Wanting, Having, and the Two Games

Buddhists found that “wanting” was a source of a lot of human suffering, so many of their adherents go to monasteries and live without anything, and as a result defeat wanting, but they’re not abundant either and still in lack consciousness; the best they are able to achieve with such a lifestyle is neutrality, not abundance. Christians also practice something similar to Buddhists with their monasteries and other tricks to […] Read more »

To Be & Have, or to Want & Chase?

Once you ARE it, you’ll always HAVE it, and your life will REFLECT it. The key is found within the realization that being it is not a goal driven, but a process driven lifestyle; it is in the midst of your process that being happens, whereas goals cause you to always chase it with actions. Would you rather be and have it, or want and chase it? This subtle but major […] Read more »