antichrist” is a metaphor, and that both Christ and Antichrist are essentially the concepts of the Logos and anti-Logos. In philosophy, it would then be Logocentrism vs Nihilism, where Logocentrism is basically a focus on the concept of the Logos; a divine blueprint for reason, empathy (empathy is the emotional component of reason, as it seeks to understand the views and […] Read more »
My Initial Thoughts on the Ukranian/Russian War
In regards to Ukranian President Zelenskyy, the dude was an actor playing a role as an actor who became president, and then said actor became president shortly thereafter. The question is not “is he a puppet”, but rather, “who’s hand is up his arse?” He was probably installed as president for this very “role”, because as Shakespeare said, “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely […] Read more »
Jordan Peterson – Harry Potter and the Jungian Shadow
Psychology Professor Jordan B. Peterson gives a psychoanalytical perspective on ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’. To be able to withstand and fight malevolence you have to be in touch with your own inner shadow. THE UNITY PROCESS: I’ve created an integrative methodology called the Unity Process, which combines the philosophy of Natural Law, the Trivium Method, Socratic Questioning, Jungian shadow work, and Meridian Tapping—into an easy to use […] Read more »
MILITARY INSIDER: They Panicked When They Saw The Future
I’m back, and my website is finally online to the public again! I apologize for the downtime, but have been working on other projects, and finally came around to calling my hosting provider to resolve the problem. A friend of mine sent me this video (below), and while I had seen it before, I rather enjoyed watching it again with a fresh perspective. Like Viktor Frankl found out during his […] Read more »