A New Dawn: The Constitution of Galt’s Gulch

The following was created from two pages worth of input that I wrote for a new governmental and societal system based upon the philosophies of Ayn Rand, John Locke, along with other Logocentric philosophers, psychologists, critical thinking professors, and concepts, and fed into Grok2. It was something I woke up thinking about, so I decided to give it a try. Regardless of the practicality of implementing such a system on […] Read more »

Erik Feist on Self-Government and Anarchy

The following article was actually a Facebook comment made by a friend of mine, Erik Feist, years ago in regards to somebody’s misunderstanding of anarchy (which they likely called “chaos” and “lawlessness”). I read it again from a note where I had saved it, because it was absolutely brilliant and worth reading t again years later. He clears up some biblical misunderstandings about the role of government, as well as […] Read more »

When Morality and Law are Opposed to One Another

A vast majority of people today have a very infantile view of law that is more akin to a child obeying their parents than to an adult interacting with another adult; if the government made a law, they reason, then it must therefore be immoral and wrong to disobey and/or ignore that “law”. They do not understand that there can be various forms of law, specifically the differences between universally […] Read more »

MILITARY INSIDER: They Panicked When They Saw The Future

I’m back, and my website is finally online to the public again! I apologize for the downtime, but have been working on other projects, and finally came around to calling my hosting provider to resolve the problem. A friend of mine sent me this video (below), and while I had seen it before, I rather enjoyed watching it again with a fresh perspective. Like Viktor Frankl found out during his […] Read more »

A Voluntaryist Case for Closed Borders

Unfettered immigration and open borders is problematic in the same way that an arranged marriage is problematic. It forces two parties to cohabitate together, rather than allowing them to voluntarily choose to be with those they are most attracted to and aligned with. Like an arranged (forced) marriage, forcing cultural integration is a violation of the non-aggression principle, and limits the individual’s opportunity for voluntary interactions in their home regions. […] Read more »

Voluntaryism & the Non-Aggression Principle – EFT w Nathan Martin

In this video, I give a brief description of Voluntaryism and its foundational principle, the Non-Aggression Principle, and how it relates to how we give and receive. When we are young, we learn that giving is mostly coercive, either from our family, school, or society, thus we do not have a point of reference or personal understanding of what giving without some form of subtle coercion is. I then perform […] Read more »