Transwoman … Says Its TRANSPHOBIA Not To Date Transwomen

Claiming that it is transphobia, a supposed hate crime, to not date transwomen is both blasphemy against the Divine, as well as an inversion of morality, and I will explain why on both points. First, whenever someone takes a subjective preference and elevates it to the level of objective truth, they are blaspheming against the Divine, because objectivity, reason, and truth are the realm of universal law and nature’s principles; […] Read more »

The Pendulum Swing from Left to Right

We started to see a massive paradigm shift towards the political left in 2008 with the Obama election, and it went hard to the progressive left in 2016 or so around the Trump election, as the left represents and is a destructive force that is used to deconstruct and demolish societal, cultural, and political structures. With the pendulum swing having gone so hard to the political left, like a rubber […] Read more »

The Witcher is DOOMED: How Show Runners Gaslight and Use Circular Reasoning

Like in the beginning of this video, with the clip of the interviewer calling fans toxic when fans are upset that their favorite characters and universes are disrespected by the show runners/shows, they are gaslighting fans for the “non-contradiction principle” found in philosophy. This principle is natural and therefore universal, because contradictions are not found in nature, so they are either an error in reasoning/understanding, or they are a lie. […] Read more »

Digital IDs Are HERE!! Why You Should Be WORRIED!!

“It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.” ~Revelations 13:16-17 A comment on the digital ID video: “Guy you have blown my mind! In my native […] Read more »

Lucifer and the Black Sun – Robert Sepehr

Another way of saying darkness and light is unconsciousness and consciousness, when the world was without form and void, aka in darkness, it was without awareness, and when it was said “let there be light”, it was to bring in the light of conscious awareness. When we go through our own metamorphosis from lacking awareness to awareness, the spark within becomes active and starts to grow within us, overtaking our […] Read more »

WATCH OUT!! What The WEF Is Planning!! How To RESIST!?

Guy at the Coin Bureau goes into great detail outlining the Great Reset conspiracy FACT (as spoken by the horses themselves), and what you and I can do to forge our own path as individuals. I highly recommend watching this video to get more detailed information about what is being planned for us in the short and long term by unelected and self-proclaimed “Lords and Ladies” who think they are […] Read more »

You Will Own NOTHING!! Here’s How They Plan to Make You “Happy”

Take a second to consider that there is something valuable that you own, and that is yourself. Then consider that some of the things you do own are ultimately an extension of yourself, they allow you to be you, they allow you to exercise the ownership of yourself in the world. This is fundamentally why having a place to call home, having a way to move around, and having the […] Read more »

I Received Facebook’s Ban Hammer Today

So it finally happened. I have been permanently banned from Facebook for violating their ever evolving “community standards”, so you can no longer find me or my pages there. My partner and I were both banned at the same time, and to even dispute the ban, they required us to submit personal details needed for opening a bank account or a crypto trading account called “KYC” (know your customer).  This […] Read more »

Feminist Roundup

This (the above meme) is because the weak writers of newer projects are projecting their own desire to be powerful, liked, smart, and successful, among other things., onto their characters, rather than creating characters and then developing them. Instead of allowing their characters to go on a hero’s journey and develop from a flawed individual into the triumphant hero, they go on a toxically low self image, envious, and narcissistic […] Read more »

Logic and Morality

Why is it important to learn critical thinking skills and logic, as well as logical fallacies? It is important to learn the correct use of logic, especially multilogical thinking, in order to arrive at truthful conclusions, but many replace logic with logical fallacies, which are a form of anti-logic, as they are deceptions that take the place of logic (deceptive reasons and reasoning), since fallere, from whence fallacy is derived, […] Read more »

Is a European Energy Crisis, Supply Chain Issues, and Global Food Shortages Incoming?

Are we headed into the perfect global economic storm? How is it possible, aside from centrally planning such an interconnected global collapse like one would plan the controlled demolition of a few buildings in NYC, for so many facets of the world economy to all collapse simultaneously? Global food supplies, global energy, supply chains, pandemics, the oil industry, hyper inflation, the stock market, real estate, and Western culture in general, […] Read more »

Simpin for the Man

Simp: “Someone who does way too much for a person they like.” ~Urban Dictionary Simpin… I see a lot of it, and I mean a LOT of it, when it comes to those who love defending their brands, celebrities, groups they identify with, ideologies, and politics. There’s no amount of mental gymnastics they won’t do, and word salad they won’t produce, to try and identify with, and therefore get the perceived rewards from, […] Read more »

The Problem with Blame

Blame is a big problem in the world, and we see a lot of it from the political left when they blame rich people, white people, men, bigots, homophobes, transphobes, anti maskers, anti science, etc., and at it’s core is envy, what Nietzsche called “ressentiment”. It doesn’t solve anything, it just interrogates and tears things down, deconstructs them, but has no creative drive, and doesn’t offer any meaningful solutions. Unfortunately, […] Read more »

Ayn Rand – Why Altruism is Evil

I’m not a fan of the dichotomy of Service to Self (STS) vs Service to Others (STO) found in the Law of One material by the so-called soul group “Ra”. It states that serving ones own self-interests is evil and that serving others is good, however, I would say that at the very least, it’s a false dichotomy fallacy and egocentric oversimplification of our options for aligning our soul, and […] Read more »

Self-Ownership: My Body, My Choice?

I took a lot of unexpected flack on a recent post about taking self-ownership, and how owning ourselves is the property right from whence all other property rights stem, because many people thought that I was making a pro-abortion post along the lines of “my body, my choice”. Here’s the post I shared: Before I discuss my observations about how people responded, I will critique two things about the above […] Read more »