What Happened to The Men Who Made a Deal With the Devil?

The concept of “making a deal with the devil” is actually the archetype of the whore/prostitute, as such people are willing to sell themselves out for temporary gain. Nothing encapsulates this archetype more than the recent lows that many have gone to sell themselves out for a Krispy Kreme doughnut, or a $25 gift card; it’s a sad spin on Homer Simpson selling his soul to the Devil for a […] Read more »

Thoughty2: How School Makes Kids Dumb

For a deeper analysis of the underlying problems of modern schooling, as well as solutions, I highly recommend the works of John Taylor Gatto (the link is to a tag on this site with many of his videos, and even a free eBook of his), a leading authority on both. John Taylor Gatto used Socratic dialogue and the Trivium method of thinking to get the highest results from the inner […] Read more »

Collective Wisdom vs Herd Mentality

I found the video below quite interesting. It was great to see both the spontaneous order side, and the herd mentality side, of collectives explained. In order for a collective to have wisdom, they need two ingredients, a diversity of thought/ideas (viewpoint diversity), and independence from external influences that might intentionally or unintentionally skew their conclusions. Of course, modern society is full of external influences engineered specifically to skew our […] Read more »

Does the Antichrist Really Exist?

I’d dare say that at the very least, the “Antichrist” is a metaphor, and that both Christ and Antichrist are essentially the concepts of the Logos and anti-Logos. In philosophy, it would then be Logocentrism vs Nihilism, where Logocentrism is basically a focus on the concept of the Logos; a divine blueprint for reason, empathy (empathy is the emotional component of reason, as it seeks to understand the views and […] Read more »