Beware of False Dilemmas

We are constantly confronted with a coordinated agenda by the media and government with false dilemmas, which is a logical fallacy meant to manipulate us, and in many cases, manipulate us towards an unstated goal. This fallacy is used in situations where “only limited alternatives are considered, when in fact there is at least one additional option. The options may be a position that is between two extremes (such as […] Read more »

Honesty & the Truth

Honesty is merely the first step of truth, it is admitting that there is a problem that must be examined in the first place. If a person is dishonest about past behavior, then they are incapable of moving forward from this first phase, and remain firmly embedded in the lie of it. When honesty is not exercised, intuition is needed to determine if a lie is present, so that we […] Read more »